

On the Industrial Organization of Chinese Higher Education

【作者】 钟卫东

【导师】 李柏洲;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 回顾人类从农业社会、工业社会,到知识经济时代的发展历程,教育在经济增长中的作用越来越重要。现代经济发展已经不能单纯依靠自然资源和人的体力劳动,更多地依靠高劳动者的智力水平,并以此来代替原有的生产要素。高等教育作为教育中的最高层次,担负着为国家培养高层次专业人才的培养任务,是国家实现科学技术进步、经济发展和国际竞争力提升的原动力。在21世纪新的国际竞争形势下,中国高等教育产业必须用新的思路去探索产业的发展,制定具有前瞻性、合理性、可执行性的产业政策,实现产业组织的创新和优化,走出一条符合我国国情,具有中国特色的高等教育产业可持续发展之路。 论文对国内外产业组织理论进行了系统综述,对市场结构、市场行为、市场绩效等方面有关的国内外研究成果进行了科学地概括。 论文对我国高等教育市场范围进行了界定。从高等教育市场的产品因素和地理因素两个方面进行分析,把高等教育市场界定为国内市场。对我国高等教育市场的市场结构进行了分析,通过对产业集中度、赫芬达尔指数的测算,确定我国高等教育市场是个低集中度的市场。对我国高等教育市场的产品差异化进行深入研究,指出部分高校培养学生的规模在我国整个高等教育市场中占有的市场份额不大,但是几乎垄断了所有成绩优异的学生,良好的教育资源进一步提高了学生的培养质量,使高等教育产业市场产品差异化程度很高,这部分高校在市场中处于垄断地位。高等教育产业固定成本投入较大,且需要足够的教学和科研人员,这些对潜在的市场进入者形成了较大威胁,市场存在较高壁垒。经研究得出我国的高等教育市场结构类型为低集中度的寡头垄断市场这一结论。 论文对我国高等教育产业规模经济进行了研究,从高等教育成本入手,对高等教育成本与经济规模的关系进行了分析,并利用MATLAB软件,对我国高校的在校生规模和生均教育支出情况分别进行曲线拟合,计算出高校最优经济规模区间,并对高校教育成本模型进行线性回归和显著性检验。 论文对我国高等院校合并进行了分析,对高校合并的活动、技术、规则、目标四个基本要素,以及四要素间的结构模式进行了理论分析。利用系统经济学和福利经济学原理对高校合并的效用进行了分析,并提出合并可以提高

【Abstract】 Looking back at the historical process, from agriculture society, industrial society to knowledge economy era, we can find that education is playing an increasingly important role in the development of economy. Especially today’s economic development is based much more on intelligence level of labors than merely on natural resources or physical work, with the former replacing the latter as the key factor of production. Higher-education, the hightest level of education, shoulders the responsibility of educating well-qualified professionals for our nation and functions as motive power to develop science and technology, to speed economic development and to enhance the international competitiveness. With the intense international competition in the 21st century, Chinese higher-education has to devise forward-looking, practical and feasible industrial policies, from new perspectives, to realize the innovation and optimization of industrial organization, and thus paves the way of sustainability of higher-education of Chinese characteristic.Based on theoretical analyses of industrial organization theories of both domestic and abroad, scientific summarization has been made about market structure, market behaviour and market performance.Furthermore, the market scale of Chinese higher-education is defined. Based on the discussion of geographical factor and product factor, higher-education is labelled as domestic market. Through the analyses of market structure and the calculation of the concentration ratio and Herfinder Index, our higher-education market is designated as low concentration ratio market. After the thorough study of product variation of Chinese higher-education, it is pointed out that some universities are taking limited share in education students, but almost monopolize all top students and their good teaching resources further ensure the quality of students, which makes market products vary much from one another. These universities are taking the oligarchy position. The input of fixed cost is high and many teaching and research staff are needed, which all intimidate the potential competitors. Higher barriers are there in the market. It is concluded that ourhigher-education market is a low concentration ratio, oligarchy market.The thesis also studies the scale economy of higher-education, starting with the analyses of cost input and the interrelationship between cost input and scale economy. With the help of the software, named MATLAB, the thesis makes curve simulation of the scale of students and study expense per student, and compute the optimized economy scale intervals and further conducts linear regression analysis and significance test.Merging process among colleges and universities is also covered, with the analyses of four basic factors, namely, merging decisions, skills, rules and targets. The measurability of unitily with the employment of the principles of systematic economics and welfare economics are also made in the thesis. The thesis is in favor of the merging decision since it can help strengthen the core competitiveness by raising the disciplinary level, improving the scientific research, bettering teaching quality, financing school operation money and improving administration.The thesis also focuses its attention on the lagging effect of higher-education input compared with the GDP growth, the relationship between the two and the contribution made by higher-education input to GDP.Based on the thorough analyses of industrial structure, the thesis proposes suggestions about the organization policy and some valuable solutions, among which are: the further adjustment and optimization of industrial organization of higher-education; the encouragement of moderate expansion; further implementation of reform of organization management system; the encouragement of product variation and pursuit of characteristic development; speeding the open process to the outside world. Therefore, the thesis offers some scientific suggestion for optimization of our higher-education industrial organization.


