

【作者】 范立君

【导师】 金普森;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国近现代史, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 近代以来,关内向东北移民,是中国历史上最大的人口移动之一,可谓“全部近代史上空前的大举”,它对东北地区的历史进程产生了巨大而深远的影响。因而,东北移民问题,历来是人口史、社会史领域一个值得注意的重大问题。关于东北移民问题的研究早在20世纪初即已发端,历经一个世纪,其间虽不乏高质量的成果问世,但与其他地区的移民史相比,近代东北移民史的研究仍十分薄弱,研究成果不多,而且多为一些零星研究,到目前为止尚无一本全面、系统的东北移民史专著问世。在已有的研究成果中,学者们大多还停留在对历史事实的叙述上,对移民与东北社会的互动关系做专门探讨的尚属罕见。因而,在理清移民过程的基础上,深入探讨移民与东北社会变迁的关系具有极大的学术价值和现实意义。本文试图在占有大量中日文资料的基础上,运用历史学、人口学、语言学、社会学、统计学等多学科的理论与方法,对这一时期(1860~1931)移民运动发生的社会历史背景、过程、动态特征、性质等进行考察,在此基础上,着重探讨了移民与东北社会的政治、经济、文化等方面的互动关系,以补充、深化东北移民问题的研究。 全文共分为导论、上篇、下篇、结论等四大部分。 第一部分为导论。界定了本课题的研究对象,较为系统地总结、评价了前人关于近代东北移民问题研究的成果,在此基础上,阐述了本文的选题价值、资料概况、研究方法、基本框架及创新之处。 第二部分为上篇,包括五章内容。在对清前中期东北移民进行回顾的基础上,主要阐述了近代东北移民发展演变的历史过程,并对近代东北移民产生的动因、移民的特点及移民运动的性质做了考察。 第三部分为下篇,包括三章内容。主要探讨了近代移民与东北社会变迁的关系。政治上,由于多年的移民活动,清朝初年所形成的旗民双重管理体制逐渐被行省的单一管理体制所取代,东北在行政体制上完成了与内地的一体化;经济上,移民的到来,传播了先进的农耕技术,加速了东北的土地开发与农业发展,东北商品粮基地初步形成。农业的发展,带动了手工业、商业的繁荣,近代城镇普遍兴起;文化上,移民的进入,使东北地区的语言文字及民间社会风俗发生了变异,促进了汉族同当地少数民族之间的交流与融合,民族团结进一步加强,东北地区的发展逐渐接近内地文化水平。 第四部分为结论。主要对移民与东北社会变迁的关系作了总结。移民的大批迁入,改变了内地与东北人口分布悬殊的差距,促进了东北地区行政建置的设立,使国家控制力加强,东北边疆得到巩固;农村的经济关系发生了变化,促进了东北农业由传统向近代的转变;东北区域文化也发生了变异,一种新型的具有移民特色的文化形态——“新型关东文化”随之形成。近代移民勇往直前的“闯关东”精神,对当前东北的振兴仍具有重要意义。当然,人口迁移也给东北社会带来了负面影响:匪患日炽、娼妓业盛行、乞丐群壮大、生态环境遭到破坏等等,这些方面虽然不是主要的,但也不容忽视。

【Abstract】 The migration from inside Shanhaiguan Pass to the northeast is one of the longest-scale shifts of population in China’s history in modern times. It can be called "an unprecedented event on a large scale in modern history". It has the far-reaching significance on the history course in the northeast. Thus, the migration in the northeast traditionally is a noticeable and big problem in the field of population and society history. The research on the migration in the northeast has been started in the early 20th century. There have been high-qualified achievements in research coming out through the century, but the research on the migration in the northeast is still very weak and contributes a little. Most of these achievements are scattered ones. So far, there isn’t any whole and systematic monograph concerning the migration in the northeast being published. The scholars mostly focus on the narration of the past facts in those achievements. The specialized explorations on the interactions between the migrant and northeastern society are rare to read. Therefore, it has academic value and realistic significance to deeply explore the relations between migrant and the changes in the northeastern society based on the process of the migration. On the basis of lots of Chinese and Japanese materials, this dissertation reviews the social and historical backgrounds, courses, trend characteristics and properties of the migration movement in this period (1860-1931) by means of the theories and methods in history, demography, linguistics, sociology and statistics, etc. Moreover, the dissertation purposely explores the interactions between migrants and politics, economics and culture in the northeastern society to complement and deepen the research on migration in the northeast.Introduction, first section, second section and conclusion are included in this dissertation.First part: introduction. The research subjects are defined in this part. The achievements on migration in the northeast in modern times are systematically concluded and evaluated. Furthermore, value of the selected topic, survey of the materials, research methods, general framework and novelties are elaborated.Second part: first section. Five chapters are included. The historical courses of the evolvement of migration in the northeast in modern times are mainly mentioned based on the review to migration in the northeast in the early and mid-period of Qing Dynasty. The causes, characteristics and properties of migration in the northeast in modern times are explored.Third part: second section. Three chapters are included. The relations between migrant in modern times and social changes in the northeast are mainly discussed. Politically, because of migration movement, the dual managing system of bannerman and the Han people, formed in the early years of Qing Dynasty, gradually is replaced by the single managing system of province. Therefore administration system in northeast is integrated into inland. Economically, the migrants spreads the advanced agricultural techniques and speeds up land exploration and agricultural development in the northeast and commodity grain base is primarily formed. Agricultural development prospers handicraft industry and commerce and modern towns spring up at large. Culturally, because of the arrival of migrants, languages, characters and folk customs in the northeast variates, promotes the communication and integrity between Han and local minority, as well as strengthens the national solidarity. As a result, the cultural situation in the northeast nearly parallels with inland.Last part: conclusion. The relations between migrants and social changes in the northeast are mainly concluded. The immigration in bulk shortens the gap of population location between inland and northeast, perfects the administrative set-up in the northeast, powers the nation’s control, solids the frontier, accelerates the exploration of the land, brings the shift of agriculture from tradition to modern. With the variation of culture in the northeast, a new kind of culture with the characteristic ofmigration------New Northeast Culture is formed. Pioneering spirit of going ahead boldly to Northeast iscrucial to the prosperity of the northeast. Meanwhile, migration produces the side effects to the northeast society such as rampant bandits, prevalence of prostitutes, growing groups of beggars and damage of ecological environment. It is not the main stream of the society, but it can not be ignored.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 07期
  • 【分类号】K29
  • 【被引频次】33
  • 【下载频次】3523

