

Research on Virtual Maintenance System and Model of Maintenance Production Organization and Enforcement Process

【作者】 姚玉南

【导师】 萧汉梁;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 载运工具运用工程, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 现代维修已成为一种内容广泛、涉及面广、技术复杂的产业。在国民经济和科学技术日益发展的今天,维修在社会发展(国民经济、科学技术、文化教育等)和国防建设中的地位和作用变得越来越重要,在减少环境污染、保持社会持续稳定发展等方面的作用已被越来越多的国家、越来越多的人们所认识到。 随着现代科学技术的发展,以信息技术为代表的科学技术在产品上的应用使产品不断更新,其技术含量也越来越高。在产品使用过程中,应用新的技术特别是信息技术实施对产品的维护、保养和修理,是保障产品使用的有效途径。虚拟维修系统是应用信息技术,特别是虚拟现实技术、建模与仿真技术、人工智能技术等实现对维修系统的模拟和仿真,以指导产品的维护、保养和实施过程,它的提出顺应了这一发展趋势。本论文以虚拟维修系统的体系框架及其系统建模为研究内容具有重要的理论和现实意义。论文的主要内容由五部分组成。 (1)提出了虚拟维修系统的概念,研究了虚拟维修系统的体系结构。这一结构从系统和全寿命的观点出发,充分考虑了与虚拟制造、虚拟企业的结合,使设备从设计、制造、使用维护与修理形成有机的联系。 (2)提出了维修生产系统的概念,运用系统工程方法和仿真与模型理论,建立了维修生产系统的模型体系。 (3)提出了并行维修生产系统的概念,运用企业建模理论,建立了并行维修生产系统的功能模型、资源模型、信息模型、过程模型与组织模型。 (4)运用并行维修生产系统的过程模型,建立了并行维修生产系统中维修生产实施过程的维修计划与控制的模型和算法。 (5)运用并行维修生产系统的模型,结合修船企业的实际,设计了修船企业的并行维修生产系统。 论文的研究发展了虚拟维修系统的概念及研究内涵,所建立的虚拟维修系统体系框架、并行维修生产系统的模型、维修生产实施过程的计划与控制算法以及设计的基于修船企业的并行维修生产系统,对维修企业实施对设备维修过程的管理与控制具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。

【Abstract】 Modern maintenance has become a complicated, comprehensive and inclusive industry. With the development of national economy and technology, modern maintenance is now playing a more and more important role in the social development (national economy, science and technology, culture and education, etc.) and defense construction, and its role is known by more and more nations as well as people especially on respect of pollution alleviation and society’s durative development.With the progress and development of modern science and technology, the application of the science and technology with IT as representative brings updated products and advanced technical content in it consequently. Therefore, using new technology esp. information technology to manage the product’s maintenance and repair during the process of use is the effective approach to realize the best utilization of the product. The virtual maintenance system has complied with this tendency. The virtual maintenance system is a system which guides product’s maintenance by the application of the information technology, especially virtual reality (VR) technology, modeling and simulation technology and artificial intelligence (AI) technology, to realize the maintenance system’s simulation. The paper focused on the architecture of virtual maintenance system and the system models, has theoretical and realistic meaning. Five parts constitute the paper.(1) The paper brought up the conception of virtual maintenance system and analyzed the architecture of virtual maintenance system. The architecture of VMS, which is based on the theory of life cycle, fully considered the combination of virtual manufacturing (VM) and virtual enterprise, and established a relationship between the design, manufacture, use and maintenance of plant.(2) The paper brought up the conception of maintenance production system, and established the model of maintenance production system by using the method of systems engineering and the theory of simulation and modeling.(3) The paper brought up the conception of concurrent maintenance production system, and established the function model, resource model, information model, process model and organization model of concurrent maintenance production systemby using the theory of enterprise model.(4) The paper established the model and algorithm of maintenance plan and control in the maintenance process of the concurrent maintenance production system.(5) Considered the actualities of marine maintenance enterprise, the paper designed the concurrent maintenance production system for the shipyard by using the model of concurrent maintenance production system.The paper developed the conception and the intension of virtual maintenance system. Besides, the establishing of the architecture of virtual maintenance system, the model of concurrent maintenance production system, the algorithm of maintenance plan and control in the maintenance process and the s marine maintenance enterprise -based concurrent maintenance production system has theoretical significance and practical value for the management and control of plant maintenance.


