

Between the Control of Criminals and Protection of the Human Rights

【作者】 李明

【导师】 龙宗智;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 诉讼法学, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 监听作为一种重要的侦查手段,在打击犯罪中发挥着重要的作用,但同时由于其秘密性、强制性的特点,它也容易侵害公民的基本权利,不利于保障人权,因此需要对其进行合理的规制。监听法制化无疑是保障监听合理运用的有效方法,一些主要的法治国家近年来都纷纷对监听进行了立法,以期在打击犯罪与人权保障之间取得平衡。我国对监听尚未立法,但监听一直作为一种秘密侦查手段在犯罪侦查中使用,监听在我国司法实践中的运用缺乏严格的法律规制。鉴于此种现状,监听制度在我国当前面临着这样几个问题,即监听是否应当法制化、如何法制化以及监听实践中出现的一些问题当如何解决等,在试图解答这样一些问题时,笔者也循着这一思路对监听制度展开研究。由于我国的监听立法尚为空白,因此对这些问题的回答无疑对我国监听制度的理论研究和监听实践的指导都有着十分重要的意义。 本篇论文分为六个部分对监听制度展开研究:第一部分概论主要是对本篇文章的一些基本问题进行界定和分析。在该部分中首先厘清监听的概念,监听可以在多种意义上使用,因此对其界定是本文展开研究的前提。广义上的监听指应用各种方式对人们用声音交流的言词信息进行截取的行为,它包括作为犯罪侦查手段的监听、一方当事人同意的监听和当事人的私下录音,本文在广义上使用监听概念。监听以监听对象为标准可以分为有线监听、无线监听和口头监听,这种分类只是诸多分类中是主要的一种划分方法。监听的性质需要辨析,监听是强制侦查措施还是任意侦查措施,是否是一种独立的侦查措施,能否归

【Abstract】 Wiretap, as an essential method of investigation, plays an important role against criminals. It is advantageous to the control of crimes. However it easily infringes the human rights, reasonable controls should be rendered .legalization wiretap is an effective approach to the proper usage of wiretap. In the latest years, some countries expect to keep balance between the beating criminals and protecting the human rights. We haven’t legislated on wiretapping, and we are keeping use it as a secret investigation method. According to this situation, the wiretapping system faces several problems, i.e. whether the wiretapping should be legislated, how to legislate and how to solve the problems arising from the practicing. While answering these questions, I start my research on it. This paper makes some assumptions that for we haven’t legislated on wiretapping yet, so in any case, solving these questions has important significance to the theory studying of the wiretapping and directing the wiretapping system.Research on the wiretapping system has six aspects in this paper .The first aspect includes definition of and analyzing the elementary problems. To define the conception of the wiretapping is the initial research. In broad sense, wiretap is the action of intercepting the word information in all kinds of ways, it includes wiretapping as the method of criminal investigation, one of the parties agrees to be wiretapped and the client private record. Wiretap is classified into interception ofwire communication, interception of wireless communication and interception of oral communication. Of course this is one of the ways to classify the wiretapping. Wiretapping is compulsive measure or free measure, whatever difference among wiretap and others method, to solve these problems help to define the quality of the wiretapping. I consider the wiretapping is a mandatory method for investigation of criminals. With the developing of the science and technology, the technology of wiretapping is also developed quickly, to know it well is benefit to comprehend the action, quality and effect of wiretapping. The second, the wiretap is reasonable in practice and is allowable in jurisprudence, but at the same time, wiretap is dangerous and it embodies several situations, mostly wiretapping is easy to evolvement tool of the politic contention, threatens the elementary rights of citizens, breaks the normal order of the society and causes the puzzle of judiciary ethics. For these reasons, wiretapping need legalization and can not be used freely, whether we consider it help to beat criminals and protect the human rights, or the requirement of procedure legalization.The second part is about generation and development on wiretapping system. Through study of these contents we can know the history of the wiretapping. There are several backgrounds on the birth of the wiretapping system. First, the development of science and technology provides the possibility of the wiretap; The independence of the investigation unit promotes the using of wiretapping in the criminal investigation; the theory of privacy rights generation and developing provided the support for the wiretap system constructing; the wiretap widely using promoted the birth of the wiretapping system.-American’s wiretapping system is the earliest birth and one of the most perfect systems in the world, so to study it helps to know the development of the wiretapping system of American as well as of England, German and Japanese. At the same time, we should study the relative provisions of the international law. At present time, there exist three modes of wiretap system, controlling crime mode, protecting human rights mode and balancing rights mode. Protecting human rights mode emphasizes to protect human rights between the crime controlling and human rights protection, the conditions of its usage are strict,the scope is narrow and the supervision is stringent in the wiretap law. Controlling crime mode emphasizes to find out the truth of fact, investigation unit has more power to investigate the crime, and this type pays less attention to protection of human rights. Balancing rights mode, whether to use the wiretap or to confirm the qualification of evidence, abides by agility principle. We should protect the human rights while strengthening beating crime, and struggling to keep balance between the crime controlling and human rights protection. There exist three kinds of trends, namely wide legalization on the wiretap system, gradually enlarging the scope of the wiretap and differentiation of the wiretap system.The third part mainly studies the basic content of wiretap law. The basic principle includes all the principle used in the compulsive measures, such as the principle of legal procedure, judicial censorship, proportion and order in writing. The special principles of wiretap include felony principle, relevance principle, period principle, appropriate opening principle, protecting the privacy rights principle a. \:dicial rectification principle. There also exist exceptions ,for example ,emergency wiretap, an emergency situation exists that involves the following(l)immediate danger of death or serious physical injury to any person, (2)conspiratorial activities threatening the national security interest, or(3)conspiratorial activities characteristic of organized crime. The basic procedures of wiretap include the conditions and objects of wiretap, exercise procedure of wiretap, supervision procedure and the responsibility of illegal wiretap. The convention wiretap is different from the wiretap on the crime of threatening the national security interest, Cthe-Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978)) of United states prove this point, the conditions of wiretap application is less strict. There exist conflict between wiretap and the principle that no person shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, the conflict also exists between wiretap and the rule of privilege, how to deal with it, we should reasonably treat it.To study the admissibility of illegal wiretap evidence is in the fourth part. The illegal wiretap evidences are those evidences that are obtained through violating thelegal procedure, principle of wiretap or the essential conditions. There exists a big gap among the different countries on the admissibility of illegal wiretap evidence. This paper emphasizes analysis of the admissibility of illegal wiretap evidence of the United States, Germany and Japan as well as other countries. There are various situations in the practice, so there are some special situations needed to be studied, for example, wiretap accidental, beforehand wiretap, wiretap in other cases, wiretap in the house and pursuing the source of the voice etc .It has strong practice significance in defining the special situations legal or illegal and to solve the problem on the admissibility of illegal wiretap evidence. Our country should provide the admissibility of illegal wiretap evidence, and the illegal wiretap evidence obtained through serious unlawful method should be excluded.The mainly content is to study several special types of the wiretap in the fifth part, include internet surveillance, one of the parties agrees to be wiretapped and the client private record, these wiretaps are different from the ordinary wiretap. There are three differences between the internet surveillance and the conventional wiretap, (l)internet surveillance used in the practice has wider scope, deeper degree and infringes the privacy rights more deeply than the conventional wiretap;(2)internet needs more advanced technology and more units’ cooperation,(3)controlling the internet surveillance infringement is more difficult. There are special requirements for its special character. When one of the parties agreed as a free measure in the crime investigation, investigate organizations can avoid the fussy procedures and the strict conditions, so it is convenient to investigate, but at the same time, easy to infringe the other party’s right, for this kind of wiretap has not get the other party’s allowance, this conflict inherent exists in this kind of wiretap itself. But the wiretap has the legal justice; the conflict can be solved by defining its legality or illegality. The private wiretap is the individuals’ intercept to the other persons’ communication; it includes the third party to wiretap the other two parties and one of the parties’ private records. This kind of wiretap is reasonable measure to investigate crime in our country, for the ability of our investigation units is not enough.There are some suggests about wiretap lawmaking in the sixth part. The lawrelated to wiretap is very simple in our country; the wiretap is far less effectively constrained by law. There exist several problems : (l)there is no legal procedure concerning wiretap using; (2)there is no independent organization to censor wiretap exercises; (3) the prosecution unit has no right to wiretap; (4) the client has no way to get rectification; (5) the wiretap data can not act as a evidence to use at court. But the wiretap is necessary, and it should be legalization for three reasons, one is to meet the requirement of beating crime, the second is to protect the human rights and the last is the requirement of the investigation procedure. The concrete suggestions include the type of legislation, the scope of wiretap application, the essential conditions, and the procedure of wiretap, the utilization and handling of the wiretap data, the illegal wiretap rectification and the report system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 05期

