

The Implication of Existentialism of the Rational

【作者】 庞立生

【导师】 艾福成;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 本文对传统理性观及其两种典型的形式——形上理性观与工具主义理性观进行了清理与批判,并对现代西方哲学的理性批判进行了反思,指出现代西方理性批判的基本理路及其双重性的后果。借助于马克思的实践观所敞开的生存视界,本文揭示了理性存在的合法性根据及其辩证本性,分析了辩证法所内蕴的人的生存理性意识;在生存论的立场上,进一步揭示了人的生存理性所蕴含的内在矛盾,阐明了人的生存理性理应具有的边界意识与张力意识;进而通过对理性自我追问范式的转变的分析,表明了当代理性对于人的个性的自觉意识,展现了理性自觉对于当代人个性的生成所具有的真实意义。

【Abstract】 In the thesis,the author studies the traditional rationality , analyzes itslimitations , and the advantages and disadvantages of the rational criticism of themodern western philosophy. In addition, it bases the understanding of therationality n Existentialism from Marxism practical ideas, shows the legalityreasons of the rationality and the dialectical character of the living theory,analyzes the inner contradictions of the living rationality and its extension,illuminates the delight of the living theory in the self-questioning of the modernrationality and demonstrates the significance of the rational consciousness for thecreation of the free character of modern people.It includes five chapters:Chapter One It studies the traditional rationality historically, and points outthat the western traditional rationality has the old spiritual sense and valuablebelief: The world is the existence of the rationality; The human rationality is ahuman special character; People can depend on their rationality to realize theworld so as to get the freedom. Known in this way, the rationality shows threemeanings: In the aspect of the living theory, the rationality is a human specialcharacter, which is often regarded ad the spiritual substance existingindependently; In the aspect of the epistemology, the rationality is regarded as theknowing ability which goes beyond the perceptual realization and controls thenature and the laws of the things; In the aspect of the value theory, the rationalityshows the value of the goodness . It is naturally combined with the goodness. Thelife of the rationality is the life of the goodness, which is full of morality andfreedom The traditional realization of the rationality is general and transcendent,which also implies the traditional Logos and Nous ideas of the western rationality.The traditional rationality has two typical forms –the metaphysics and themechanical rationality . the metaphysics rationality breaks and destroys the humanliving nature as well as put the human living into the abstract situation. Themechanical rationality lead the human living to the materialized situation.According to their nature, both of the rationalities contain the common intellectualideas and substantial trend. This shows that the rebuilding of the rationality mustbe based on the new theory. Chapter Two It shows some ideas about the rational criticism of themodern western philosophy, points out the rational criticism of the modernwestern philosophy is based on the linguistics, taking the criticism of theintellectual theory , the overcoming of the abstract intellectual thinking and thecriticism of the nonhuman consequences as the rationale; During the criticism ofthe rationality , the modern western philosophy not only shows us a richer worldwith the humane atmosphere than the abstract rational one by the clearness of thelinguistics, but also in a certain way hides more natural living ideas; It greatlybreaks the intellectual ideas of the traditional rationality , but suffers from thetrouble of the relativism in the multiple rational realization; As it criticizes thetraditional rationality, it is involved in the spiritual conflict between therationalism and the non-rationalism. The modern criticism of the rationality facesthe dual consequences –the show of the “living world”in the rational criticismand the nihility in the clearing-up of the rationality. Chapter Three Through the analysis of the affirmatory subject of Quine’sontology , it demonstrates that the basis of the realization of the rationality isExistentialism rather than Intellectualism. Marxism practical theory containsprofound living ideas. Practice is the human self-living in the social history.Marxism has the difference from the modern western philosophy on the realizationof living. Relatively speaking, Marxism living theory has the character of realityand liberation. The Marxism practical Existentialism gives the foundation for us tounderstand the rationality. According to this theory, we will find that the legalityof the rationality is based on the human self-living and what the rationality wantsto show is that the clarifying of the human living truth. In the view of the livingtheory, the rationality has the dialectical character through the conscious control ofthe human living nature. The rational consciousness of the human living natureforms the living attitude of the dialectics, which contains the basic rational livingconsciousness such as self-criticism, inner transcendence , “The human being ispurpose.”, genus consciousness, history reasonability , etc. Chapter Four The human living rationality includes the innercontradictions of perception and rationality , rationality and belief , mechanicalrationality and valuable rationality, theoretical rationality and practical rationality.These contradictions are not substantial but living. Based on Existentialism, thecontradictions can be reconciled dialectically. The human living rationality and theother rationalities should have limit consciousness and keep reasonable boundary.Only in this way, the various rationalities can keep the necessary tension. Thecommunication reasonability idea that Habermas put forward shows a theoreticaltrial of connecting the multiple rationalities and being reasonable, but it also has acertain theoretical limitation. The rationality can become reasonable only in asocial and historical way. Chapter Five The self-questioning of the human rationality has the twotypical forms of—“What is a human being ?”and “Who is a human being?”. Thetwo questions imply the different life ideas and pictures. The modern rationalitycalls for the consciousness of the human character in the question of “Who is ahuman being?”. The rationality shows the human consciousness as the humancharacter. The humanity is not regarded as the abstract and general existence.Actually, it is regarded as human character. The human quality , level , model andsentiment all are involved in the human character. The human specific historical

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 06期

