

Study on Management Ethic of Science and Technology

【作者】 戴艳军

【导师】 刘则渊;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 科学技术的迅猛发展及其对社会与经济发展的巨大推动作用,已经成为当今社会的主要时代特征之一。20世纪70年代,德国技术哲学家J·米兰多佛尔(Millendorfer)曾经预言:如果把工业化分为三个阶段,第一次工业革命强调的是物质问题,第二次工业革命解决的是信息的问题,即将到来的第三次工业革命,则要为人们如何在技术世界中过上有意义的生活这个伦理学问题找出答案。果然,20世纪后半叶以来,科学技术社会应用的非预期后果,以科学技术伦理(文中均用“科技伦理”)问题为突破口,吸引了从学界到政府以至公众舆论的目光。人们分别从科学技术的本质、自然与生态环境、科学技术发展与人和社会的协调发展等多个不同角度对科学技术进行伦理反思,取得了丰硕的成果。但是,科技伦理问题归根结底是人与人之间的关系问题,是人与自然与人类社会内部双重和谐的产物,引发科技伦理问题的症结不仅在于科学技术自身,在于人们对科学技术的价值反思,而且在于以这种价值观为基础的科学技术管理(文中均用“科技管理”)活动之中。 科技管理作为人类理性地利用科学技术的理论、方法和实践,推动了科学技术的加速发展。尤其是科学技术国家建制化以来,人们通过对科学技术活动进行有效地计划、组织、控制,使其取得了前所未有的社会地位,成为国家竞争力的核心。科学技术活动双重社会效应产生,特别是科学技术发展引发的生态破坏、环境危机、资源枯竭、战争频仍、贫富分化等灾难性后果,不仅要对人们科学技术活动进行伦理考量,而且要对人们的科技管理行为进行考察,通过科技管理目标的调整,来促进人与人之间的和谐统一,从而进一步地促进人与自然的和谐,开辟将科技管理与科技伦理结合起来的交叉研究领域。 管理伦理作为一门研究管理活动中伦理道德问题的新兴学科,以企业管理实践中的伦理问题、企业管理与企业伦理结合的基础、企业管理中的伦理关系及其道德调节、企业文化中的伦理关怀与企业主体的道德素质为研究对象,目前正在成为国内外企业管理与企业伦理交叉研究的热门领域。尽管企业管理与科技管理的内容和特点不同,但是,企业管理伦理研究所取得的丰硕成果,对于科学技术管理伦理(文中均用“科技管理伦理”)研究具有可资借鉴的意义,科技管理伦理研究也为一般管理伦理理论的发展积累了丰富的素材和经验。 本研究的目的在于将科技管理与科技伦理结合起来,搭建科技管理伦理交叉研究的理论平台,通过对科技管理伦理基本规律的探讨,提出有助于科技管理伦理实践的建议和对策。鉴于交叉性与综合性研究需要,论文主要运用了逻辑分析、历史分析、系统分析、案例分析及实证分析的方法,分以下六个阶段展开研究思路。首先,通过

【Abstract】 The swift advancement of science and technology propels social and economic development tremendously, which has become one of the main features of our age. Since the late half of the 20th century, scholars, governments as well as public circles have been actually attracted by the unexpected consequences of sci-tech social application, especially by the breakthrough of ethical issues research in science and technology (EST) . So people put efforts to reflect ethically in various perspectives, such as the nature of science and technology, nature and ecological environment, sci-tech advancement and the harmonious development of human beings & society, in which great success have been achieved. However, ethical issues in science and technology are, in the final analysis, the matter of relations among human beings, and the double harmonious outcome of human, nature and human society. The reasons for ethical issues in science and technology are not only in science and technology itself or in the reflection on sci-tech values, but also in management of science and technology (MST) based on the values.MST, being the theory, method and practice helping people take advantage of science and technology rationally, quickens sci-tech development. Especially since science and technology was made systematic and organizational nationally, sci-tech activities have been planned, organized and controlled effectively, causing science and technology to acquire higher social position than ever and become the core of national competitive power. Because of the dual social effect of sci-tech activities and those disastrous consequences like ecological destruction, environmental crisis, resource exhaustion, frequent wars and the gap between the poor and the rich etc, we should inspect not only activities of science and technology ethically, but also MST behavior. Through adjusting the objectives of MST, we will improve the harmony among human beings, and further improve the harmony of human nature, and start a overlapping research field combining MST with EST.Management ethics (ME) is new area of research dealing with moral issues in management activities and becomes a popular area of overlapping research on management and enterprise ethic at home and abroad. Management ethics involes in ethical problems in enterprise management practices, the foundation of combining enterprise management with enterprise ethics, the ethical relations and ethical adjustment in enterprise management, and the ethical concern in enterprise culture along with the moral quality of enterprise subjects. In spite of the different characteristics between enterprise management and MST, the rich outcome of enterprise management study is significant for reference to the research on management ethic of science and technology (MEST).This research aims to combine MST with EST and put up theoretical platform for the overlapping research on MEST, and to put forward proposals to improve the practice of MEST through exploring the law of MEST. In view of the intersection and comprehension in the research, this paper applies these methods like logic analysis, historic analysis, systematic analysis, case analysis and positive analysis. The six research stages are as follows: Firstly, it points out the realistic necessity of MEST by inspecting the ethical and

  • 【分类号】G301
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1864

