

The Research on Product Innovation Management of China Commercial Bank

【作者】 孙宏

【导师】 黄清;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 商业银行是经济发展的产物,在经济金融体系中占有十分重要的地位,并且日益成为推动经济金融发展的重要力量。产品创新是增强商业银行核心竞争力的关键手段之一,新产品是商业银行发展和利润增长的关键。只有不断利用现代信息技术和金融理论,开发适应不同目标客户需要的具有较强竞争力和较大经济价值的金融新产品,才能获取持续的竞争优势和增利源泉。 中国的金融业在面对激烈的竞争时,除体制和社会环境的影响因素外,产品品种匮乏、产品创新重复建设、同质化,缺乏总体规划、创新速度慢、能力低,产品创新及管理上的弊端日益显现。产品创新是企业的灵魂,加强产品创新管理是实现有效产品创新的重要保障。国内银行在加快产品创新的同时必须加强管理,制定准确的发展战略,选择并运用科学的管理模式,才能增强自身的竞争能力,才能在市场上占有席地。 本文针对国内理论界对金融创新含义和分类众说纷纭的状况,结合本文的研究内容,对金融创新、银行产品概念加以界定。通过对银行产品创新的动因理论和产品创新管理等相关理论的分析,提出国内商业银行产品创新的动因,为开拓银行产品创新管理提供理论基础。 针对商业银行产品创新的现实状况和存在的问题,剖析银行产品创新滞后的经济影响,提出在分业经营体制下,我国商业银行产品创新的总体构想,为银行产品创新提供依据和参考。 引入模块化理论,论证银行产品创新模块化管理的可行性,提出模块化是商业银行产品创新模式的重要方向,并根据银行产品模块的特点,将银行产品分为六大一级模块,并通过“现金管理”产品进行实证分析。同时运用集成、并行工程和合作工程等理论和方法,对商业银行产品创新的管理组织形式进行论证,并试图构筑商业银行的整体组织集成结构。 本文基于商业银行新产品定价的现状及存在问题的分析,提出银行资产、负债、收费类产品和结售汇等新产品定价的模型和较为详细的计算过程,同时对公司类贷款产品的定价进行案例分析。针对电子银行类产品的特点,提出版本差异化多重定价观点,有效地提高商业银行产品创新的经济效益,具有较强的实践性和推广价值。 运用层次分析法和模糊综合评价法,设计商业银行产品创新的前评价指标体系。在对新产品成本和收入比较合理归集的基础上,以作业成本法、经济增加值法和平衡计分卡有机结合为基本思路,提出产品创新的绩效评价方案。 此外,本文还从政府和企业两个角度,对商业银行制度创新、构建符合国际惯例的监管模式、强化经济资本管理和建立合理的内部资金转移定价系统等方面加以研究,提出推进商业银行产品创新的对策建议。

【Abstract】 The commercial bank is the outcome of economic development.It is very vital in the economy and finance system,and increasingly become rhe important force of driving economy and financee.Product innovation is one of boost-up competition means in the commercial bank.New products is the key of bank development and profit augment.In order to gain competitive advantage and more profits, the commercial banks have to use the modern information technology and financial theory, develop the various new products for more clients.Facing the drastic rival, except the system and social environment factors, China bank lacks variety of products and system layout, constructs repetitively, exits homogeneity phenomenon, and infects the innovation pace and ability of products. If commercial banks want to rapid the variety of products, they have to enhance innovation management, enact the exact development strategy, choose and use scientific management mode, boost up their core capability of competition. So they can occupy the situation of the financial market in the world.The article contraposes varirous concepts and classifications of finance innovation, newly circles the meanings of the finance innovation and products of the commercial bank.Bases on the methods, such as the causes of financial products innovation and the methods of product innovation management, the dissertation brings forward the reasons of products innovation of banks in China. These make the foundation for the research of product innovation management.The dissertation bases on the situation of products innovation and its management, analyzes economics affection of lag, and brings forward the overall strategy of products innovation in the working system of China finance.The article introduces the methods of modularity, demonstrates the feasibility in the management mode of the financial product, and brings forward that modularization is the trend of exploitation mode on the financial products. Based on the characters of products,the article classify it into six types,and demonstrates its modularity in the cash management. At the same time exercises the new methods, such as integration, concurrent engineering, and collaborative engineering, reasons the integration mode of organizations, and efforts to construct the overall framework of commercial banks in China.The thesis points out the problems of pricing, lays out the model of financial products and probes into them carefully.,and illustrates the loan of company to validate its value.In the meantime the article emphasizes the products of electric bank, lodges the pricing methods of its discrepancy edition to increase the profits of the bank. It possesses strong values of practice.Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process and Blur Comprehensive Appraisal method, index systems of pre-evaluation in the financial product innovation are pointed out. With the analysis of Activity-Based Costing, Economic Value added and Balanced Score Card, the thesis tries to build up appraisal method of performance on product innovation.In addition, the dissertation makes efforts to give the government and enterprisecountermeasures and advice of accelerating product innovation,such as system innovation, supervision mode according with internationall convention* consolidating economic capital management and pricing system of interior capital transfer,etc.


