

Human Capital and the Comparative Advantage of Services in Trade

【作者】 张燕

【导师】 李慧中;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 政治经济学, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 在当今世界经济中,服务贸易在一国经济结构中的比重,一定程度上反映出该国的国际竞争力和国际化水平。大多数国家都把发展服务贸易作为实现本国经济现代化的重要途径。 对于服务贸易这种新兴的贸易方式,理论界的研究尚未形成系统的理论体系。但服务贸易的飞速发展又需要理论的指导。西方经济学家对于服务贸易的研究主要还是借助于传统的国际贸易理论,特别是比较优势理论。以希尔、迪尔多夫、塔克等代表的大多数学者认为,服务贸易与货物贸易一样存在比较优势,传统的比较优势理论在一定条件可以用来解释服务贸易。但是由于服务与商品之间、服务贸易与货物贸易之间存在很多差异,因此不能简单的用传统货物贸易的比较优势理论来解释服务贸易的比较优势。 在传统的货物贸易中,同批量的商品之间是完全可替代的,因此不同国家的货物贸易的比较优势可以通过降低成本来实现。但这在服务贸易中却是行不通的。一方面因为服务产品差异性比较大,无法进行批量生产,服务的标准会因时、因地而发生变化,从而影响服务产品的成本计算。另一方面由于服务的生产与消费是在同一时空内同步完成的,因而服务产品是不能被运输和不能被储存的。我们在研究服务贸易的比较优势时,应该结合服务与服务贸易的特征,对传统的比较优势理论作适当的修正。 西方学者认为,随着生产力的发展与科学技术的进步,现代服务贸易的比较优势已不单单取决于传统比较优势理论中的自然资源、技术差异等因素的影响,而更多的是要依靠人力资本因素。西方学者引入人力资本要素来分析服务贸易的比较优势,拓展了服务贸易理论研究的视角。 但他们的理论更多地是建立在“作为人力资本载体的个人都是同质的”的前提假设上的,他们认为,作为人力资本载体的个人在能力和智力水平上是完全一样的,效用也是一样的,本文认为这个假设是有失偏颇的,它忽视了个体的差异性,忽视了人力资本的微观个体之间差异性与服务贸易比较优势的关系。 针对上述问题,本文引入异质型人力资本的概念,并且尝试从异质型人力资本的角度,宋研究人力资本与服务贸易比较优势之间的相关性,以及人力资本对服务贸易比较优势的促进机制,进而论证人力资本是决定服务贸易比较优势形成与转换的关键因素。 首先从供给的角度来看,异质型人力资本区别于传统生产要素的最主要特点就在于其边际报酬递增性。这种边际报酬递增性表现为,在其他生产要素投入量保持不变的情况下,每增加一个单位的异质型人力资本,因推动技术创新或制度创新而产生的经济报酬是递增的。异质型人力资本是服务产品差异化形成的重要源泉,异质型人力资本是服务行业技术应用与创新、服务产品技术扩散的基础。技术创新过程将会随着异质型人力资本积累而持续下去。这无疑从服务供给的角度有利于一国服务贸易比较优势的构筑。 从需求的角度看,异质型人力资本不仅是差异化服务的提供者,更是差异化服务的需求

【Abstract】 The proportion of services in trade to one country’s GDP reflects the country’s international competitive capability and internationalization level at a certain extent. Most of countries regard developing services in trade as an important approach to realize modernization.There is no scientific and systemic theory to explain services in trade, because it is a new trade form. But the development of services in trade calls up the theory. Now the study on services in trade done by western economists mostly focus on the comparative advantage. Most of scholars, such as Hill, Deardorf, Tucker, sundberg, put forward that services in trade also has comparative advantage, under some conditions, the traditional comparative advantage theory adapts to services in trade. But because there are many differences between goods and services, traditional trade and services in trade, we can’t apply mechanically the traditional theory to services in trade.Most of western scholars deem that in traditional trade, the goods are complete substitute, so the exporters can achieve the comparative advantage by decreasing the cost. But this isn’t fit for services in trade. For two reasons, firstly heterogeneity of services is more obvious than that of goods, which means services isn’t complete substitute, and the standard of services is changeful. It is very difficult for exporters to produce services on a large scale and decrease the cost. Secondly, services is intangible, and can’t be transported and deposited, which means that services in trade is not export services directly but indirectly, it need producer move across the border to supply the services; this is the very importance difference between traditional trade and services in trade. Therefore, we should amend and perfect the traditional comparative advantage theory, when we explain services in trade.Otherwise, western scholars, such as Sapir, Lall, figure out that with the development of productivity and the progress of technology, the comparative advantage of services is not lied on traditional factor, for instance, resource technology difference ,but lied on human capital. Their theory extends the new rangeof research and the new method of the research.Western economists suppose that human capital are coessential, each person is the same as the level of ability and intellect, so each person can complete substitute. But I think this suppose is illogical; everyone’s social background, education and character is different. The hypothesis of Western economists ignores the idiosyncrasy of human capital, the relation of human capital and the comparative advantage.In chapter 4, I introduce some new concepts, for example coessential human capital, idiosyncratic human capital. On the basement of these new concepts, I try to prove the pertinence of human capital and the comparative advantage of services in trade by regression, analysis the promotion mechanism of human capital to services in trade, at last I conclude my opinion, which is human capital is decisive factor for the form and conversion of the comparative advantage of services in trade.Firstly, in respect of supply, the important characteristic of idiosyncratic human capital is the increase marginal returns to scale, which means when the input of other factors keep invariability, we increase an unit of idiosyncratic human capital, the returns to scale will increase by degrees. So I put forward idiosyncratic human capital can promote the innovation of technology in services industry, and accelerate the pervasion of new technology in services industry, which is no doubt the benefit for forming the comparative advantage of services in trade.Secondly, in respect of demand, with the enhance of consumer income, the demand of services increases. As the middle input, idiosyncratic human capital can deeper the degree of production, accelerate the quantity of export and import.In order to realize the conversion of the comparative advantage of services in trade, one country needs to increase the quantity of idiosyncratic human capital and improve the quality of idiosyncratic human capital. The accumulate of idiosyncratic human capital is actually the course of applying the science and technology to production. Idiosyncratic human capital is a decisive factor to the form and conversion of the comparative advantage of services in trade. If one country want to converse the comparative advantage of services in trade, they must strengthen the accumulate of idiosyncratic human capital.Since China took part in negotiate in 1994, the opening of services industry and the development of services in trade become very important. Now we research the comparative advantage of services in trade, can adjust our industry construction, enhance our international competitive capability.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 07期
  • 【分类号】F746.18
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】2015

