

Study on the Poetess in Qing Dynasty

【作者】 段继红

【导师】 罗时进; 严明;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 古代文学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本文在前人为数不多的研究成果基础上,从原始文献材料出发,第一次较为全面地梳理和分析了清代女性创作的整体风貌:又以女性的立场、女性的视觉和女性的感受,通过对“私人日记”式的文本细读,将其鲜活的个体生命和丰富的情感立体呈现:分析其创作的独特审美价值,为其在文学史上寻找合理的定位。 引言中将20世纪以来海内外清代女性文学方面的文献整理及研究成果做了详尽的综述,梳理出一条较为清晰的研究脉络,并对今后的研究工作作了展望。 正文分为上下两编。上编总论为清代女性创作内蕴及风格之面面观,共设四章。第一章为清代女性文学概况,总结清代女性创作的丰硕成果,并对兴盛的原因加以分析。 第二章从清代女诗人主题的继承和突破入手,分析清代女性生存的状况及女性意识渐渐觉醒的心路历程。 第三章对清代女诗人常用的题材进行了类型分析。由于清代女诗人获得了较为自由的生活方式,因此她们的视阈相对广阔,笔下涉及的内容也就较前代更加丰厚。 第四章分析清代女性婉约缠绵基调下异彩纷呈的艺术风格。 下编为作家论,选取清代最具规模的女性文学团体随园女弟子及最具代表性的几位女诗人进行个案分析。第一章:袁枚及随园女弟子,从中选取席佩兰、孙云凤、金纤纤、严蕊珠、骆绮兰五人作为代表。 第二章:清代闺秀三大家:徐灿、顾春、吴藻。徐灿是明末清初的爱国女词人,其词无论在境界和意蕴上均为女中翘楚,是第一个将爱国内容打入词中的女词人;满族女诗人顾春以过人的才华在清代诗坛上贏得了极高的声誉,本节分析了太清诗中透露出的孤独压抑的生存本相、诗酒风流的林下之风及天外飞仙的出世情怀。吴藻与徐灿、顾春并称清代女词人三大家,又与纳兰容若并称为两大词人。本节从婚姻带来的轻愁浅恨、交游情况、求名意识和逃禅出世等角度全面分析吴词的内容及艺术风貌。 第三章:农妇诗人贺双卿,本章姑不论其真伪,从恶劣的生存环境、边缘文人心目中完美的才女形象、优美的艺术情思和自觉的书写意识入手,分析其词的内蕴、艺术特征及其在清代女性文学史上的特殊地位。 第四章:薄命女词人熊琏,本章从其遇人不偶的婚姻悲剧、人生思考和薄命意识,朴素浑成、幽怨冷寂的词风等方面着眼,全面分析考量了其人其词。 第五章:沈善宝是清代中晚期一位重要的女诗人,本章从高自期许与才名焦虑、多姿多彩的思想内蕴及清刚沉郁的艺术风貌两方面入手,全面分析其创作对于清代女性文学的内蕴和艺术表现手法的开拓意义。

【Abstract】 This thesis is on the foundation of few of forefathers’ research results, proceed from primitive document material, have combed and analysed the whole style and features which women created of Qing Dynasty more comprehensivly for the first time. With women’s position , women’s vision and women’s feeling, through reading to the text of " private diary " type in detail, present its lifelike individual life and abundant emotion three-dimensionally .analyse its unique aesthetic value created,look for the rational localization in the history of literature for it.In the Foreword , I have put research results of women of literature in Qing Dynasty in order and make the exhaustive survey since the the 20th century, comb out a comparatively clear train of thought of research, and look into the distance to the research work in the future.The article is divided into two parts. First part is the introduction. It has described content and style which women in Qing Dynasty created .It last four chapter altogether. Chapter one is women’s literature overview of Qing Dynasty, summarize the fruits which women of Qing Dynasty created and the reason of women’s literature prosperity is analysed.Chapter two proceed with the inheritting of poetess’ subject matter of Qing Dynasty and break-through , analyse the mind experience that the state that women survived and women’s consciousness were awakenned gradually of Qing Dynasty.Chapter three the subject matter that the poetess was commonly used has carried on type analysis to Qing Dynasty. Because the poetess obtained the comparatively free life style in Qing Dynasty, their visual threshold was relatively wide, the relatively former generation of content involved in the works is more generous .Chapter four analyses graceful and restrained touching fundamental keys of women made the artistic style that radiant splendour appeared in Qing Dynasty.The next content is writer’s comment, choosing and analyse the largest scale women literature group which was named YuanMei’s woman disciples and several representative poetesses in Qing Dynasty.Chapter one: YuanMei with his woman disciples , choosing XI-peilan, SUN-yunfeng , JIN-xianxian , YAN-ruzhu,LUO-qilan , 5 people as representatives from it.Chapter two: Three remarkable poetesses of Qing Dynasty: Xu can, Gu-chun , Wu-zao. Xu- can was a patriotic poetess between the latter stage of Ming Dynasty and initial stage of Qing Dynasty. She was the first poetess to write the patriotic content into the poem .Gu-chun , poetess of Manchu , had gained extremely high reputation on the poetry circles of Qing Dynasty with the remakabletalent. Her poem revealed existence true situation in loneliness and displayed her graceful and bold individual character .Wu-zao is a remarkable poetess in Qing Dynasty.This text analyses her depressed life, making friends situation, the consciousness of pursuing the reputation , religious mood ,and artistic style and features .Chapter three: Peasant woman’s poet He-shuangqing. She grew in the abominable living environment, having literature talents .The article has analysed the content of her word, artistic characteristic, and her special status in the history of women’s literature of Qing Dynasty.Chapter four: Born unlucky woman Xun- lian . This chapter proceeds with her marriage tragedy and unfortunate life , analyseing her simple and vigorous style of poem .Chapter five: Shen-shanbao was an important poetess of later period in Qing Dynasty. This part is from the standing of her self-confident, colourful thought content, bold and unconstrained artistic style and analyses in an all-round way her contribution to the content of women’s literature of Qing Dynasty and open-up meaning of the artistic technique of expression.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 06期

