

Study of Prediction and Control of Roof Accidents and Subsidebce Calamity in Fully Mechanized Top-Coal Caving Stope

【作者】 王春秋

【导师】 宋振骐;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 采矿工程, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 综放开采作为一种世界性采煤工艺,已有多年的历史,特别是近些年来在我国得到了迅速发展。 济宁三号煤矿是我国深埋煤层综放开采赶超世界水平的现代化矿井建设典型,该矿安全高效开采三号煤层取得世界领先水平的成果,凝聚了“兖煤集团”相关矿井综放开采三号煤层的重要研究成果和经验。本文是济三煤矿为避免综放开采三号煤层出现重大事故和环境灾害所进行的基础性研究工作——“岩层运动和矿山压力控制研究”的总结。其主要研究成果包括以下三个部分: 第一部分:开采三号煤层综放采场覆岩运动规律以及相关事故的预测和控制。 本部分系统地总结了随采场推进覆岩运动的基本规律。包括随采场推进冒落的直接顶厚度、进入裂断运动的“岩梁”(导水裂隙带)所波及的范围及其因采高、工作面长度等采动条件变异转化的关系。 本部分比较深入的研究了随回采工作面推进,综放采场顶板事故发生的原因和条件及其有效控制的方法。论文完善了相关事故控制决策模型,提供了相应软件开发的内容和系统,为推进我国综放采场相关事故控制决策的信息化(在可靠的岩层运动信息基础上决策)、智能化(针对具体条件多目标、多方案计算机优化决策)和可视化(形象化输出决策结果)奠定了基础。 第二部分:济三煤矿三号煤层综放采场支承压力大小分布发展变化规律及相关事故控制的研究。 本部分以采场推进支承压力分布计算的结构力学和数学模型为基础,辅以三维(立体)相拟材料模型研究和数值计算,比较系统地研究和揭示了开采深度、采高、煤层厚度和工作面长度等采动条件对3号煤层开采支承压力大小、分布(包括影响范围、高峰位置及“内应力场”宽度)的影响。通过对济三煤矿综放采场支承压力进行数值模拟,看出:在工作面的长度、煤层厚度和煤层埋深一定的情况下,支承压力集中系数与工作面的推进长度近似有曲线关系: 第三部分:济三煤矿三号煤层开采地表沉陷预测和控制的动力信息基础。 本部分在6301工作面开采地表沉陷实测研究特别是采用GPS动态观测研究的基础上,深入分析研究了综放采场推进地表沉陷运动发展的规律及其与上覆岩层运动发展间

【Abstract】 Fully mechanized top-coal caving mining method which is used widely in the world exists for many years. Especially in recent year it was developed rapidly in our country.Jining3 coal mine which is berried deeply is a modern typical mine of overcoming in production with fully mechanized top-coal caving mining method. It extracts the third coal layer safely and efficiently and achieves advanced fruit in the world because of employing the experiences of other mines of Yanzhou coal corporation. This paper is a summary of study of "strata movement and rock pressure control" which is a foundation study and carried out to avoid heavy accidents and environmental disasters in extracting the third coal layer. The fruits of this paper comprise three parts as following:The first part: law of overburden movement and the forecast and control of correlative accidents in extracting the third coal layer with fully mechanized top-coal caving mining method.This part summarizes the basic law of overburden movement when the coal being extracted generally including the thickness of immediate roof, the scope of water flowing fractured zone and the relationship with mine conditions such as shear height , length of working face.This part further studied the reasons, conditions and the control methods of accidents took place in the fully mechanized top-coal caving working face and perfected the control and decision-making model of accidents. It provides the content to develop software and the whole system which is foundation for us to achieve information form, intelligence and video in the decision of control accidents in our working faces.The second part: Study of the development and change law of abutment pressure attribution and the control of response accidents of the third coal layer in Jining 3 mine.In this part base on the study of abutment pressure attribution model of structure mechanics and mathematics, and assistant of the study of three dimensional similar material simulation and mathematical calculation. This part generally study the relationship between influencing factors such as bearing depth, shear height, thickness of coal, and face length and the abutment pressure, attribution in the third coal layer. By mathematical calculation, find outthat when length of working face, coal seam thickness and coal depth are not changed, the relation between abutment pressure coefficient and working face driving distance is:y = yo+A] 1-exp -^ I .The third part: Dynamics of forecast and control subsidence of the third coal layer in Jining 3 mine.This part based on the field measurement especially dynamic observation with GPS, studied law of surface subsidence movement and development in 6301 working face and relationship with overburden movement. It indicates that the fracture height decided by face length decide speed and finally depth of the surface subsidence. The site and time of surface subsidence appearance and the law of subsidence speed is decided by rock fracture movement including the processes of the first movement and the circle movement of rock. The fruit brings the forecast of surface subsidence occurs to a high level.Based on study fruit of the first working face subsidence field measurement and abutment attribution, the paper successfully established the model of structural mechanics and mathematical model. The models correctly express the influence factors such as mining depth, working face length and shear height, and the law that subsidence value becomes little and settlement area becomes big with the increase of mining depth in the same working face length.According to the model of structural mechanics and mathematical model, deduce <p0express formula: <pn = p (1 +-------------------) . a express formula:^° 32 V 2(H-Hb)-L0Jap =--------------------(2#4 - 2HbA -LQA). Based on it, the paper calculate the constant in themodel of forecast surface subsidence in the third coal layer through the field measure data of two different depth and length working faces. The study assures the accurate in mining the new working faces.For the needs of accidences and surface subsidence disasters forecast and control, the paper studied and expressed laws of rock movement, abutment attribution, mining settlement movement and the three factors effect and interaction each other around the overburdenmovement decided by the working face length. This paper overcomes the abuse that study the three factors apart and made the forecast models unified object.


