

Study on the Function of Circadian Gene per1 and per2 Besides Its Role in Biological Rhythm Maintaining

【作者】 王跃锜

【导师】 王正荣;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 生物医学工程, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 目的 近日节律基因不但能通过自身表达和调控产生自激振荡而产生生物节律,同时还参与其他方面的调控。研究发现mPer1表达变化与小鼠的药物依赖存在明显的相关性,mPer2与肿瘤的发生发展密切相关,因此有必要对这两个基因进行直接深入的研究。通过调节节律基因减轻动物对毒品的依赖,增加节律基因在肿瘤细胞中的表达抑制肿瘤细胞的生长,研究近日节律基因在生物节律振荡以外的功能,研究近日节律基因信号传出的通路、机制。研究节律基因Period1在药物精神依赖形成中的作用,寻求药物成瘾的基因治疗方法。研究节律基因Period2对肿瘤细胞的生长抑制及诱导分化凋亡的作用。 方法与结果 1、mPer1与药物依赖关系及其基因治疗研究 方法 设计以节律基因Period1转录产物mRNA为切割靶点的核酶per1RZ,构建以真核表达质粒pcDNA 3.1为基础的核酶per1RZ表达质粒pcDNA 3.1—per1RZ。体外转录切割反应证实质粒pcDNA 3.1—per1RZ的转录产物核酶per1RZ具有切割Period1转录产物mRNA的能力。建立动物精神依赖模型,脑室注射pcDNA 3.1—per1RZ,研究核酶per1RZ阻断节律基因Period1表达对BALB/C小鼠精神依赖形成的影响。

【Abstract】 ObjectiveInvestigate the signal transmission way and new function of circadian gene by experiments that interfering the circadian gene expression to attenuate animal’s drug dependence and raise the circadian gene product level to suppress tumor growth. Investigate the role of circadian gene Period1 on drug reward to find a gene therapy method to drug addiction. Investigate the role of circadian gene Period2 on tumor proliferation and apoptosis.Method and Result1、 Research of relationship between mper1 gene and drug dependenceMethod 1、. Plasmid pcDNA 3.1-per1RZ contains coding sequence of ribozyme per1RZ, a hammerhead ribozyme that can selectively cleave the Period1 mRNA, based on eukaryotic expression vector pcDNA 3.1 was constructed. In vitro cleavage experiment prove the target cleave Period1 mRNA ability of per1RZ. Conditional place preference(CPP) paradigm used to investigate the effect of Intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of pcDNA 3.1-per1RZ on drug reward in mice.Result Quantitative analysis of in vitro cleavage experiment shows the efficacy of ribozyme per1RZ; about 60% of the Period1 mRNA was cleaved by ribozyme per1RZ. CPP test display the block of drug reward inpcDNA 3.1-per1RZ ICV injection group. Period1 expression in brain was attenuated of pcDNA 3.1—per1RZ ICV injection group demonstrated by western blot.2、 Research of relationship between mper2 gene and tumor developmentMethod Transfect the eukaryotic mPeriod2 expression vector (pcDNA 3.1 -mPer2) based on pcDNA 3.1 into the in vivo cultured Lewis tumor cell by liposome method. Immunohistochemistry and flowcytometry were used to detect the expression of mPeriod2 in transfected Lewis tumor cell. Flowcytometry was used to examine the proliferation and apoptosis of Lewis tumor cell.Result Expression of PERIOD2 protein in pcDNA 3.1-mper2 transfected Lewis tumor cell was proved by immunohistochemistry and flowcytometry. Flowcytometry results of mPeriod2 expression Lewis tumor cell show less proliferation and high rate of apoptosis.ConclusionInterfere the Period1 expression in brain could attenuate the psychological dependence of drug in mammals. Period2 expression could suppress the proliferation of tumor cell and increase the apoptosis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 02期
  • 【分类号】R33
  • 【下载频次】334

