

Study on the Technical System and the Mode of the Grassland Farming in South Dryland Farming Region of Ningxia China

【作者】 孙兆敏

【导师】 贾志宽;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 宁南旱作农业区包括固原市四县一区、海原全县和同心县、盐池县大部分地区,总面积3.11 万km2,总人口256 万人。该区是我国居民比较贫困、生态环境十分恶劣、人口比较密集的少数民族聚集地区,为我国北方农牧交错地带的一部分,属于我国北方农牧交错地带典型的旱作农业区。 生态恢复和社会经济发展是新时期研究宁南旱作农区发展问题的对立而又统一的两大主要任务。面对该区严酷的生态环境和资源状况,在研究宁南旱作农业区的农业发展现状的基础上,运用生态经济学、区域经济学以及农业可持续发展等理论体系,采取系统综合分析、定量与定性分析和归纳演绎相结合,典型研究、试验示范、引用成熟试验成果与案例分析相结合的多元互补研究方法,通过草地农业发展模式的构建,力求解决该区生态与经济建设的协调发展问题,探讨适宜宁南旱作农区的农业发展途径,转变该区农业增长方式,解决长期困扰区域经济发展的难题,增加农业产出和农民收入,实现宁南旱作农区农业和农村经济的可持续发展,也为北方农牧交错地带的农业和农村经济发展提供参考。基于上述问题,结合国家农业部农业结构调整重大专题项目的研究,形成了以下结论: 一、提出了在宁南旱作农区发展草地农业的构想宁南旱作农业区作为我国北方农牧交错地带的一个重要组成部分,论文研究过程中,在充分分析北方农牧交错地带和宁南旱作农区农业发展现状的基础上,围绕该区生态恢复与经济建设的迫切性,提出在该区必须转变“宜农则农”的农业发展思想,变“以粮为先”为“以草为先”的草地农业发展思路,推广苜蓿人工草地建设,立草为业,草畜结合,建立草畜产业一体化发展的草地农业生态系统。二、研究论证了草地农业在宁南旱作农区的战略地位草地农业是现代化农业的一个重要特征,它把畜牧业和草地充分纳入农业系统,使植物生产和动物生产、草地与耕地有机结合起来。牧草尤其是以苜蓿为代表的豆科牧草是草地农业的主要组成部分。通过发展苜蓿人工牧草种植,不仅可以改变生态环境,而且也是宁南旱作农区建设高效生态农业的重要途径。研究提出草地农业生产系统是宁南旱作农业区“生态—经济”重建的有效措施,是宁南农业现代化的需要。 三、提出苜蓿人工草地建设是宁南旱作农区实现农业可持续发展的战略途径 紫花苜蓿简称苜蓿,是世界上第一个被人工栽培的牧草,以其较高的生态和经济价值被誉为“牧草之王”,在全世界得到广泛种植。宁南旱作农区生态环境和农业生产条

【Abstract】 The dryland farming areas of the southern part of Ningxia autonomous region includes four counties and one borough of Guyuan city, Haiyuan, Yanchi, and Tongxin counties with a total area of 3.11 ten thousand square kilometer and 2.56 million gross population. It is one of the minority inhabited places, feathers with a higher population density, poor ecological environment and comparatively low individual economic income, as well as a typical arid-farming area of the northern farming-pastoral region in China. Ecological environment reconstruction and society economic development are two antitheses and uniform primary missions on the study about the South Ningxia dryland farming development way in the new era. Based on the inclement ecological environment and natural resources as well as the actuality of agro-development in the south area of Ningxia, we made use of the system of ecological economics and regional economics and the theory of sustainable development, adopted the manifold methods of the comprehensive analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis, induction and illation, a representative study, test and cited of the experimental results and casus analysis. The grassland farming development mode was formed so as to find a way to tackle the harmonious development between ecology and economy, to discuss the optimal dry-land farming developing route in Southern Ningxia, to transform the agriculture growing form, to solve the long-term existed blunders in economic growing, to increase farmers’income and at last to realize the sustainable development of agriculture and rural economies. At the same time, a helpful reference was provided in the development of agriculture and rural economies in the northern farming-pastoral region. In terms of the above problems, the results as follows: 1. Advanced the viewpoint of grassland farming in the south dryland farming region of Ningxia. The dryland farming area in South Ningxia is one critical part of the northern farming-pastoral ecotone in China. Based on the actuality of agro-development in this area, surrounded the imminence of ecological environment reconstruction and economy development, it was provided that the traditional “cereal crops take precedence”idea should be turned to “forages take precedence”in this area. Alfalfa grassland establishment was advocated and it could help to put forward the forage industry. Integrate grass with stockbreeding, buildup the grassland farming ecology system of the unitation of prataculture and stockbreeding. 2. Studied and analyzed the strategic station of grassland farming in the south dryland farming region of Ningxia. The grassland farming is an important character of modern agriculture, which took the stockbreeding and grassland into agricultural system, and integrated the plant production with animal production, grassland with farmland effectively. The forages, especially the leguminous grass as alfalfa is the mostly portions of grassland farming. The establishment of alfalfa grassland was the important way to build up effective ecological environment as well as the improvement ecological environment. The study and advanced of grassland farming system is the available measure to rebuilt “ecological environment –economy”and the desire for modern agriculture in south region of Ningxia. 3. Advanced the strategic way of agriculture sustainable development by building up man-made grassland in the south dryland farming region of Ningxia. Alfalfa, shortly called “clover”, is a widely planted forage which also praised as “the king of the forages”due to its high ecological and economic value. Because of the poor ecological environment and natural resources in south of Ningxia province, more attention should be put on the ecological environment rebuild and economy development. So based on the ecological and economic value of the grassland farming which is mostly made up of the alfalfa, using the theory of agro-ecology and ecological economics etc and the business instrumentality of agricultural industrialization, actualizing the integrative model of prataculture and stockbreeding, were the strategic ways to upgrade the industry of agriculture and rural economy. They were also the necessary choice to actualize the sustainable development and optimize the structure of agriculture and rural economy by developing the industries of grass livestock production and exploiting the industrial chain energetically in this area. 4. Studied and built the development mode of grassland farming in the south dryland farming region of Ningxia. The problem of the grassland agriculture sustainable development in south area of Ningxia province is the one of agricultural industrialization management The theory of grassland farming grows from fragile ecological environment area and has a short development period. So it still has no systematical conception and mode for industry development. Based on the developmental achievement of ecological agriculture and the condition of agriculture production, three mode of grassland farming were advanced as follow: The first one is prataculture production. In this mode, the mode of “family pasture under the system of fixed output obligation to households”, “the integrative model of prataculture(草业) and stockbreeding”and “1345 prataculture(草业) project of Ningxia”were mainly built up. The second one is grass crops system. Based on the retrospection of grassland agricultural development, mostly raised rotated mode of grass crops system as “the alfalfa (six years) —crops (millet, spring wheat, benne and potato etc) —crops (spring wheat, potato, millet and benne etc) —the alfalfa”. The third one is dry land water-saving farming. The water-saving agriculture project mode as micro-water collecting was emphasesly studied. And the projects of changing slope into terrace, earth furrow farming technology and micro-water collecting project were suggested widely extent. 5. Advanced grading development thoughts and system innovation of agricultural industrialization management in south dryland farming area of Ningxia province. It just studies the development problem of agricultural industrialization finally to study agriculture. The south dryland farming region of Ningxia is different from the other areas, where has comparatively unique characteristic of nation and geographical resource. In terms of the natural resources and social economical conditions, the basic framework of grassland farming and grading development thoughts of “hatch time”, “pullulation time”and “maturation period”were advanced. According to the character of the three steps, it is suggested to enforce the different development modes for agricultural industrialization management. The government impellent model, namely “government + leading corporation + (scientific research organization) + farmers”at pullulation time; The economy driver model, namely “leading corporation + demonstration farmer + farmers”at pullulation time; The industry driver model, namely “groups of leading corporation + chamber of farmer commerce (medi-organization) + production base + farmers”at maturation period. Especially at the maturation period, it was advanced the concept of “groups of leading corporation”which was brought into system of agricultural industrialization management for the first time. The concept also conquered the system objection of agricultural industrialization management from theory and practice. The mode of “Groups of Leading Corporation”also tackled the interest mechanism matter and exploitative risk of the farmer dependent on the corporation or the corporation dependent on the farmer. 6. Built technical support system of grassland farming in south dryland farming area of Ningxia province. The successful decisive factor of the grassland farming is the man-made alfalfa grassland in south area of Ningxia province. The objective of the study is to research the development techniques of the highly effective grassland agriculture, increase yields, promote the development of livestock breeding and finally fashion a unique ecological environment –economy model of grassland farming through agricultural industrialization. therefore, This research focuses on relevant technical research of construction of artificial meadow of alfalfa, research and propose to make agricultural district alfalfa around April 30 in artificial best sowing time in the man-made alfalfa grassland in this area; Draw in district this applying fertilizer gradient and applying fertilizer mode to be unsuitable to take the high way of applying fertilizer through test, nitrogen phosphorus overall to apply fertilizer range of quantity should fix on urea 30-60kg/hm2, superphosphate 300kg/hm2; According toexperimental result of study, adopt farmland micro-water-collected plant technology, it is district this that raise effective measure, alfalfa of economic flow rate a little; Compare and analyses through different crop rotation way at the same time, the cycle for crop rotation of grass grain should adopt alfalfas to grow the sixth year and begin to implement crop rotation with the crops in this area. Because of the above research, structure and rely mainly on cultivation technique of artificial meadow of the alfalfa, the drought does water-saving technology is the auxiliary, agricultural technology system of meadow as the basic cropping system of grain wheel of grass. Because of the above research, is it rely mainly on cultivation technique of artificial grassland of the alfalfa, drought make water-saving technology auxiliary, grass grain wheel as basic agricultural technology system of meadow of cropping system. 7. Advanced the development stratagem and steps of the grassland farming in south dryland farming area of Ningxia province. Based on the basic framework of industry and the technical support system of grassland farming, a comparably concrete strategic development idea was advanced. Firstly, the grassland farming is the demand for ecological environment rebuild and economy development, the important way to transform agriculture increasing mode and increase farmer’income, and the fundamentality outlet to get rid of poverty in south dry land farming area of Ningxia province. Secondly, the principia, way and modus operandi of the grassland farming were expatiated in south dry land farming area of Ningxia province. It should establish the correlation measures and countermeasures of benefit partition guarantee mechanism and compensation partition mechanism between the enterprise and farmers if we develop the grassland farming ecological economy in this area. Thirdly, the agricultural chain was proposed in the conversion of cropland into grassland. In the severe arid dry land farming area, feathered with over farming and soil and water erosion, the prataculture(草业) and stockbreeding development and the buildup of agricultural chain were the necessary way to realize agriculture benefit increase. Fourthly, it was suggested that the local government should support and develop the leading enterprise energetically, make the grassland farming to develop healthily in this area. In the guide of market economy, the industrialization developmental mode of “leading corporation (groups) + chamber of farmer commerce (medi-organization) + production base + farmers”should be proposed in order to quest for the new way of the agricultural industrialization. Next, the grass-crops rotation system, micro-water collecting and water-saving technologies should be spread energetically in these area so as to increase the agricultural integrative output and farmer’s income. Finally, it is advised to develop the demonstration project of grassland ecological agriculture actively and build the green quality brand of characteristic agriculture. Encircling the center of the integrative prataculture(草业) and stockbreeding model and characteristic farming industry, the local government should support a representative demonstration seriously in some suitablearea. The buildup of some eco-economic demonstration area would help to develop the ecological agriculture of circumjacent area, and finally to realized the aim of the sustainable development of ecological environment and economy in the South dry land farming area of Ningxia province.


