

Research on the Scalar Timing Model of Short Durations

【作者】 刘瑞光

【导师】 黄希庭;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 先前有关时间信息加工的研究主要局限于极短时距(小于5s),实验多采用双任务程序、听觉呈现刺激,以字词为实验材料而进行的。虽然少数研究对计时模型中时间信息加工的结构特征进行了初步探讨,研究者对于影响短时距判断的信息源和信息加工的动态过程没有给出系统分析;该问题仍然是时间心理学领域有待于深入探讨的重要课题。本研究在综述和探讨先前有关理论和研究的基础上,采用预期式研究范式,创造性地使用单任务研究程序,以视觉方式呈现刺激并且实验中选用几何刺激物,在对数据进行统计分析的基础上,从心理物理学的视角,通过六个实验系统地考查了影响被试短时距(6s至24s)估计的信息源、转换点及韦伯函数的形态,同时对短时距估计的标量计时模型的基本结构和过程进行了构建。 实验一的结果表明,刺激物的运动状态(运动或静止)显著地影响着被试的时间判断,与静止的实验条件相比,运动着的刺激由于包含更多的变化因而具有更加显著的实验效应。物理时距因素对于被试的时距估计产生了极其显著的时距延长效应。 实验二的结果表明,旋转角度因素对被试短时距估计的影响极其显著。旋转角度的减少使得被试低估时距,而旋转角度的增加不仅使得时距估计呈高估倾向,而且被试时间判断的准确性也随之提高。 实验三的结果表明,刺激物的物理时距对于被试的短时距估计具有极其显著的延长效应。刺激速度也是显著地影响被试时间判断能力的一个重要线索,从整体上说,快速运动的刺激延长时间估计,尤其是对于较长时距(18s至24s)来说更加明显,较短时距(6s至12s)中体现出来的速度延长效应不明显。刺激物沿顺时针和逆时针方向的旋转变化对时距判断没有显著的影响,时距和速度因素对于被试的时间估计能力产生显著的交互作用,其他二阶和三阶交互作用没有达到显著性水平。综观实验一、

【Abstract】 Past studies of temporal information processing limited to extreme short durations(shorter than 5s), and the dual-task programs were used by most researchers. Experiments were conducted with acoustic stimulus and lexical materials presented. Although the construct nature of temporal information processing was emphasized in some past studies, the source of information and the kinetic processes of temporal information processing were not analysed systematicly, these topics remain open questions in time field. Based on the summarizes and investigations about past theories and studies, we selectly use the prospective paradigm and creatively use the single-task program in this research. Experiments are conducted with geometric stimulus presented in visual mode, and the analysis of variance are made on data from this research. By taking perspectives of psychophysics, we use six experiments to explore the source of information, the transational point, and the Weber’s function in the timing process of humans. The basic process of the scalar timing model are also constructed in this research.Experiment1 shows: The motion status (kinetic or static) of stimulus significantly affect temporal judgments of subjects. Compared with static experimental conditions, the effect of the kinetic stimulus are more significant because of more changes including in them. As a factor, physical duration is also an important cue influencing subjects’ duration estimation.Experiment2 shows: The rotating angle of stimulus significantly affect subjects’ time judgments, and the decrease of which make subjects underestimate duration. With the increase of the rotating angle, the value and the accuracy of time judgments are increased.Experiments shows: Physical duration of stimulus shows a significant duration-longthened effect. The speed of stimulus is an important factor used by subjects in estimation of short duration, fast-moving stimulus can increase value of duration estimation. There is a significant interaction between the duration and the speed, the effect of rotating of stimulus and other two-order or three-order interactions in this experiment are not significant. The combination of the results of experiment 1 > experiment and experiments imply that the weber’s function is a continuous function with break points,. Transational points of the weber’s function are 12s > 18s and 21s, which are the same as the critical point of 11.1s of duration estimation discovered in this research in some extent.Experiment4 shows: The break positions of stimulus significantly affect subjects’ time judgments, in the two conditions of 2s and 8s, all subjects overestimate duration, and their time sensitivity increase with the longth of the break position. The break duration is not an important cue used by subjects in time judgments. There is no significant interaction between the break position and the break duration(interruption interval).Experiment5 shows: The effect of the break position is significant. A V-shaped function can describe the relationship between duration production and the break position. Besides that, significant effect of activation and interaction between activation and the break duration are discovered in this experiment, through the further simple effect analysis, we know that subjects’ timing behavior are extremely affected by activation in all three conditions of 2s > 3s and 4s. Temporal judgments of subjects are not relate to the break duration. No other significant interaction is discovered in this experiment.Experiment6 shows: The same as the results of experiment4 and experiments, there is a significant effect of break position. In condition of 5s waiting duration, the value of subjects’ response variance is the largest, the value of time estimation is the smallest, and the activation level is the highest at the same time. In trails without breaks, subjects’ response variance is the smallest, the value of time estimation is the largest. The cue factor nested in these conditions shows a significant experimental effect. Subjects produce the larger value of duration estimation in the uncued conditions of trails without breaks than in the cued conditions of trails without breaks. Becouse no cues are presented in trails with breaks, subjects have gained a high expecting-level of a break in uncued conditions of trails withoutbreaks and a relative low expecting- level of a break in cued conditions of trails without breaks. The fact that subjects produce a shorter value of duration estimation in cued conditions of trails without breaks reflects that expecting of a break can longthen the time estimation. Break duration is not a factor influencing subjects’ time judgments, and the combined effect of break duration and the break position is not discovered in this experiment.Synthesizing the results of six experiments of this research and inspecting the source of information affecting processing of temporal information, we know that The information source of temporal judgment not only include physical factors and physiological factors, but also include cognitive factors and other psychological factors. The motion n the change n the speed of stimulus and the internal tempo of subjects, which belong to the physical factors and the physiological factors, significantly affect subjects’ temporal judgments. Activation^ attention preceded cues ^ a break in timing task and the expecting of a break of subjects affect their internal timing system, so significant effects are discovered on temporal estimation behavior of humans.We construct the scalar model on the basis of past studies and this research, which include four kinetic processes such as the clock process n the accumulating process % the memory process and the comparison process. In the level of clock-process and the accumulating process, we know that humans’ temporal processing rely on a "pacemaker-accumulator" system, it is also called the "clock-accounter" system. The absence of the interaction between the break position and the break duration imply that subjects’ timing behavior is not affected by break duration. The kinetic processes of temporal information processing are controlled by a "switch", by which the temporal information processing flow from one level to the next level. In trails with breaks, the absence of the interaction between the break position (waiting duration) and the activation level show that activation and attention affect different parts of information processing of humans. The two control different cognitive process apparatus—the rate of the pacemaker and the opening of the switch, The pulses produced by the pacemaker, which have some frequencies, are accumulated in the accumulator through the switch. It is the accumulated pulses that form the basis of time cognition of humans. Attention is often interrupted by a

  • 【分类号】B842.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】206

