

On Marx’s Critique of Religion

【作者】 王志军

【导师】 丁立群;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 宗教问题不是马克思哲学的主要问题,宗教批判也不是马克思哲学的中心,但是,马克思的宗教批判却是令人瞩目、有着巨大影响力的。本论文以马克思的宗教批判为视角,将马克思的宗教批判贯穿于马克思思想发展的始终,对其思想作了系统研究和总体把握。马克思的宗教批判不是一个简单的抛弃,而是一个扬弃的过程,一方面,马克思完全否定了抽象的、虚幻的、与现实分离的基督教的天国,通过对现实资本主义社会经济制度的批判,将共产主义思想置于现实的、历史的基础之上。另一方面,共产主义不仅具有实证性、对象性,而且作为人之为人价值、尊严、理想的崭新境界存在于具体的、改造世界的实践过程之中。马克思的宗教批判具有整体性、非单一性的特点,它包括社会学和哲学两个维度。同时,它使马克思对德国古典哲学、英国政治经济学、法国空想社会主义的改造有效地联接成一个内在的整体。通过马克思对犹太教、基督教的批驳,以及马克思与康德、黑格尔、青年黑格尔派的宗教批判的对比分析。我们认为,宗教批判能够为我们提供一条理解马克思思想基础、内容、意义的新线索、新的理论视角、新的思考方式,也可以作为马克思思想的另一个来源。

【Abstract】 The problem of religion is not the main problem of Marx’s philosophy and critique of religion is not the core of Marx’s philosophy, but Marx’s critique of religion is of great significance and great influence. This paper makes a systematical research and overall grasp on Marx’s thought from the angle of Marx’s critique of religion. Marx’s critique of religion penetrates through the development of Marx’s thought. Marx’s critique of religion is not to discard anything simplify but a process of aufheben. On the one hand, Marx absolutely denies Christian paradise, which is abstractive, visional and apart from true life. Marx regards communism on the basis of reality and history through criticizing the realistic capitalism economy system. On the other hand, communism not only is of positivity and objectivity, but also, as an ideal new ambit, lies in the practice process of changing the world. Marx’s critique of religion has the characteristic of integer and contains two dimensionalities of sociology and philosophy. It is a holistic critique, which combines sociology with philosophy and makes Marx’s reconstruct for German classical philosophy, English political economics and French Utopian socialism turn into an inherent integer. Based on Marx’s critique of Judaism and Christianity, and the compare between the Marx’s critique of religion and the religion critique of Kant, Hegel and Young Hegelians, we draw a conclusion that religion critique can bring us a new clue, a new theoretical angle and a new thinking manner for understanding Marx’s thought foundation, content, significance. Critique of religion is also can be looked as another origin of Marx’s thought.

【关键词】 马克思哲学宗教批判
【Key words】 Marxcritique of religionphilosophy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 08期

