

Ecological & Environmental Water Requirement and Water Resources Reasonable Allocation for Region

【作者】 张鑫

【导师】 蔡焕杰;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业水土工程, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 当发展中国家面对非常严重的自然资源限制和环境退化挑战时,往往倾向于尽力维持社会经济的发展。但事实上,天然资源和环境的挑战则更应该被重视。因此,避免增加对生态环境的伤害,在相同条件下,除了必须要推进水资源使用效率,而且还必须维持依赖水的生态系统的需求,并且将此纳入水分配中。但是,目前在我国还没有非常完善的、具体的生态环境水分配的适当原则和方法。随着工业与农业的发展,人口与经济的增长,农业、工业和生活用水不断增加,水资源危机加剧。尤其是在我国西北干旱区,水资源严重短缺,生态环境极其脆弱,轻度人类活动就有可能引发土地退化和沙漠化,以及生物多样性的不断减少。因此,区域生态环境需水量和生态系统水资源合理配置的研究,不仅有利于社会经济的可持续发展,而且还有利于生态环境的保护和恢复。但是,目前关于这方面的研究还主要停留在定性研究和宏观层面上。针对研究中存在的问题,本文主要从以下几个方面进行了研究,并取得了一定的进展。建立了区域生态环境需水量(EEWRs)的概念体系,包括EEWRs 的概念和内涵。在此基础上分析EEWRs 的特征,提出了确定或计算EEWRs 的概念性框架和步骤,根据确定EEWRs的原则,构建了区域生态环境需水量的数学模型。该模型不仅包含陆地EEWRs、河流EEWRs,还包括河口、湿地等EEWRs。尤其是从水质的角度建立了计算河流水质稀释自净需水量、考虑非洪水季节冲沙需水量和河口EEWRs 的数学模型。本文的研究丰富和完善了区域生态环境需水量的理论体系和量化方法。建立了区域生态系统服务功能价值的修正模型。首先利用生物量订正法,对Costanza 等人提出的生态系统服务功能单价进行了修正,然后利用恩格尔系数推算发展系数,对生态价值进行修正,最后得到区域生态价值。本文的研究为合理确定区域生态价值提供了一条新的途径。提出了生态系统水资源动态反馈式合理配置的理论框架体系,把水资源配置放在生态环境这个大系统中去研究,既考虑生态环境需水的要求,又考虑了生态系统和水文系统对水资源配置的响应反馈,进而对水资源配置进行修正,以达到人与自然的协调。该水资源配置模式,不仅有利于水资源的高效利用,而且还有利于生态环境的保护、防止水污染。从效益系数的定义出发,提出了生态环境用水效益系数的概念,建立了确定生态用

【Abstract】 The developing countries face the very serious challenges of natural resource constraints and environmental degradation as they try to enter the mainstream of socio-economic development. But the fact remains that a very formidable natural resource/environmental challenge is faced by the developing countries. Therefore, to avoid increasing damage to the eco-environment, they would need to boost water resource use efficiency by the same factor, and have to protect the needs of water dependent ecosystems where the eco-environment has been identified as a key factor in water allocation. But no policy statement has previously existed to describe the principles and approaches for appropriate provision of water for the eco-environment in china. With development of industry and agriculture, and increase in population, the water consumption in rural areas and cities will increase constantly, the water resources crisis turns worse. Especially, in arid and semi-arid area of the northwest china, water resources is serious lack, the eco-environment is very friability, human being activity may cause the land degeneration to turn with desert, and the biology diversity will reduce continuously. Therefore, the research of the district water requirement of eco-environment and ecosystem water resources reasonable allocation, not only benefit to society economic keep on the development, but also benefit to the eco-environmental protection and recover. But, the current research concerning this aspect still stays around a qualitative analysis and the macroscopic research. Aim at the problem existed in the research, several problems have been solved in this paper. The concept system of the district eco-environmental water requirement, including the concept and the meaning, is defined. Based on characteristic of eco-environmental water requirement (EEWRs), EEWRs concept frame and the certain step are established, according to principle that certain EEWRs, the mathematics model of the district EEWRs are set up. That model not only includes the land EEWRs, river EEWRs, but also includes the estuary, wetland EEWRs. The mathematics model of the estuary, self-purify and dilution of the river contamination, and drainage sand during the no-flood season EEWRs are set up. The theories system and the quantificational method of the district eco-environmental water requirements are enriched and perfected in this paper. The district model of the worth a correction in ecosystem service function is established. The ecosystem service function unit price calculated by Costanza is revised making use of biology quality, then the development coefficient is reckon making use of the Engel coefficient to revise the ecosystem value, and getting the district ecosystem value finally. The textual research provided a new path for the reasonable certain district ecosystem value. The theories frame system for water reasonable allocation that is dynamic feedback type is put forward, water allocation is put into this big system for eco-environment to study in this allocation mode, not only EEWRs is considered, but also feedback information to come into being by water allocation for ecosystem and hydrology system, then water allocation will be revised to attain the person and natural coordination. The waters resources allocation mode, not only benefit to the water resources to make use of efficiently, but also benefit to the environmental protection in ecosystem and prevent the water pollution. Based on the definition of the benefit coefficient, the concept of the benefit coefficient to use water for eco-environment is defined, and the mathematics model is too created. The same time, the benefit coefficient to use water for life, agriculture, and industry are analyzed and investigated. Water resources reasonable allocation model is created, the target function is the synthesize benefit maximum for the economy, society and eco-environment, and this model is calculated by accelerated genetic arithmetic. Result enunciation: The model stabilizes, practical and reasonable, the maneuverability is strong. The model is systematization, rationalization, more integrality, also enriched the theories system for water resources reasonable allocation. The application study for EEWRs and water resources reasonable allocation in downstream of ShiYang River—MinQin County to make use of research conclusion in this paper is implemented. As a result: (1) EEWRs is calculated in MinQin county, consisting of the terrestrial vegetation (forest, grass etc.), evaporation and leakage in reservoir etc., its amount range from 0.537×108m3 to 2.289×108m3. (2) The value of the ecosystem services iscalculated in MinQin during 2000 year. Thereinto, 0.78×108 yuan/a for forest, 0.081×108 yuan/a for grass, 0.2598×108 yuan/a for marsh and wetland, 0.055×108 yuan/a for lake and river, 0.0923×108 yuan/a for cropland. (3) The net benefit coefficient is calculated to use water for eco-environment, life, industry, and agriculture etc. 0.2734 yuan/m3 for eco-environment, 0.32 yuan/m3 for life, 0.3159 yuan/m3 for industry, 0.2769 yuan/m3 for agriculture. The same time, water requirement is calculated for life, industry, and agriculture. The agriculture water requirement is range from 2.2226×108m3 to 4.8497×108m3, The life water requirement is range from 0.0492×108m3 to 0.0820×108m3, The industry water requirement is range from 0.0486×108m3 to 0.0616×108m3. (4) According to the supply water amount in MinQin County, the six concrete models for waters resources reasonable allocation have been established, each model includes three kinds of projects again. The model calculated solution: The ecosystem moderate with economy water resources allocation mode will be to maintains MinQin County economy keeping on the sustainable development and validly protecting eco-environment. The people life EEWRs are first satisfied, and there are a coordination allocation among eco-environment, industry, and agriculture in this mode. It benefited to protect the ecosystem environment, also maintain the certain economy increases speed.


