

Historical Research on Chinese Local People Teachers

【作者】 王献玲

【导师】 杨树标;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国近现代史, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 民办教师在新中国历史上占有重要地位。在长达半个世纪中,民办教师安贫乐教,艰辛奉献,是中国农村基础教育、扫盲教育的主要承担者。研究中国民办教师历史,一为传承其风范精神,二为总结其经验教训,以激励、鉴戒当今中国教育事业的发展。 本文秉此总纲,言三十万,由绪论、正文八章、结语共十部分构成。 绪论:界定了民办教师的概念,阐述了选题的缘起、意义及研究现状,简单介绍了基本文献资料,交待了研究方法、研究内容和研究创新。 第一章:论述中国民办教师的历史渊源。从清末到民国,因经费困难,师资匮乏,国家推行义务教育步履维艰,有名无实;而稍后的中国共产党在红色区域实行群众路线,走群众办学的道路,教育事业得到了很大发展。这些教训和经验对新中国建立后“穷国如何办大教育”具有重要启示作用。 第二章:阐述中国民办教师的产生和发展。新中国成立后,为解决快速发展教育事业与国家财力不足的矛盾,号召群众办学,实行“两条腿走路”的办学方针。于是,民办教师应运而生并逐渐发展壮大。从1949年到1951年是民办教师的出现阶段;1952年到1956年是初步整顿阶段;1957年到1966年是跌宕发展阶段;1967年至1977年是急速膨胀阶段。 第三章:讲述民办教师队伍的治理整顿。“文革”结束后,为了提高教育质量,党和国家十分重视教育工作,从1978年到1993年这15年,对民办教师队伍进行了规范建设。各级政府和教育部门积极采取措施,努力减少民办教师的比例,健全民办教师管理制度,提高民办教师素质,改善民办教师待遇,民办教师长期存在的问题得到初步解决。 第四章:讲述民办教师的光辉业绩。在半个世纪中,民办教师撑起了中国农村基础教育的半边天,担负着农村扫盲教育的主要工作,同时在农村社会精神文明建设和物质文明建设中也发挥着重大作用。 第五章:讲述民办教师队伍的艰难生存。民办教师的奉献与他们应得到的社会回报存在着极大的反差。民办教师队伍中存在的问题长期得不到根本解决,如耕教矛盾,待遇低,与公办教师同工不同酬,生活极端穷困,社会地位低下,受人歧视等。这些问题严重地影响了民办教师队伍的建设,影响了农村教育事业的发展。 第六章:讲述民办教师问题的最终解决。进入上个世纪90年代,中国教育事业的发展对教师队伍建设提出了更高的要求,而这时国民经济已有很大的发展,已有能力增加教育投入,于是,从1994年到2000年,党和国家及各级地方政府共同努力,积极采取措施,基本上解决了民办教师问题。 第七章:主要阐述贫困地区解决民办教师问题的经验及启示。不少经济落后地区由于领导重视教育,他们克服重重困难,把优先发展教育的战略落到实处,民办教师问题解决得很好,这说明教师队伍的建设、教育事业的发展,领导重视是一个重要因素。 第八章:主要阐述代课教师问题。上个世纪80年代吸收新的民办教师的门关死之后,代课教师开始出现,并逐步壮大。代课教师主要分布在“老、少、边、山、穷”的农村穷困地区,承担着这里的基础教育和扫盲教育。他们对中国教育如同当年的民办教师一样,作出了同样的贡献,存在着同样的问题。不同的是,代课教师问题至今还没有解决。本部分提出了解决代课教师问题的若干思考。 结语部分:主要阐述民办教师问题对二十一世纪中国教育事业的反思。长期以来民办教师队伍生存的艰难,管理上的紊乱,农村办学条件的极端简陋,严重制约了农村教育事业的发展。吸取这些教训,需要我们充分认识基础教育在社会经济发展中的重中之重战略地位,要加大对基础教育的投入,建设好农村基础教育的师资队伍,促进我国教育事业的繁荣。

【Abstract】 The local people teachers occupied an important place in history of new china.In half century ,local people teachers worked contentedly and although they were in poor life.contributed to our education.They undertaked main elementary education and eliminate illiteracy in village.The research on history of Chinese local people teachers can,flrstly,carry forward their spirit in tribute, secondly.sum up experience and lesson.and lastly inspire the development of Chinese education, especially village education in nowadays.According to the general principles above,this dissertation have 300,000 words, includs introduction,eight chapters and conclusions,ten parts in all.The introduction defines the meaning of local people teachers.set forth the reasons and meanings of the topic selection,research status quo,simplly introduces the basic literature and materials and explains the research methods.contents and innovations.Chapter 1 mainly introduces the historical origins of local people teachers in china.From the last regin of Qing to the Republic of China,state compulsory education developed so hard that it existed in name only,because teachers and funds then were very short.But ,lately,The Communist Party of China carried out the mass line and adopted the way peoples running schools so that they developed the education greatly in Red Regine.Such lessons and experiences would bscome the important inspiration to running great education in poor country in new china late.Chapter 2 mainly expounds the apparition and development of local people teachers in china. The central authorities carried out the policy of "walking on tow legs" and called the national to run education in order to deal with the contradictory between the development of education and the short state financial capacity,so,the local people teachers appeared and developed grandly step by step.It was a period for the apparition of local people teachers from 1949 to 1951;a period for rectification from 1953 to 1956,a period for development unsteadily from 1957 to 1966,a period for high-speed expansion from 1967 to 1977.Chapter 3 mainly explains the rectification of the local people teachers.In order to improve the quality of education, The Communist Party of China and the centrical authorities attached imp- ortance to the education when the "Wen GE" ended,and began to rectify the local people teachers in 15 yrars from 1978 to 1993.A11 governments at different levels and educational departments ad- opted vigorous measures,made great efforts to reduce the propotion,improved the management sy- stem,quality and treatment of the local people teachers.The troubles which had existed in the local people teachers for a long time solved initially.Chapter 4 mainly expounds the contributions from the local people teachers.In falf century, the local people teachers put up the half sky of Chinese elementary education and bore the main eliminate illiteracy in village,meanwhile,they made an important role in the progress of culture and ideology and material civilization in village sociaty.Chapter 5 mainly expounds the hard living of the local people teachers.There was a great contrast between the contribution and the reward to the local people teachers,the troubles to the local people teachers had not solved thoroughly for a long time,such as the contradictory between the ploughing and teaching,low treatment,deferent pay although they taught samely with the state teachers,very poor in living,low social status.discriminated by prople and so on..Such problems in-

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 07期
  • 【分类号】G529
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】2480

