

Studies on the Development of Group Enterprises Inheilongjiang Reclamation Areas

【作者】 傅国文

【导师】 李友华;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 目前,我国农业和农村经济发展已经进入了一个新的历史阶段。十六大报告明确提出:“坚持以信息化带动工业化,以工业化促进信息化,走出一条科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发挥的新型工业化路子。”农业产业化按照市场规律,用工业化思维谋划农业经营模式,充分发挥农村人力资源优势,减少环境污染,提高农业效益和农民收入;通过不断优化农畜产品结构和农畜产品的精深加工,促进农业向绿色、有机、安全食品上发展,提高资源的利用效率和农产品附加值;农业产业化的关键在于建设一批具有强势牵动作用的龙头加工企业。新型工业化要求遵循市场经济规律,重视科学技术进步,以信息化带动农业产业化,高度拉长农业产业链,以满足人民群众不断增长的物质文化生活需求。正确处理工业与农业的关系,能够做到既促进农业产业化,同时又带动一批相关产业的发展,促进农村人口向中心城镇集聚,并为中心城镇的发展奠定坚实基础。本文以农业产业化发展的基本理论为依据,细致深入地分析了黑龙江垦区农业企业集团的发展。研究以黑龙江垦区农业产业化的组织形式和集团管理模式为对象,利用了比较归纳分析法、规范研究与实证研究相结合、一般分析与特殊分析等研究方法,在总结国内外农业产业化、集团化理论及发展的基础上,对黑龙江垦区农业企业集团管理发展问题进行分析与研究。建立了企业集团内部管理体制及运行机制的评价指标体系和企业集团综合实力评价指标体系,用定量分析的方法评价了企业集团的社会效益。具体来说,全文共分为十二个部分: 第一部分引言。本课题研究的目的和意义、国内外研究综述、主要研究内容及方法与思路。第二部分企业集团化的基本理论。在对国有企业集团化的公共选择理论、当代西方规制理论、农业产业化经营理论研究的基础上,进一步论证了规模经济与企业集团、企业集团控制模式,为本论文论述奠定了基础。第三部分企业集团化发展的国际经验及其对我国的启示。主要介绍了韩国企业集团的特点及其发展趋势、日本企业集团股权结构与市场竞争,比较了美日企业集团成长历史及追求经济效率方式和欧美企业集团的不同,总结了国际经验及对我国的启示。第四部分黑龙江垦区经济体制改革的基本进程。实行财务包干,适时向所得税制过渡、实行农工商综合经营,推进农业产业化、大农场套家庭农场的农业双层经营体制、调整所有制结构,发展多种经济成分、改革企业领导体制,推行承包经营责任制、转换企业经营机制,全方位推进企业制度创新、适应市场经济要求,推进垦区管理体制改革、深化配套改革,建立和完善农垦社会保障体系、实行对外开放,大力发展外向型经济。第五部分黑龙江垦区企业集团化发展现状。介绍了黑龙江垦区实现集团化的优势和集团化过程中存在的问题。第六部分黑龙江垦区企业集团化发展分析。分析了黑龙江垦区产业链延伸、联结的条件、思路与步骤,论述了黑龙江垦区企业集团化发展的条件,创建了黑龙江垦区企业集团发展模式。第七部分黑龙江垦区企业集团管理体制分析。先介绍了大型企业集团通常采用的组织

【Abstract】 Presently, rural and agricultural economy development has entered in a new historical stage. The Chinese Communist Party’s Sixteenth Congress decided to “develop a new industrialization way of high science and technology contain, better economic benefit, lower consumption of resources, less environmental pollution, more ascendant human resources, insist on the way of information promotes industrialization, meanwhile industrialization promotes information industry development.”Agricultural industrialization must abide by market laws, and to plan the development model should follow by industrial thoughts, take full advantages of rural human resources, reduce environmental pollution, and increase the agricultural profits and farmer income. In order to promote the development of green and organic agricultural production food safety, and to increase the efficiency of agricultural resources utilization and extra profits of agricultural products, it is necessary to optimize the agricultural structure and extractive process of agricultural and husbandry products. The key factor of agricultural industrialization is to construct dragon-head processing industries to take the function of pulling. It is necessary to abide by the market economic laws, emphasize on the advance of science and technology, industrialization brings along information development, extent agricultural industrialization chain; meet the demands of the local residents with the economy and social development for the new model industry development. It is very important to settle the relationship between agriculture and industry for the agricultural industrialization, motivate the developments of corresponding industries, promote transfer of human resources from rural region to urban region, as well as establish a sound base for the development of center towns. In this dissertation, the basic theory is agricultural industrialization. The main target of the research is the organization and management models of agricultural industrialization of the development group enterprise in Heilongjiang reclamation areas. The methodologies include induce and comparative analysis, criterion and case studies, and general and specific analysis. After a overview of the theories and research trends of the subject in the world, the author analyzed the management of group enterprise development in Heilongjiang reclamation areas, setup an appraisal system of internal managements and operational mechanisms for the group enterprises and analyzed the social benefit by calculation. Generally speaking,the dissertation is composed of 12 chapters: Chapter 1. Introduction. It covers the significance and purpose of the research, overview of research trends domestic and abroad, research contents, methodologies and framework, and thoughtway of the study. Chapter 2. Basic theories of group enterprise. It is a groundwork of the dissertation. Some issues, such as scale economy and group enterprise, mechanism and model dominated by group enterprise are discussed based on the theories of Public Choices , contemporary occident institution and agro-industrialization managements. Chapter 3. International experiences and revelation to China concerns the problem of the development group enterprises. Korean model and Japanese model of group enterprises, comparison on economic efficient modes and group enterprise development in USA and Japan, comparison on group enterprise in Europe and America, and international experiences and revelation to China were discussed in the chapter. Chapter 4 . The course of economic system reform in Heilongjiang reclamation areas. Some issues, which are financial lump work and transition into income tax system, comprehensieve operation of agriculture, industry and business, to promote agro-industrialization, two-tier management system of family farm among plantation, ownership rights structure and to develop multi-economy, leadership system reform of enterprise and promote contract management responsibilty system, enterprise management mechanism and promote of enterprise’s institutional innovation, administrative system reform base on market economy demands in the reclamation areas, constitute and perfect the social guarantee system by the way of deepening and completing set reform, and promote export-oriented economy are discussed here. Chapter 5. Advantages of centralizational managements in Heilongjiang reclamation areas Advantages and issues in the process of collectivization centralizational managements of Heilongjiang reclamation areas are discussed in the chapter. Chapter 6. Options of enterprise development of Heilongjiang reclamation areas group enterprises. In the chapter, industrial chain extension and coupling, thoughtway and approach on industrial chain extension and coupling, qualifications of enterprise development are analysed, and developing models in Heilongjiang reclamation areas group enterprises is established by the author. Chapter 7. Analysis on management system of group enterprises in Heilongjiang reclamation areas. The author probes into adminstrative system in Heilongjiang reclamation areas group enterprises based on the analysis on the organization structure adopted by large group enterprises, management of large group enterprises, and corporation management related to control. Chapter 8. Appraisal system of the administration of group enterprises in Heilongjiang reclamation areas. Chapter 9. Analysis on risks of Beidahuang group enterprise in Heilongjiang state owned farms. The framework of constitution of risk alarm ystem, apprasail and constitution of financial alarm index system of the group enterprises were discussed based on the analysis on debt risk and external risks of group enterprises in Heilongjiang state owned farms. Chapter 10. Group enterprise grandness by the ways of capital managements. Case studies are discussed based on the analysis on Beidahuang Group setup by the means of capital management,capital operaion of group enterprises Chapter 11. Strategies on group enterprise’s development of Heilongjiang reclamation areas. Some strategies, which foster group enterprise of the prominence industry and strong core competition, creation normative modern enterprise instition and innovation of system and management, cognition of superiority of modern enterprise system, advance multiple share rights of enterprise, advance standardization of corporation management structure,advance system reform based on the special mechanism in enterprises, advance undate and innovation of traditional industry and to drive industrialization based on information development, insist on the direction of industralization and innovation of base construction, promote marketing system development and promote big development by big circulation, accelerate the steps of interntional cooperation and innovate the external opening, perfect appraisal system and sustain high efficient operation of group enterprises, emphasis on industrial chain extension and connection, ensure sustainable development of group enterprises, accelerate the aim development model of the group enterprises, and perfect internal bank managements and support enterprise development actively, are discussed in the chapters. Chapter 12. Conclusions. It summarized and generalized the dissertation, and put forward prosperous future based on the research.


