

【作者】 马明良

【导师】 彭树智;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 世界史, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 伊斯兰文明与中华文明都是博大精深、历史悠久的文明,有着丰富的思想内涵、深厚的文化底蕴和持久旺盛的生命力,在过去1300多年的历史发展长河中,二者在各个层面、各个领域进行比较深入广泛的交流和交往,打下了一定的基础;在全球化浪潮中日益显现出各自独特的魅力,也面临着相似的挑战。二者只有相互交往、相互交流、相互借鉴,才能取长补短,优势互补,共存共荣,才能为全球化形势下世界多元文化的构建和人类文明的共同发展做出应有的贡献。伊斯兰文明与中华文明,同中有异,异中有同,交相辉映,异彩纷呈,二者的交往、对话,有着现实的可能性和广阔的前景。 首先,两大文明的交往有助于解决当今世界面临的一系列全球性的问题,如生态环境问题、世界和平问题、恐怖主义问题、新疾病(如爱滋病)蔓延问题、跨国犯罪问题等等。 第二,两大文明的交往有利于维护世界和平。当今世界,和平与发展已经成为时代的主题。求安宁、促和平、谋发展是全世界人民的普遍愿望和共同诉求,然而,世界上的许多地区仍然为战争的阴影所笼罩,核扩散和核威胁的问题依然存在。伊斯兰文明内在的和平精神和中华文明“和为贵”的思想,相互交融,相得益彰,一旦为更多的人们所领悟所接受,将会成为维护世界和平的巨大精神动力和价值支撑。 第三,两大文明的交往,有助于构建多元共存、“和而不同”的世界文明新秩序。在当前全球化趋势不断强化的形势下,文化霸权主义和文化极端主义已经成为威胁人类文明健康和谐发展的严重障碍,也是对文化多样性的严峻挑战。以世界十多亿人口为载体,影响遍及西亚、中亚、北非、东南亚乃至欧美许多国家的伊斯兰文明与以十多亿人口为载体影响中国、东亚、东南亚乃至世界各地华人圈的中华文明的密切交往,相互尊重,求同存异,和谐相处,是对文化多样性的最有力的支持和保护,是对文化霸权主义和文化极端主义最有力的回击,是对建立“美美与共,和而不同”的人类文明秩序的最大贡献。

【Abstract】 Both Islam civilization and Sinic civilization are well-informed, old-line with prolific thoughts, profound culture base and persistent life. during 1300 years, the intercourse between Islam civilization and Sinic civilization is extensive ,which displays unique fascination and face challenge. Only through the intercourse between Islam civilization and Sinic civilization, can it be remedied and contribute to design cultures and human civilization. the intercourse between Islam civilization and Sinic civilization is possible with expansive future.Firstly, the exchange between Islam civilization and Sinic civilization contribute to solve a series of global problems, such as, environment, world peace, terrorism, new malady (i.e AIDS) overspread and multinational crime.Secondly, the exchange between two civilizations help to keep world peace. In modern world, peace and development become the theme of world. Secure peace, promoting development are common hopes of all of the world. However many areas in world is covered by martial cloud and nucleus proliferate and nucleus menace still exist. The peace spirit in Islam civilization merge harmonious relations of Chinese civilization. Once it had been understood by more people, it would have become a strong spirit power and value of keeping world peace.Thirdly, the exchange between two civilizations helps to construct the civilized order of the world. Under the trend of globalization, culture hegemony and ultraism become an impediment of threatening human civilization development and challenge of culture diversity. If exchange between Islam civilization Based on one billion population whose influence is all over the west Asian, central Asian, North Africa, southeast Asia and Occident country and Sinic civilization with one billion population which affects china, west Asia, southeast Asia and all over the world will protect culture diversity and counterpunch culture hegemony and ultraism, which will contribute to building peaceful civilized orders.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 03期
  • 【分类号】K203
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1494

