

The Prediction of Fractured Gas Reservoirs of Tight Clastic Rock

【作者】 吴朝容

【导师】 李正文;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 裂缝性储层预测研究是一项富有挑战性的工作,由于裂缝性油气产量在世界油气产量中的重要地位使得对裂缝性储层的研究成为人们无法回避的问题。前人针对此进行了多年不懈的努力,取得了丰硕的成果,但到目前为止,这些研究都难以彻底解决裂缝性储层的准确预测问题。针对裂缝性储层预测的困难,本次以新场气田须二段为例,尝试从地层、岩石、沉积相、层序、测井、地震、地应力、非线性等多学科多方面进行了研究。 本文主要内容和所取得的成果有: (1) 在地层岩性分析基础上,首先对目的层段进行了沉积相划分,须二段主要发育辫状河三角洲和湖泊沉积体系;首次进行了高分辨率层序划分,须二段划分出了一个长期、四个中期和若干个短期基准面旋回;分别从沉积相和高分辨率层序角度对有利储层及裂缝带发育特征进行分析,裂缝带和有利储层发育受到沉积相、层序和岩性特征控制。创新性的利用岩石固体属性进行了沉积相平面预测,预测结果与实际情况相符合,在缺乏钻井信息,利用常规方法无法进行沉积相分析的地区,该方法具有尤其重要的现实意义。 (2) 利用常规和特殊测井资料进行裂缝性储层识别、特征分析,在此基础上利用速度和密度测井进行了模型正演,正演结果反映了须二段典型裂缝性储层段的地震响应特征为中弱振幅、低频特征;裂缝性相对高渗透带为低频、中强振幅的地震响应特征;表明利用测井资料可以建立该区的正演模型。 (3) 利用多种常规属性和岩石固体属性分别进行裂缝性储层及含气性分析,总结了不同裂缝性储层在常规属性和岩石固体属性中的响应特征,首次利用多种岩石固体属性进行裂缝发育带预测,预测结果经钻井证实可信度较高。 (4) 通过地应力对裂缝进行预测研究,首先总结了一套利用测井和地震资料计算剖面地应力和三维地应力的方法;同时认识到裂缝较发育段的地应力值表现为低异常,并确定出现今最大水平主应力方向为近东西向。首次以三维地震资料研究弹性参数进而计算地应力参数,在川西致密碎屑岩领域创新性的进行了三维地应力反演和预测,获得了三维地应力反演和三维岩石破裂压力梯度反演数据体,通过与实钻资料对比分析,具有较强的对应性。这种方法对于裂缝性储层的预测不仅仅是一种创新,而且与基于井点的地应力预测方法相比,因为能够得到地应力数据体而具有更广泛的实际应用价值。 (5) 通过非线性反演方法研究,首次在研究区实现了裂缝性储层裂缝视密度反演,反演的视密度剖面具有较高分辨率,对于利用视密度方法进行裂缝性储层预测具有重要参考价值,是值得进一步探索的裂缝性储层预测方法。 (6) 创新性的利用模糊加权综合参数对研究区沉积相、裂缝发育带进行了进一步平面综合预测,预测结果与实钻油气显示、油气产能及地层结构有较好对应关系,表明所使用的综合参数在本研究区具有良好的实际应用效果。 (7) 通过利用沉积、层序、测井、地应力、地震等对裂缝性储层系统的研究分析,针对由多种因素控制的裂缝性储集层,形成了一套利用多方面资料进行综合分析的科学研究方法。

【Abstract】 The predication of fractured reservoir is a research that full of challenge, but we must face to it because of its importance in oil and gas industry. The former have work hard at it for years and gain plentiful fruit, but there are still many difficult. So we take the 2nd mbr of Xujiahe Formation of Xinchang Gas Field as a case, to predict fractured gas reservoir, using bore well, logging, seismic data, analyzing sedimentary facies, sequence, earth stress, seismic attribute, and the relationship between their and fracture.The main content and result in this dissertation include the following parts: The first is divided the sedimentary facies in 2nd mbr of Xujiahe Formation and there two types of facies .that are braded stream dalta and lake. For the first time divided the high resolution sequence, there are one long time cycle, four middle time cycles and many short time cycles in 2nd mbr of Xujiahe Formation. Creatively use rock solid attributes to predict the plane distribution of facies and the result is accurate. This method is important to where there few bore well and can not divided facies using classic method.The second is detect and analyse fracture using routine log and special log, then built different forward models for different type of fractured reservoir. The result of forward model show the response of typical fractured reservoir is middle to poor amplitude and low frequency, and the typical high permeable zone is middle to strong amplitude and low frequency. At the same time indicate that we can build the forward model using log data.The third is use routine and rock solid attributes to analyse the fractured reservoir, sum up the response in attributes. For the first time predicted the developed zone of fracture using variety of rock solid attributes and the result is true.The forth is the research of earth stress, first sum up a method to compute the section and 3D data set of earth stress using log and seismic data , at the same time know the earth stress of fractured reservoir is low and the direction of max primary stress is near east-west. For the first time computed the 3D elastic parameters and earth stress, computed the 3D data set of earth stress and fracture pressure gradient, the result is corresponding with fact. The method is creative and will be more extensive use.The fifths using the nonlinear method to make the inversion of fracture apparent density became truth and the result have higher resolution and is an important method to predict fractured reservoir.The sixth creatively use fuzzy-weighted method to predict the plane distribution of facies and fractured zone. The result is corresponding with the fact and show this method have good favourable future.Finally formed a integrated method to research fractured reservoir of tight clastic rock, using facies .sequence, log, earth stress and many attributes.

  • 【分类号】P618.130.8
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1491
  • 攻读期成果

