

Sequence Stratigraphy Research and Subtle Trap Recognition in the Centre part of Zunggar Basin

【作者】 吴金才

【导师】 陈洪德;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 古生物学与地层学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 准噶尔盆地是一个勘探程度相对较高的盆地,油气勘探逐渐进入隐蔽圈闭勘探阶段。从总体上看,侏罗纪准噶尔盆地属大型内陆拗陷盆地,湖盆水体不深,坡度较缓,整体为河湖三角洲体系,具多旋回、多物源特点,有利于岩性圈闭发育。本文从准噶尔盆地腹部构造背景研究入手,开展了侏罗系层序地层及沉积体系研究,基本明确了研究区构造及沉积演化特征。在此基础上开展了隐蔽圈闭研究与识别,初步探索出一套适合于准噶尔腹部隐蔽圈闭研究和识别的工作思路。 本文全面总结了露头层序、测井层序及地震层序层序划分、层序界面、沉积体系和体系域的识别方法。对不同方法的优势进行了分析,认为地震层序方法具有系统性,易对层序的客观面貌进行研究,通常用于三级或三级以上的层序的研究。测井层序分析由于分辨率比较高适合于四级及以上级别层序的研究。而露头层序的优势在天它的直观性,更适合于层序内部结构、沉积体系及岩性方面的研究。 准噶尔盆地为前海西基底上发育的叠合盆地,准噶尔腹部侏罗系沉积受车—莫古隆起控制。车—莫古隆起形成于早侏罗世末、强烈发育于晚侏罗纪末、隐伏埋藏于白垩纪—早第三纪、改造调整于晚第三纪—第四纪。车—莫古隆起对准噶尔腹部侏罗系隐蔽圈闭形成与成藏具有重要影响。 利用野外露头、钻\测井以及地震剖面等基础资料开展侏罗系层序层序研究,将准噶尔盆地侏罗系划分为7个三级层序,2个二级层序,而整个侏罗系为一个一级层序。印支晚期运动之后准噶尔盆地整体沉降,准噶尔腹部接受了中下侏罗统八道湾组、三工河组和西山窑组沉积,小幅度的升降运动和阶段性古气候条件变化造成湖水的进退,从而使得形成的J1S1、J1S2、J1-2S3和J2S4这4个三级层序低位域、水进域和高位域比较发育。燕山中期运动使盆地隆起,部分地层遭受剥蚀。湖盆萎缩并分割为相互独立的小型湖泊,沉积了头屯河组-喀拉扎组红色碎屑,分别为JS5、JS6、JS73个三级层序,这3个三级层序低位域、水进域和高位域不发育。 在层序地层研究基础上采用地震处理、解释一体化研究思路,对隐蔽圈闭研究与识别进行了探索,初步形成了一套适合于准噶尔盆地腹部隐蔽圈闭研究思路和技术方法系列,隐蔽圈闭研究取得较大进展。在这种隐蔽圈闭勘探思路的指导下,部署了沙2、庄3、董1井及永1井,实钻结果理想,试油过程中均获工业油流,实现了隐蔽圈闭油气勘探的重大突破。

【Abstract】 With the relatively higher degree of prospecting, the subtle trap in Zungar Basin was considered as an important exploration direction. Zungar Basin belongs to the large-scale landlocked depression basin in Jurassic Period, the water body of lake is not deep, the slope is relatively slow, the whole is a river-lake delta system, characteristics of multiple cycle and source help the lithology trap to develop.Base on the structure background , sequence stratigraphy and depositional system of Jurassic Period has been studied . An efficient method to discovery subtle trap in the Centre Part of Zungar basin has been found.In this paper, The division of sequence in outcrop, log well and seismic and sequence interface and depositional system and system track was detailed discussed. Analyzing the different advantages of every method, the seismic data was directly used to divid third-order sequence. Log well sequence analysis method is suitable for four or above rank sequence study.The outcrop sequence analysis method is suitable for the study of sequence interior structure, depositional system.Zungar basin is a superposed basin developed on Hercynian basis. The deposition of Jurassic Period in the Centre part is controlled by the ancient uplift. The ancient uplift was formed in the end of early Juassic period , developed in the end of latterly Juassic Period , buried in Cretaceous Period -early Tertiary Period, transformed and adjusted in Tertiary Period-Quaternary Period lately. The ancient uplift has the important influence to the development of subtle trap in the Centre Part of Zungar basin.Base on outcrop and log well and seismic section, seven sequences and two Super sequences and one Mega sequence were founded. Zungar Basin subsides wholly in later period of Indosinian.The deposition of formation of Badaowan、 Sangonghe and Xisanyao

  • 【分类号】P539.2;P618.13
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】792

