

A Study of Discovered Armors and Helmets from Pre-Qin to Han Dynasties

【作者】 张卫星

【导师】 韩国河;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 秦汉考古与秦汉史研究, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本文以我国考古出土的先秦至两汉时期甲胄作为对象进行综合研究。首先是对这一时期各阶段甲胄及马甲胄的类型学研究,其次是对总体特点和发展演变及其原因等的探讨,最后还就这一时期甲胄的制作及储藏、在现实和丧葬中的使用、对社会生活的影响等相关问题作了探讨。 全文分为引言、绪论、先秦至两汉出土甲胄形制研究、先秦至两汉甲胄的发展演变、先秦至两汉甲胄相关问题研究、结语等六个部分。 引言部分简要阐明本文选题的依据。 第一章 绪论。首先介绍我国古代甲胄名谓,定义本研究所使用的名词;继尔概述这一时期考古出土的甲胄材料;最后介绍这一时期我国甲胄研究的现状,并提出甲胄研究参照的理论与方法。 第二章 先秦至两汉出土甲胄形制研究。本章将先秦至两汉时期分为商代至西周、东周、秦代、汉代四个阶段,第一至四节分别是这四个阶段甲胄形制的类型学研究,主要从考古发现、甲片形制、甲胄的形制、甲的编缀与连结等方面进行研究,还对秦代、汉代两个阶段铠甲的色彩与装饰进行了初步探讨。第五节是对马甲胄的研究,对马甲的组成部分及其类型进行了分析,还讨论了马甲胄的相关问题。 第三章 先秦至两汉甲胄的发展演变。对于甲胄的发展演变规律主要从甲片形制、甲胄的编缀以及甲胄的形制三个方面来进行分析,第一节讨论甲胄札片的形制变化及其特点,第二节讨论甲胄编缀与连结的发展,第三节讨论甲胄的形制变化及其特点,还讨论了东周时期甲胄的区别与联系等问题。第四节讨论这一时期我国甲胄发展的社会经济背景,社会经济发展是甲胄发展的社会基础;青铜冶铸业、冶铁业、皮革业以及髹漆业等手工业的发展为甲胄发展提供了技术支持。战争因素是甲胄产生和发展的内在动力,战争方式的转变以及军队数量、兵种的发展客观上都在制约和影响着甲胄的发展。 第四章 先秦到两汉时期甲胄相关问题的讨论。第一节,讨论先秦至两汉

【Abstract】 The author researches synthetically into Chinese discovered armors and helmets which were used in antiquity from Pre-Qin(periods before Qin dynasty) to Han dynasties. The article takes armors and helmets as the researching objects, and began with the typological research on human and horse armors and helmets of different phrases in these periods. Then it elucidates and discusses their main traits, disciplinarian and reasons of their development. Eventually, it discusses some correlative matters such as their making and storing ways, being used in reality and funeral rites, their effects on social life, and so on.The whole article has six parts. It begins with introduction and prolegomenon, next come three parts researching into armors and helmets used in periods from Pre-Qin to Han dynasties, concerning their forms, structures and evolvement, and the correlative matters, Aftermost, it is epilogue.The introduction briefly explains the gist of this topic and the significance of researching armors and helmets.The first chapter is prolegomenon. At first, it introduces ancient appellation of armors and helmets and defines the name of this research. Then it summarizes the discovery of armors and helmets. Evently, it is introduction of research situation and points out referenced study theories and methods.Research into their forms and structures is the second chapter. It divides the periods from Pre-Qin to Han dynasties into four phrases: Shang and Western Zhou dynasties, Eastern Zhou dynasties, Qin dynasties and Han dynasties. Sections from the first to fourth are typological researches about their forms and structures, including discovery relics, concerning forms and structures of armors and helmets, armor pieces, making and weaving ways. In addition, it discusses elementarily their colors and decorations. Fifth section which is about horse armor and helmet, analyses constituent parts and pattern of horse armor, then it discusses some correlative matters.Armors and helmets evolvement from Pre-Qin to Han dynasties is a significant part of third chapter. The author analyses the disciplinarian of their development mainly through three aspects: forms and structures of armors and helmets and armor pieces, their making and weaving ways. The first section mainly discusses traits and the change of Zhajia (the shape of plate like a bamboo slip) armor pieces; second one is development of connecting means and weaving ways; third chapter is about the change of armors and helmets, their characteristics, and the advantages of Zhajiaarmor. The fourth section discusses the social economic background of the development of Chinese armors and helmets. Agricultural development provides society with material wealth, and this is social basis of armors and helmets development. The development of industries such as smelting bronze and iron, leather and lacquer, is an important factor which influences the development of armors and helmets. But wars are inherent motilities that give birth to armors and helmets and promote their development, which is restricted and influenced impersonally by change of war manners, army quantity and arms of services.There are some argumentations about correlative matters of armors and helmets in fourth chapter. In the first section ,the author discusses their traits and making ways in different materials, and probes into their making and storing from the point of view of a management regulation. In the second section, he discusses the use of armors and helmets from the point of view of realism. At first, he dissertates their using in army as defended tools from three aspects: equipments of chariots, armour and soldiers. Then he describes their using in honour guard in these periods. In the third section he summarizes the using of armors and helmets and their ramification in funeral, and discusses their used reasons, they are symbols of status when used in funeral. In the fourth section, he discusses the Zijia armor of Qin state in late stage of Warring State period with bamboo slips for writing on found in Qin. He believes that, in fact, Zijia armor is another name of fine, and points out the appearance of this phenomenon is the very expression of its influence on society. It is obvious that armors and helmets played an important role in antiquity.The main researching content is mentioned above. Researching into armors and helmets, pursuers try to combine the development of them with society from the point of macroscopical view, in the meanwhile, they pay attention to factors influencing development of armors and helmets, war manners and advancement of arms, especially, attacking ones.There are few theses about armors and helmets of Pre-Qin to Han dynasties, so we discuss it on the basis of preliminary researches; the more importance is that we put forward new cognition on study methods and patterns. From this research, author has new cognition on the study methods, and carries out in research in the future. So there are characteristic study patterns in researching armors and helmets, and they are effective in practice.

【关键词】 先秦至两汉甲胄演变研究
【Key words】 Pre-Qin to Han dynastiesArmor and HelmetEvolutionResearch
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 08期
  • 【分类号】K875.8
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1237

