

Smuggling, Suppressing Smuggling, and Foreign Trade in China

【作者】 李琴

【导师】 陈伟明;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 专门史, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 华南地区一直是中国对外贸易的重要地区,随着对外贸易的繁荣,走私也成为华南地区尤为突出的社会问题。尤其是在1930年至1949年,华南地区的走私活动更为突出。为了遏止日益猖獗的走私活动,维护正常的贸易秩序,当时的国民政府与华南地方政府都采取各种措施加强和完善缉私体制,也取得了一定成效。但在当时的特殊历史背景以及错综复杂的中外贸易关系中,官方的缉私活动举步维艰,在缉私的背后,事实上展现的是各国,各方力量利益的角逐。这一时期由于特殊的国际、国内环境,无论是走私活动还是缉私立法都与中外贸易关系密切,走私在一定程度上成为中外贸易之战的主阵地,而国民政府缉私工作的松弛与加强在很大程度上也成为影响中外贸易兴衰的重要因素。走私、缉私与对外贸易的互动,成为观察当时中外贸易关系、中外关系史的另一视角。 本文的前言部分回顾了中外学术界关于这一课题的研究成果,介绍了本文的研究方法、学术价值。正文则分为上、下两篇。上篇主要探讨这一时期华南地区走私活动与中外贸易的互动关系。以抗日战争为分界线,分为三个不同阶段。战前华南地区的走私在英、日走私贸易中拉开帷幕,战时又有气势汹汹的日货走私肆虐其中,战后又在“无货不美”的美货走私倾销中结束。本文用三章分别对各个阶段的走私与中外贸易的特点展开论述。第一章从分析战前华南地区中外贸易的特点入手,揭示了中外贸易关系与走私的内在关系。第二章则着重分析走私在战时国民政府与日本的贸易之战中的地位和作用,说明走私在这一阶段成为中日双方贸易战的武器并论述了抗日战争时期走私的新特点。第三章则论述战后中外贸易的发展变化并与走私活动的演变联系起来研究,并揭示战后华南地区走私愈演愈烈的原因及表现等。 本文下篇主要探讨在中外贸易及走私的背景下国民政府及华南地方政府缉私立法的各种措施与手段。第一章主要介绍晚清至战前国民政府的缉私立法体系,该阶段是国民政府缉私立法工作的创建阶段,各项措施均不甚完善。第二章主要介绍抗日战争时期国民政府和日本对待缉私的态度及国民政府的缉私立法体系,与战前相比,国民政府加大了缉私立法工作,各种缉私机构层出不穷,各项缉私法令也纷纷出台,但由于战争的破坏,缉私工作无法正常展开,缉私效能有限。第三章则主要介绍抗日战争结束后至建国前,国民政府缉私体制的恢复与崩溃。第四章则总结了这一时期国民政府在华南地区缉私政策的演变阶段。 最后,本文总结了走私的危害与国民政府缉私的经验教训,并认为应从多方面加强对缉私的管理工作,从而完善、健全缉私工作,促进中外贸易的良性健康的发展。

【Abstract】 South China had been an important area for foreign trade in China. With the prosperity of foreign trade, smuggling had also become a notorious social problem in South China. It had become more serious especially during the period from 1930 to 1949. In order to suppress the increasing rampant and unrestrained smuggling, as well as to protect the normal trade order, the central and local governments at the time took various measures to reinforce and improve the suppressing system, which resulted in success to some degree. However, with the special historical background and complicated sino-foreign trade relations, the official suppressing of smuggling was confronted with tremendous difficulties. Under the veil of suppressing smuggling, there hid the struggle for interests and benefits between various counties and groups. During this period, owing to specific national and international conditions, both smuggling and legal suppressing of smuggling had much bearing on foreign trade. To an extent, smuggling had become the major battlefield for foreign trade. Consequently, the slackening and reinforcement of smuggling suppressing on the part of the National Government played an important role in the prosperity and the recession of the foreign trade. The interaction between smuggling, smuggling-suppressing, and foreign trade, therefore, provides a new perspective for examining sino-foreign trade relationship and the history of sino-foreign relationship.In the induction of this paper, apart from a retrospect to the research achievement home and abroad on this topic, the research method and academic value have also been introduced. The main body of the paper contains two parts. The first part mainly discusses the interplay between smuggling and foreign trade in South China in this period. With the anti-Japanese war as demarcation lines, this period can be divided into three phases. In the pre-war phase, the smuggling in South China set off in the process of British and Japanese smuggling trade. During the war, the tremendous influx of Japanese smuggling goods went almost unchecked. The post-war phase concluded itself in the smuggling dumping of American commodities in the tide of the "every piece of goods was made in American". Three chapters are respectively devoted to the characteristics of smuggling and foreign trade in South China in these three phases. The first chapter, beginning with the features of foreign trade in South China in pre-war phrase, expounds the intrinsic relation between foreign trade and smuggling. The second chapter, focusing on the analysis of the role of smuggling and its impact on the trade war between the National Government and Japan, demonstrates the new features of smuggling and the fact that smuggling had become a weapon in the trade war between the two countries. The third chapter, after explaining the development of foreign trade in the post-war phrase and relating it to the changes of smuggling, reveals the reasons and manifestations of the increasingly rampant smuggling.The second part of the paper probes into various measures and means adopted by the National Government and local government for suppressing smuggling in the context of foreign trade and smuggling. The first chapter introduces the legislative system for suppressing smuggling fromlate Qing Dynasty to the pre-war period, which was the inchoate stage for suppressing smuggling and establishing related legislative systems despite the immature measures in every aspect. The second chapter depicts the legislative system for smuggling suppressing, as well as the different attitudes on smuggling on the parts of the National Government and Japan. Compared with the pre-war phase, the National Government in this period strengthened the legislative system for smuggling suppressing, resulting in numerous smuggling-suppressing organizations at all levels, and multifarious relevant laws. However, owing to the devastating war, the measures of suppressing smuggling could not to be implemented as usual, and the effect of suppressing measures was limited. The third chapter delves into the restoration and collapse of the National Government’s smuggling suppressing system. The four chapter summaries the evolution of the National Government’s smuggling suppressing policies in South China.Lastly, the paper sums up the jeopardy of smuggling and the experiences and lessons from the National Government’s suppressing efforts. The paper suggests the suppressing of smuggling should be reinforced and improved from political, economic and cultural perspectives so that foreign trade in China can be developed without any hindrance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 01期
  • 【分类号】K263;K265;K266
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1149

