

Study on Institutional Innovation of Village Collective Economy in Suburban Aeras of Beijing

【作者】 李俊英

【导师】 冯海发;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农业经济管理, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 随着农村工业化、城市化和现代化的发展,农村经济社会出现了许多按老思路无法解决的新问题,如失地农民的生产、生活问题,农民土地权益被侵害问题,农村分配存在的公平和效率问题,农村基层组织缺乏对农民的凝聚力等。这些问题直接关系到农民收入、农业发展、农村繁荣和稳定,也直接关系到我国和谐社会的构建,迫切需要从制度上进行分析与解决,村级集体经济制度创新正是解决这些问题的最基础层面。基于这一背景,本文以北京郊区农村为研究对象,通过对不同村庄集体经济的实地考察,从制度创新方面对新问题进行比较分析,以期得出对我国大城市郊区村级集体经济发展有益的结论和政策建议。 制度创新存在路径依赖,对于村级集体经济制度创新的研究,必须对长期形成的村庄经济、政治和社会的现实性有一个准确把握,否则就会失去研究的现实基础与意义,最基本的现实就是村级土地的农民集体所有,以及我国长期形成的农村特有的社会文化背景。在这个现实基础上,通过对制度经济学前沿的把握,分析村级集体经制度变迁的内在机制与路径依赖、产生的制度绩效、变迁趋势等问题。 本文从以下几方面对北京郊区村级集体经济制度创新进行了的研究。首先,研究北京郊区村级集体经济发展历程,提出村级集体经济新内涵、新功能和外延,并为后面的论述作了相关的理论准备。其次,结合北京郊区村级集体经济制度创新实践,从村级集体经济产权制度(包括整合村庄全部资源的社区股份合作制、非农地制度、农地制度、村集体企业产权制度)、村集体经济组织制度、村集体经济分配制度进行了深入分析,找出了存在的问题,指出了创新的思路。最后,提出与村级集体经济制度创新配套的一系列外部相关对策措施。 本文在以下几方面进行了深入独到的研究并得出对实践有指导意义的结论。第一,从公平与效率关系的角度和人类社会发展趋势分析,保持适度比例的集体股,对村庄社区整体发展利大于弊。第二,基于村级集体经济新的广义内涵,提出要因村制宜发展村级集体经济制度体系,村级集体经济制度会以某种或更多的是某几种制度混合存在。第三,提出确权确股这种把土地承包权股份化的制度创新方式应该成为今后农地制度创新的发展思路。它是在原有家庭承包责任制基础上土地产权制度的一大进步,既可以兼顾公平与效率,又有利于土地使用权的流转和集中。第四,根据组织制度变革成本分析,考虑组织制度变迁的路径依赖及村级集体经济的经济、社会和生态功能,总结出可借鉴的四种组织制度创新模式。第五,农村特别是城乡结合部地区的村级集体经济制度创新需要配套的外部政策。这些地区社区股份合作制源于农村城市化、工业化,根本目的也在于推动农村城市化与工业化。股份合作制发展面临着来自城市化的各种矛盾与压力,其中很多问题的解决需要政府在城乡统筹、改革二元社会管理体制新理念下对相关政策进行调整。提出两大配套政策,一是推进行政管理体制改革与创新,二是建立健全就业和社会保障体系。第六,提出虽然村干部是最基层的管理者,但他们要兼具企业家与政治家双重素质。村级主要管理者是

【Abstract】 With the development of industrialization and urbanization in rural areas, there appear many new problems that cannot be solved by old thinking ways, for example, farmers losing their lands are facing unemployment and difficulty in life. Farmers’ rights and benefits are inviolated. These problems are involved with farmers’income, agricultural development, stability and prosperity in rural areas and building our society in harmony. It is badly urgent for us to work out the new problems from the perspectives of institutional innovation of village collective economy. Just based on this background, this paper focuses on anlysis on institutional innovation via investigation of suburban areas of Beijing. Hopefully we can develop some conclusion and suggestion that village collective economy in suburbs around big cities in China could benefit from.We have to consider the path dependence of institutional innovation and the reality of economy, politics and society formed in long period at villages. We have to face the fact that all villagers own land collectively and social and cultural background with Chinese characteristics exists at villages. Or we will lose the reality basis and significance on the study. Based on the reality the paper analyzes on mechanism, path dependence, contribution and trends of development of institution of village collective economy by updated institutional economics.There are three main parts of the paper. Firstly, the paper reviews history of village collective economy. It indicates updated concept, function and ways of village collective economy and prepares some theory for the further study. Secondly, the paper focuses on institutional innovation of property rights, organization and distribution. It indicates trends to innovation of the institutions. Thirdly, the paper raises a series of solution to institutional innovation of village collective econom from the point of view out of villages.Some conclusions, which are helpful in practice, are drawn by my own specific research. Firstly, moderate amount of collective shares set is good for a village to develop in perspectives of the relationship of justice and efficiency and the trend of the human society development. Secondly, institution of village collective economy is composed of single institution or more than one. It is important for a village to develop its own collective economic institution according to its own conditions. Thirdly, giving a farmer land rights at the form of shares should be a trend for institutional innovation of farmland in the future. The form is better than household responsibility system that can balance justice and efficiency Fourthly, four kinds of models of organization institutional innovation are summed up according to analysis on cost of organization institutional change, village collective economy’s function


