

【作者】 董亚炜

【导师】 林尚立;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 政治学理论, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 如何分析和判断改革开放后中国社会的性质和特征是近年来学界关注的一个热点,同时也是一个不易把握的难点。本论文力图运用政治学的眼光,通过对行业协会的研究和考察,来折射和说明中国国家与社会间的特殊关系。 本文在归纳和梳理社会学所提供的实证资料和具体案例,以及在分析历史文献的基础上,以行业协会发展的历史过程为基本线索,运用马克思主义政治学理论,对行业协会产生和发展过程中的政府职能转变、国家权力转移、社会组织发展之间的关系进行了辩证、系统、动态的分析。通过对上述关系的分析,本文证明了在建立社会主义市场经济体制过程中,政府利用行业协会这一经济和社会组织来实现其搞活国有企业、转变政府职能、调控社会等多重目标,行业协会则在政府实现这种目标的过程中不断地得以产生、发展和完善的互补与共生的内在逻辑关系。 这一逻辑关系具体表现为:在政企分开和国企改革的过程中,“政府推动型”行业协会得以产生和发展。通过研究行业协会与国有控股公司间的关系来发现“政府推动型”行业协会的行为逻辑。“政府推动型”行业协会独特的行为逻辑导致了“政府推动型”行业协会成为行业垄断的一种组织形式。 行业垄断的改革要求政府职能的进一步转变。政府职能转变为行业协会的进一步改革和发展创造了条件,行业协会的发展为政府职能转变提供了社会支撑。政府职能的转变使得政府的一部分权力向行业协会组织转移。 由于中国行业协会与政府间的关系导致中国行业协会发展中的一个突出问题就是行业协会的行政化。通过典型案例来说明行业协会凭借其所拥有的社会公共权力来谋取自己的私利。行业协会的这种行政化的根源主要在于中国现存的行业协会等社团的“双重管理体制”。要克服行业协会发展中的这种困境根本上还在于实现行业协会的组织转变,即实现行业协会从行政化的准官僚组织向真正的为会员企业提供服务的、自律性的行业组织的转变。本文运用经济学的理论解释了这种转变的必然性,并通过具体案例表现了这一转变的具体过程。

【Abstract】 It is a hot topic as well as an issue difficult to deal with about how to analyze and define the nature and characteristics of Chinese society since the adoption of open-and-reform policy.This paper attempts to take the viewpoints of statesman to explore and describe the special relationship between China state and its society through a study and reflection on trade associations. Having the historical development process of the trade associations as the basic thread, this paper has employed the theory of Marxism politics to make a dialectic, systematic and dynamic analysis on the relationship between the transformation of governmental functions, the diversion of state power and social organizations in the process of the occurrence and development of trade associations on the basis of summarizing and combing the evidences and cases provided by sociology and analyzing the relevant historical literature.By analyzing the above relationship, this paper has proved the existence of the internal logical relationship of supplement and coexistence, i.e. on the one hand, governments take advantage of the eco-soc organizations of trade associations to realize their multiple objectives of activating state-owned enterprises, transforming governmental functions and regulating the society, and on the other side, the trade associations have appeared and developed progressively from this process.This logical relationship can be seen as follows: the type of trade associations promoted by governments has occurred and developed during the process of the separation of state and enterprises and the reform of state-owned enterprises.The behavioral logic of those trade associations of this kind can be evidenced by studying the relationship between the trade associations and the state-controlled corporations. The unique behavioral logic has made those trade associations promoted by governments become an organizational form of trade monopoly.The reform of trade monopoly has called for a further transformation of governmental functions. And correspondingly, the transformation of governmental functions has created good conditions for a further reform

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 07期
  • 【分类号】F203
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】3402

