

Comparison Study of Human Brain Response to Acupuncture Stimulation of Weizhong (BL40) and Zusanli (ST36) by Using Functional PET-CT Imaging

【作者】 邵广瑞

【导师】 柳澄;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 影像医学与核医学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 实验一 针刺足三里穴的PET—CT脑功能成像实验研究 目的:利用PET—CT脑功能成像技术显示针刺有确定疗效的足阳明胃经的经典穴位—足三里穴时在人脑内诱发的代谢变化反应,分析研究中医经脉理论所论述的“间接入脑”经脉—足阳明胃经与相关脑功能区的联系,初步探讨针刺疗法的中枢调节机制。 方法:按照国际标准化方案定取腧穴,采用电针治疗仪,针灸刺激7名健康志愿者的右侧足三里穴,同时行全脑PET-CT功能成像。采用相同技术手段对同7例受试者行无任何穴位刺激的PET-CT脑功能成像作为空白对照。用t检验方法分析处理针灸刺激状态下与静息状态下的脑功能图像。 结果:7例中有6例受试者的资料符合研究条件被采用(1例受试者针刺时感受疼痛,其资料未被采用)。研究分析刺激状态下与静息状态下对比的脑功能图像,针刺右侧足三里穴在大脑内诱发多个区域的放射性核素摄取增高或摄取减低,图像上表现为局部脑区核素浓聚或核素稀疏(t>3.36,P<0.01,k>30voxels),反映相应脑区葡萄糖代谢增加或减少,代表该区域功能激活或抑制。根据

【Abstract】 part ⅠImaging with PET-CT on brain function while acupuncturing the acupoint ST36 (Zusanli)Objective To explore the correlation between acupuncturing the acupoint ST36(Zusanli) and specific functional areas in obtaining PET-CT imaging evidence of metabolizing changes.Methods Acupuncture stimulation was induced by manipulating acupuncture needle at the acupoint ST36(Zusanli,right leg) of 7 healthy volunteers.PET-CT data were obtained from scanning the whole brain.While another PET-CT data of scanning the whole brain were obtained without any acupuncture stimulation.A block-design paradigm was applied.Functional responses were established by students ’ group t-test analysis.Results The data sets from 6 of 7 subjects were used in the study.Signal increases and decreases elicited by acupuncture stimulating were demonstrated in multiple brain regions. Signal increases in left globus pallidus,left orbitaK BA 11 ),right inferiorC BA 44 ) ,left superior and inferior (BA 8> <K 45) ,left cerebellum.and signal decreases in bilateral occipital(BA 18> 19),right subcallosal (BA25) .right posterior limb,periaqueductal.In these brain reaction on acupuncture stimulation,Signal increases in globus pallidus, orbital, superior, inferior and cerebellum, and signal decreases in bilateral occipital lobes,paraterminal gyrus were considered as the response to the acupuncture modulating within the human brain.Conclusion Imaging with PET-CT on brain function was useful in exploring acupuncture mechanisms.Acupuncture inducing therapeutic effect probably is to by activating specific functional areas in the brain and influencing some chemical material or hormone to specific organs.part IILocalizing the specific functional areas within the human brainwhile acupuncturing the acupoint Weizhong(BL40) withfunctional PET-CT imagingObjective To characterize the correlation between acupuncturing the acupoint Weizhong(BL 40) and the specific functional areas in obtaining PET-CT imaging evidence of metabolizing changes. Exploring acupuncture mechanisms with the experimental results.Methods Acupuncture stimulation was induced by manipulating acupuncture needle at the acupoint Weizhong(BL 40,right leg) of 6 healthy volunteers,PET-CT data were obtained from scanning the whole brain.And another PET-CT data of scanning the whole brain were obtained without any acupuncture stimulation.A block-design paradigm was applied.Functional responses were established by students ’ group t-test analysis.Results Signal increases and decreases elicited by acupuncture stimulating were demonstrated in multiple brain regions ( t>3.36, P<0.01,k>30voxels) .Signal increases in these brain regions:(D.left superior,middle,inferior frontal ( BA 10, 46, 44 and 45) ,(2).left orbital (BA 11) ,(3).right superior frontal (BA 10) ,(4). bilateral occipital lobes ( BA 19, 18) ,(5) .left cerebellum cortex, (6) .left temporal pole,superior temporal (BA 38, 22 ) ,(7).left claustrum,(8).left insula, (9).left angular gyrus,supramarginal ( BA 39, 40) .And signal decreases in these brain regions: (1).bilateral cingulate gyrus ( BA 24) ,(2).left occipital lobe ( BA 19) ,(3).right inferior frontal ( BA 44) ,(4).right precentral,postcentral and left postcentral ( BA 6,1) ,(5).right central sulcus( BA 3 ),(6).left superior frontaK BA 8),(7).right inferior temporal( BA 20) ,(8) .left superrior parietal ( BA 7) ,(9) .left supramarginal ( BA 40 ) , (10) .left substantia nigra.On these metabolizing changes of brain,signal increases in superior,middle,inferior frontal,orbital,insula, cerebellum cortex,and signal decreases in cingulate gyrus, parietal lobe,substantia nigra were considered as the response to the acupuncture modulating within the human brain.Conclusion Acupuncturing the acupoint Weizhong(BL 40) result in specific cerebral activation patterns. Acupuncture inducing therapeutic effect is probably by activating specific functional areas in the brain and influencing some chemical material or hormone to specific organs.Imaging with PET-CT on brain function was useful in exploring acupuncture mechanisms.part IEComparison study of imaging with PET-CT on brain function while acupuncturing the acupoint Weizhong(BL40) and the acupoint Zusanli (ST36)Objective To explore the correlation between acupuncturing the acupoints and the specific functional areas of brain in obtaining PET-CT imaging evidence of metabolizing changes.Methods Acupuncture stimulation was separately induced by manipulating acupuncture needle at the acupoint Weizhong(BL 40,right leg) and Zusanli ( ST 36,right leg) of 10 healthy volunteers,meanwhile PET-CT data were obtained from scanning the whole brain.The data from acupuncturing one acupoint compare with those from acupuncturing another acupoint. A block-design paradigm was applied.Functional responses were established by students ’ group t-test analysis.Results Making comparison between the two PET-CT imaging evidences of metabolizing changes in acupuncturing the acupoin Weizhong and Zusanli of 10 healthy volunteers. Signal increases elicited by acupuncture stimulating were demonstrated in multiple brain regions,the two group-data of acupuncturing the two acupoints had significant differenceCt>3.36,/’<0.01).Signal increases in bilateral occipital lobes,right parietal lobe,anterior pars of the left parahippocampal,right middle and inferior temporal gyrus,left superior and middle temporal gyrus , bilateral cerebellums in the image of acupuncturing the acupoint Weizhong compared with Zusanli.and Signal increases in bilateral cingulate gyrus, bilateral precentral gyrus and bilateral supramarginal gyrus in the image of acupuncturing theacupoint Zusanli compared with Weizhong.Conclusion Acupuncturing the different acupoint result in specific cerebral activation patterns,which might explain some acupoints have specific correlation with the brain.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 02期

