

Study on the Reaction Mechanism of Benzene and Its Derivatives with Hydroxyl Radical in Aqueous Phase by Transient Absorbance Spectra Technique

【作者】 朱承驻

【导师】 侯惠奇;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 环境科学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 水体和大气液相中的活性物质近年来引起了人们的极大关注,这些活性物质与环境中有机污染物发生的氧化还原反应有十分密切的关系,是影响化学物质在环境中的迁移、转化、归宿和生态效应的重要因素,但目前对其在环境中转化的微观机制方面研究相对较少。本文以激光闪光光解瞬态吸收光谱技术为研究手段,以包括苯、氯苯和硝基苯与H2O2/亚硝酸(盐)水溶液为研究体系,借助GC/MS、UV-Vis等分析技术在研究水相中·OH 自由基与苯及其衍生物的微观反应基础上,比较系统地探讨了亚硝酸(盐)与这些有机污染物的紫外光解交叉反应机理。全文共分为两部分: 第一部分通过在有氧/无氧、不同pH值条件下对苯及其衍生物和H2O2水溶液在激光闪光光解(266nm)进行了研究,对体系中产生的各种瞬态物种进行了归属,并得到了大量微观反应速率常数。研究表明:H2O2在266nm紫外光的照射下产生·OH自由基,·OH自由基和苯、氯苯和硝基苯反应在苯环上形成OH加合物,其反应速率常数分别为(6.3-8.0)×109(L-mol1·S-1)、(4.3-7.1)×109(L·mol-1·S-1)和(3.6~6.0)×109(L·mol-1·S-1),溶液pH值和分子结构对各反应速率常数有一定的影响。在有氧条件下,上述化合物的OH加合物被氧化为过氧OH加合物,反应速率常数分别为3.3×108(L·mol-1·S-1)、6.8×108(L·mol-1·S-1)和6.6×107(L·mol-1·S-1)。这些加合物随之自身或在H2O2参与下进一步分解。 第二部分在第一部分研究的基础之上采用激光闪光光解技术与GC/MS技术相结合的方法,对苯及其衍生物和HNO2水溶液在355nm激光辐照下的瞬态物种和一次光照产物进行了研究,并对一次辐照产物与实际太阳光照产物进行了对比,发现二者产物基本相同。根据瞬态和稳态的实验结果对体系中各种产物的生成途径进行了较系统的探讨。研究表明:HNO2(NO2-)在355nm光照下生成的·OH自由基与苯、氯苯及硝基苯发生反应而使其羟基化,并最终转化成多种含亚硝基、硝基的化合物,这一过程可能是自然水体和大气液相中硝基化合物增加的来源之 本文还对C6H5NO2-H2O2体系中以850nm为峰值的吸收带进行了归属并给出了速率常数、对C6H6-HNO2体系中指出了C6H6-NO+πcomplex瞬态物种并对其来源进行了探讨等,这些结果均未见文献报道。 上述研究结果对深入了解污染物在环境中的光化学转化和环境中有关N(Ⅲ)

【Abstract】 It has been widely accepted that the reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the hydrosphere are ubiquitously involved in the oxidation process of organic pollutants and can therefore exert significant impact on the transfer, conversion, fate and ecological effect of these compounds. Nevertheless, we witnessed relatively few microscopic researches on the kinetics, mechanisms and detailed reaction pathways of these processes. To rectify this, the current studies introduce the laser flash photolysis (LFP) -transient absorption spectra technique into the research on the photochemical reactions inside the aqueous solutions of the benzene (chlorobenzene, nitrobenzene) and H2O2 (HNO2, NO2 ) and directly monitor these reactions on the ns ms timescale. Some complementary analytical methods as GC-MS and steady state UV-vis absorption spectroscopy are also applied to help elucidate the reaction mechanisms. The dissertation is mainly composed of two parts.Part 1 is on the 266 nm laser flash photolysis of the mixed aqueous solution of benzene or some of its derivatives chlorobenzene and nitrobenzene with H2O2 under oxygenated/deoxygenated conditions and under different pH environments. The observed transient absorption peaks were assigned and the related reaction rate constants were derived. It was found that the OH radical from the 266 nm photolysis of H2O2 is capable of forming adducts with benzene, chlorobenzene and nitrobenzene at rate constants of (6.3 8.0) × 109 Lmol-1.s-1, (4.3 7.1) × 109 L-mol-1.s-1 and (3.6 6.0) × 109 L-mol-1.s-1, respectively. The above reaction rate constants were found to be dependent on the pH value of the solution and the specific structure of target organic molecules. Formation of the peroxy radicals was observed under oxygenated conditions at rate constants of 3.3 × 108 Lmol-1.s-1, 6.8 ×108 Lmol-1.s-1 and 6.6 × 107 Lmol-1.s-1 for the above listed three benzene or benzene derivatives. These radicals may undergo unimolecular decomposition or further reactions with H2O2, possibly leading to the ring cleavage.Part 2 is on the 355 nm laser flash photolysis of the mixed aqueous solution of benzene or some of its derivatives chlorobenzene and nitrobenzene with HNO2. Both

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 07期

