

【作者】 张伟东

【导师】 杨守仁; 沈亨理;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 1993, 博士

【摘要】 本研究采用调查,实验、模型相结合方法,通过多年多点深入研究,建立了农业干旱模型。并将其应用于区域农业干旱评价,监测及对策分析之中。 研究结果表明: 气象干旱指标P/E(P—降水量,E—潜在蒸发量)不能准确表达农业干旱状况,本研究从作物水量平衡出发建立了农业干旱模型。 农业干旱模型由五个分室模型组成。包括农业干旱指数模型,水循环结构模型,需水结构模型,森林水分平衡模型,作物生产潜力模型。 农业干旱模型验证主要采用水量平衡法检验水循环模型,采用调查方法检验农业干旱指数,以生物量测定方法检验作物生产潜力模型。检验区域包括辽河流域,海滦河流域,淮河流域,长江流域,黄河流域二十九个类型区四十二个点。检验结果表明农业干旱模型有广泛的适用性和准确性。 农业干旱模型可用于农业干旱评价。本文对辽河流域六个区,海滦河流域九个区,黄河流域三个区,长江流域九个区P=50%,P=75%,保证率下农业干旱状况进行评价。评价结果与实际相符。 农业干旱模型可用于农业干旱监测。本研究对辽西地区玉米生育期各月干旱状况进行监测,年份从1981年至1992年。对黄淮海平原南三河平原农业土壤干旱状况进行监测,时段从1956至1984年;冬小麦生育期土壤干旱监测,从1966至1992年。监测结果与实际相符。 农业干旱模型可用于农业干旱对策研究。本研究分析辽西地区干旱规律提出地膜覆盖栽培,种植结构转换,提高土壤肥力。抑制土地退化的对策体系。分析辽下浑太河流域水循环结构与需水结构提出各区域水田规模及旱田水分调节措施。建立了黄淮海平原节水农业体系。阐明了西北地区农业干旱规律及调径体系。研究了辽宁中部平原与辽西地区,黄淮海平原与黄土高原水循环及水资源生态问题,提出区域协调,持续发展的战略对策。 农业干旱模型也可应用于作物收成预报,作物生产力布局,区域开发等方面。 本研究侧重于应用,在理论上进一步深化了对农业干旱的认识,为开展农业干旱研究具有一定的学术价值。

【Abstract】 Agricultural drought model was built by way of modleling and inquisition and experiment in china.It has been applied to evaluating agricultural drought, monitoring agricultural drought and making agricultural drought strategy.A long history has been experienced to research into the geographical aridity and humidity by use of various indices. The ratio of precipitation (P) to potential evaporation(E) can be defined as drought index.But it can’t be used to describe agricultural drought.Agricultural drought on farmland or basin,which restricted by climate, geo logy,hydrography, soil moisture,plants, cultivation and water allocation etc.,is a complicated system.The strcuture of water balance system was analysed.The formulations was given in details The agricultural drought index can be defined as I=1-Ea/EWhere:Ea is the actural evapotranspiration.A calculation formula of evaporans piration, in which many factors were taken into account, was set up as follow: ETas=Min (Ss or ETm-Pe) ETas= [ETm-Pe-ETas] [Su/Awc]~m ETa=ETas+ETau+PeAgricultoral drought model contains 5 models:agricultural drought index model, water circulation model, water requirement model, forest water balance modlel and crop productive potentialities model.Agricultral drought model has been tested by several methods: water circulation model by water balance method: water circulation model by water balance method, agricultural drought index by inquisition and crop productive potentialties model by biomassay.The regions inspected contain Liaohe basin, Hai luanhe basin, Huai he basin.Huang he basin and chang jing basin. The results showed that agricullura drought model is compatible and precision.Agricultural drought model can be used to evaluate and monitor agricultural drought, make strategies of agricultural drought and etimate crop yield.

  • 【分类号】S423
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】757

