

Research on Framework and Methodology of Constructing Industry-Oriented Commercial Management Information Systems

【作者】 吴士亮

【导师】 薛恒新;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 行业化是ERP的一个重要发展方向。在企业建模及软件复用等相关理论及方法的指导下,面向具体行业开发基于版本的、可批量定制的行业版ERP系统,对于解决目前在通用型商品化ERP系统中普遍存在的系统规模庞大、系统刚性太强、行业针对性差、客户化工作量大等问题提供了一条可行途径。 行业版ERP系统是在对企业管理共性进行系统化地识别、归纳和整理的基础上,通过系统化软件复用,在业务平台的支撑下,针对某一个(或几个)目标行业的管理需求及管理特点而设计开发的版本化的、可定制的商品化ERP系统。 本文旨在从企业建模理论、软件组件理论与方法、业务平台技术以及软件复用管理的角度,对面向行业的商品化ERP系统构建理论及方法进行较为全面的研究,以更好地支持行业版ERP系统的构建组织与管理。 ERP系统所蕴涵的是一个概念上的“虚企业”,“虚企业”是实体企业在信息世界中的映射,是一个企业管理的抽象模型。企业建模理论与方法可用于指导行业版ERP系统的研发。本文在对已有企业建模框架的基础上提出面向行业版ERP系统的企业建模框架,并基于UML形式化地描述了该框架中各部件的元模型,进而提出了与该企业建模框架相适应的行业版ERP企业建模方法。 接着,本文对行业版ERP系统的组件化进行了研究,认为行业版ERP系统的组件化包括三个方面的内容,即:业务过程驱动的业务建模、业务组件的获取、基于业务组件装配的ERP系统构建。在对企业业务过程分析的基础上建立了业务过程元模型,并进一步把ERP业务组件分为支撑组件、基本业务对象组件、任务组件、过程组件等四个层次。 业务基础软件平台是一个以业务导向和驱动的、可快速构建应用软件的软件平台,重点解决管理软件的业务描述与操作系统平台、软件基础架构平台之间的交互与管理问题。本文提出了一个面向行业定制的、以业务平台为支撑、以业务流程建模为导向、以系统化软件资产复用为主要途径的ERP系统业务平台框架,并对该框架中涉及的若干关键技术进行了较深入的研究。 行业版ERP研发模式要求软件企业改变现有的组织结构和软件过程,本文给出了行业版ERP构建模式下的软件企业的机构与过程组织形式,进而提出了一种MRP和GT相结合的、针对行业版ERP软件研发中计划问题解决方案。 最后,以制造业的一个典型类型——纺织行业为例,说明了行业版ERP框架构建与方法在该行业的应用情况。

【Abstract】 Industry-orientation is an important research direction of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. In order to solve problems such as large scales, too much rigidity, low industry pertinence and heavy customization effort, etc, which commonly exist in commercially available general ERP products at present, it is a feasible approach to the development of version-based and batch-customizable industry-oriented ERP (IERP) under the guidance of theories such as enterprise modeling and software reuse methodology.An IERP system is a version-based and customizable enterprise information system which is developed on the basis of systematically identifying, concluding and packaging the commonness of enterprise management to meet specific industry’s (sometimes a few of industries’) managerial requirements and characteristics, .and the entire development process is often supported by business software building platform and reuses software assets systematically.From the viewpoints of enterprise modeling theory, software component theory, business platform technology and systematic software reuse theory and methodology, this paper conducts a comprehensive research on the theory and methodology of constructing (an) commercial IERP system(s) so as to provide a foundation of constructing IERP systems successfully.What contains in an ERP system is actually a "virtual enterprise", which is an abstract enterprise managerial model and realizes the mapping of physical enterprises between the real world and the computation world. Therefore, the development of IERPs can be guided by enterprise modeling theory and methodology. This paper advances an enterprise modeling framework aiming at supporting the development of IERPs by investigating existing enterprise modeling frameworks, adopts UML language to describe the meta-models of each components of the framework formally, and then puts forward an IERP modeling methodology which is suitable to the modeling framework aiming at supporting the development of IERP systems.Secondly, the componentization of IERP is explored, which includes three aspects: business modeling driven by business process, acquisition of business components, and IERP construction by assembling business components. Based on the analysis of


