

A Study of China Economics Society(1923-1953)

【作者】 孙大权

【导师】 陈廷湘;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 中国近现代史, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 中国经济学社于1923年创立,到1953年结束。是在马寅初、刘大钧主持下,以留美归国经济学者为主,集合全国政、学、商各界上层分子组成的经济学术团体。学社作为民国经济学界的英美派,其学术和思想居于当时社会的主流和中心地位,在民国时期产生了广泛影响,并影响到新中国的人口论。这一重要经济学术团体,今日学界对之却了解甚少。本文在广泛收集各种原始文献的基础上,对中国经济学社的活动和思想等问题进行了较为详尽的考察。 20世纪20年代前后,中国形成了以留学生为主体的经济学者群体,他们参加或组织的学术团体在各地广泛成立,为中国经济学社创立奠定了基础,1923年11月,清华留美归国的经济学者刘大钧、陈长蘅等人与燕京大学英籍教授戴乐仁等共同创立了中国经济学社,其最初目的是为社员提高经济学教学和科研水平服务。1924年马寅初等人加入后,学社宗旨改变为:发展中国经济学术和改进中国现实经济。这一改变,适应了社会需要,导致了学社的长足的发展。 在马寅初、刘大钧的积极领导下,中国经济学社由北京市的一个小团体,向天津、上海、美国等地扩张,到1927年11月,学社已经成为中国经济学界的中心组织。在此之后,马寅初等人开始了大量吸收商界和政界社员,学社的组织与影响就进一步向社会各界延伸。同时,学社开始了艰辛的基金筹募,并取得了较大成效,到30年代中期,学社拥有杭州房产一处,南京地皮14亩,基金20万左右。然而由于抗战的爆发,中国经济学社的发展势头受到重大打击,虽然学社继续在重庆聚集社员,坚持发展,但学社的基金由于通货膨胀不断贬值,社员的政治立场也出现了重大分化,特别是马寅初被软禁后,学社发展进入后期,走向衰落,一直到1953年正式结束。 中国经济学社一年一度最重要的集体学术活动就是举行年会,前3届年会在北京举行,主要是社务会议。第四届年会在上海召开,确立了进行社务会、学术讨论会、讲学会、各种宴会以及参观游览等多种活动。在1927年至1936年间,学社在杭州、青岛、广州等地举行了10次年会,每次年会都受到了经济学界、政府、工商界以及社会舆论的关注与支持,产生了重要的社会影响。在1938年至1943年学社总部西迁重庆后,还召开了三次有影响的年会。同时,中国经济学社还举办了多种学术事业,如:出版丛书,创办社刊,建立中国经济统计研究所等等,发表了被经济学界公认的一批优秀学术成果,特别是刘大钧主持完成的中国第一次工业普查,具有重要的学术价值。 中国经济学社骨干社员马寅初、刘大钧、卫挺生、何廉、唐庆增、顾翊群、潘序伦等人的经济思想,在基本经济理论方面有明显的共同特点:关于经济哲学:主张“不激不随”的经济发展观,既反对激进的马克思主义(不激),又批判保守的传统封建思想(不随),并为资本主义进行辩护:在价值论与消费、生产、交易、分配论等方面,主要是受英美的马歇尔、克拉克等新古典经济学的影响,而不是王亚南所说的主要受奥国派影响;在研究方法方面,注重实证和统计方法。 在应用理论和政策主张方面,他们多在切磋和争论中相互影响。关于统制与放任:1932年10月,武育干最早提出了在中国实施统制经济的主张,社员多主张在保留私有制前提下,由政府联合工商界上层统制全国经济。在统制经济理论流行时,顾翊群运用哈耶克理论批判了苏联模式的计划经济,主张市场经济,运用比较优势论批判了贸易保护主义,主

【Abstract】 China Economics Society, founded in 1923 and closed in 1953, was an economics research institute mainly consisting of the economists returning from USA and the high-level members from the political, scholarly, commercial and other circles and led by Ma Yanchu and Liu Dajun. As a pro-UK and pro-USA economics society, its theories and thinking set the main trend and were in a leading position during the rule of the Republic of China (ROC). It had an extensive influence during this period and also had an influence on the Theory of Birth Control in New China. Yet, modern scholars know little about such an important economics research institute. The purpose of this thesis is to conduct a detailed research of China Economics Society on the basis of various original documents widely collected.Before and after the 1920s, the students returning from abroad became the major members of economists in China. They joined or reorganized the research institutes all over the country, which laid the foundation for the establishment of China Economics Society. In November 1923, China Economics Society was founded by Liu Dajun, Chen Changheng, the economists returning from USA and working for Qinghua University, and J.B.Taylor, a British professor working for Yanjing University. Its initial purpose is intended to improve the economics teaching and research level of the members. After Ma Yanchu and others joined this society in 1924, its purpose was changed to develop China’s economics research and enhance China’s economy in reality. This change had met the need of the Chinese society and led to the rapid progress of China Economics Society.Led by Ma Yanchu and Liu Dajun, China Economics Society was expanded to Tianjin, Shanghai, USA and so on from a small society in Beijing. By November 1927, it had become a central orgnization of the economics circles in China. Thereafter, Ma Yanchu and others began to accept businessmen and politicians as its members so that its organization and influence had been extended to all walks of life. Meanwhile, it began to try hard to raise funds and made great achievements. By the mid of 1930s, the Society had owned a house in Hangzhou, a land of 14 mu in Nanjing and a fund of 200,000 yuan. After the Anti-Japanese War broke out, however, the Society had suffered a heavy blow. Although the Society continued to keep the members together in Chongqing and insisted on expansion, its fund repeatedly devalued due to inflation and its members differed from each other in political positions. In particular, the Society entered its last stage and became declined afer Ma Yanchu was under house arrest, and it was finally closed in 1953.The most important collective academic activities of China Economics Society was the annual meeting. The first 3 annual meetings held in Beijing were mainly concerned about the affairs of the Society. The 4th annual meeting held in Shanghai decided to cover more activities such as the affairs of the Society, seminars, lectures, banquets, visits, tour and the like. Between1927 and 1936, the Society held 10 annual meetings in hangzhou, Qingdao, Guangzhou and other places. Each annual meeting had received the wide attention and support from the government, the economics and the commercial circles as well as the public opinion and had great influences. Between 1938 and 1943 after the Head Office of the Society moved to Chongqing, the Society held 3 influential annual meetings. Meanwhile, the Society also sponsored various academic activities such as publication of series of books, journals.establishment of China Statistics Institute, and publication of some excellent papers acknowledged by the economics circles. In particular, the first China Industrial Census completed under the leadership of Liu Dajun had important academic value.The economic thoughts of the major members of China Economics Society such as Ma Yanchu, Liu Dajun, Wei Tingsheng, He Lian, Tang Qingzheng, Gu Yuqun and Pan Xulun shared the same characteristics in basic economic theories:Concerning economic philosophy, they advocated the economic deveopment concept of "neither radical nor conservative", i.e., opposing the radical Marxism, criticizing the conservative traditional feudal thoghts, and defending the capitalism;In respect of the theories of value, consumption, production, transaction and distribution, they were mainly influenced by the Neo-classical Economics of Marshal and Clark in UK and USA, other than by the Austrian school as claimed by Wang Yanan;Concerning the research method, they emphasize on the method of demonstration and statistics.In the field of applied theories and policies, they influenced each other through interchange and debate. Concerning control and noninterference: Wu Yugan advocated to implement controlled economy in China while most of the members advocated that the government should control the national economy in association with the high level of the industrial and commmercial circles on the premise of maintaining private ownership. When the theory of controlled economy prevailed, Gu Yuqun used the theory of Friedrich Hayek to criticize the Soviet-style planned economy and advocate market economy, and use the Theory of Comparative Advantage to criticize trade protectionism and advocated China’s combination with global economy. Concerning the idea of finance: Wei Tinsheng advocated the theory of "Chao ran zhu ji yu lian zhong zhu zhi " to fight against the corruption of officials. Yao Qingsan prposed to use deficit fianancing for construction when he spread the theory of Keynes. Ma Yanchu set forth the theory of "Income Tax As the Center of Wartime Tax Revenue. Concerning the idea of finaning, they suggeested that the government should collect tariff by gold and change Hang to yuan during the fall of silver price (in 1930,1931). In fear of the fall of silver price and in the face of silver outflow, the advocators of trade balance such as Ma Yanchu and Gu Chunfan were in a hot controversy with the advocators of currency reform during the abrupt rise of silver price vin 1934, 1935). The government accepted the proposals of the advocators of currency reform and implement the policy of legal currency such as Gu Yuqun, Yao Qingsan, Zhang Shumin, Zhao Lanping. During the early stage of the Anti-Japanese War (in 1938,1939), the advocators of maintaing the exchange rate of legal currency such as Ma Yanchuand Liu Dajun were in a hot controversy with the advocators of the devaluation of legal currency such as Ye Yuanlong, Li Deyan and Chen Changheng. The government accepted the proposals of the advocators of raaintaing the exchange rate of legal currency . Ma Yanchu and Chen Changheng also adocated the theory of coordination between labour and capital as wellas the theory of birth control.China Economics Society had a significant influence on the development of Chinese economics during the rule of ROC, the policy-making of the Nationalist Government, the operation and management of business circles, and even on the idea of birth control in New China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 04期

