

【作者】 邓文初

【导师】 郭世佑;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国近现代史, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 19世纪20世纪之交传入中国的西方民族主义思潮,对近代中国政治变革产生过巨大影响。 作为近代西方民族国家理论形态,民族主义被近代中国知识分子当作救亡图存的政治思潮、构建国家现代化形态的引导理论和进行政治革命的动员力量。 传统中国并非一个西方式的单一民族国家,而是由多民族构成的文明体系与帝国国家形态,在“中华帝国”中宣扬民族主义,势必造成多民族国家的崩溃与传统政治秩序的解体。近代中国的国家转型过程虽然漫长,却成功地避免了帝国国家解体的危机,而且还保持着强大的连续性——从清帝国经中华民国到中华人民共和国,基本疆域保持着完整,国内多民族结构也得以保存。“中国”现象的存在,构成对民族主义政治原则的挑战。 本文从民族主义与国家转型关系的角度,对近代中国国家转型过程中的列强在华势力、地缘政治、民族主义革命、国家重建等因素进行政治史、思想史、外交史、社会学、意识形态学等方面的研究。认为“中华帝国”的完整性与连续性的形成,主要原因包括:其一,列强在华力量均势的形成,使“中国”作为一个国家实体得到认可;其二,自晚清以来的中国政府、外交官员对均势外交、弱国外交的运用,为“中国”在国际竞争的险恶环境中创造了较大的回旋空间。在这一转型过程中,尽管民族主义是一股巨大的力量,但民族主义革命恶化了中国的国际生存环境,使中国一再进入地缘霸权的势力圈中。民族主义给国家转型过程带来的不是凝聚力的加强、国家的统一,而是帝国的分裂,是国家力量的削弱。近代中国的国家转型,为此经历着十分痛苦而漫长的蜕变过程。也因为这种推延,使中国国家在近代国际社会的激烈竞争中始终处在弱势地位,一再遭受欺凌。这种状况又加深了国家统治的合法性危机,从而使革命主导着近代中国国家转型的全过程。 全文共三章。第一章,对甲午战争之后列强瓜分中国与中国民族主义兴起的国际背景展开分析;第二章,对辛亥革命前后的民族主义思想的复杂类型进行重构,并从“中华帝国”的视野对民族革命引发的国家危机与政治困境进行梳理;第三章,第一次世界大战时期、特别是“二十一条”时期的民族主义革命与政治运作,从国家与革命的角度对中华革命党援借日本力量所造成的国家危机进行分析,指出在中国革命运动中,民族主义不是作为政治原则被信奉,而是一种旗号,是权力争夺的策略。

【Abstract】 It was Nationalism, a trend of political thought being spread from the west to China at the point of 19th -20th century, which strongly affected the political Reformation and Revolution in the modern China.Chinese intellectuals generally regarded the Nationalism as a trend of rescuing China from collapse 、 a leading theory to build a modern state and a power to mobilize the people,though it was only a west theory on nation—state building .Traditional China is not a western nation—state but a civilization system and an empire consisted of multi—nations, in which it must split the political order and destroy the multi—nations construction to disseminate nationalism. China not only succeeded escaping from a collapse the Empire encountered, but also kept a strong continuity on the territory and the traditional order from Qing Dynasty to the Republican China which challenged the validity of nationalism principle.In this dissertation, surveying the Chinese nationalism movement and the state structural transformation ,the author dwells on the factors which affected the process of transformation of modern china, such as foreign powers among china 、 geopolitics 、 nationalism revolution and the state rebuilding. In order to realize the aim, the author adopt researching apporaches of the history of politicis ,history of ideas ,diplomacy and sociology . In this dissertation ,the author draws a conclusion that reasons of the surviving of The Celestial Empire are two : (1) China was admitted as a nation—state by the foreign powers in china ; (2) China won bigger room maneuvered which was due to the great efforts made by the Officers of the Qing Dynasty in the dangerous situation of the sharp international competition .During this transformation period, the position of China in the world worsen and the process of Chinese modernization fallen into the sphere of Japanese hegemony for the nationalism revolution, thought it was a enormous power. Nationalism brought China not integrity and cohesion but splitness and weakness which subjected China to a long time transmutation and made China suffer endless bully and humiliation , what’s more, led the Legitimate crisis deepen and led China fall into long time Revolutions during the whole transformation period .This dissertation consists of three chapters. In Chapter 1, the author studies the history of Cut—the Chinese melon after the 1894 Sino—Japan War and the international situation that Chinese nationalism was prevailed . In Chapter 2, the author classifies the Chinese nationalism to two patterns, the one against Emperialism、 the other opposite Qing Dynasty before The 1911 Revolution of China and after it. In Chapter 3, the author pays attention to the political effect of nationalism movement which the Revolution Party of China appealed for aid from Japan during The first World War, especially, Japan coerced China into accepting The 21 demands, which indicated that The Revolution Party of China accepted nationalism not as a political principle to believed in ,but a tactics to seize powers. Nationalism movement brought China a series of disaster.

【关键词】 民族主义国家转型知识分子革命
【Key words】 NationalismRevolutionIntellectualTransformation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 07期
  • 【分类号】K257
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1953

