

The Composition and Geological Evolution of Pre-Devonian Metamorphic Rocks of Dulan, Qinghai

【作者】 郝国杰

【导师】 陆松年; 徐学纯;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以板块构造和造山带等地学新理论为指导,以地质事件群研究为主线,采用区域地质调查手段,在查明区域地层、构造、岩浆活动和变质变形特征基础上,将本区前泥盆纪变质地体由北向南划分为欧龙布鲁克古陆块、沙柳河超高压碰撞带和柴达木微陆块三个大地构造单元,研究了欧龙布鲁克古陆块、沙柳河超高压碰撞带和柴达木微陆块的物质组成,确定它们之间的相互关系。其中最北部的欧龙布鲁克古陆块主要由古元古代德令哈片麻岩、莫河片麻岩、达肯大坂岩群、中元古代万洞沟群和南华纪-震旦纪全吉群组成,全吉群与下伏的变质岩系呈不整合接触,在欧龙布鲁克至全吉山一带保存了清晰的变质基底和沉积盖层双层结构模式;作为两个陆块分界的沙柳河超高压碰撞带主要由中元古代沙柳河岩群、新元古代花岗片麻岩、早古生代榴辉岩、滩间山岩群和蛇绿岩套组成,保存了中-新元古代Rodinia超大陆汇聚的证据;位于南部的柴达木微陆块在本区主要由中元古代金水口岩群和夕线堇青花岗片麻岩组成。在此基础上,针对新发现的中元古代沙柳河岩群、中新元古代花岗质片麻岩、早古生代榴辉岩和有重要意义的地质体,采用事件群、重点研究和高精度测试手段与方法,确定其形成环境、形成时代和地质意义,建立了本区前泥盆纪重大地质事件序列,研究了它们的相互关系,将地质演化历史划分为七个阶段,分析了与Rodinia 超大陆汇聚与裂解有关的事件,提出中-新元古代花岗片麻岩是Rodinia 超大陆汇聚的产物,而南华纪-震旦纪的全吉群是Rodinia 超大陆裂解的有力证据,进一步探讨了Rodinia 超大陆汇聚与裂解在本区的相应时代,为研究我国三大陆块在全球Rodinia 超大陆中的位置及其相互关系提供资料和证据。

【Abstract】 The metamorphic terrane of pre-Devonian in Dulan region of Qinghai province was important part of central orogen in China. The tectonic location situated between the North China, Tarim and Yangtze blocks, that is the join position of the Qinling, Qinlian and Kunlui orogen. There were abundant geological records of assembly and break-up of the Rodinia supercontinent in Meso-and Neoproterzoic that were preserved in Qulan region. The studying mission is to find out the composition and the tectonic evolution of pre-Devonian metamorphic terrane in Dulan and the relation with the Rodinia supercontinent reconstruction. It would be based on the field geological survey. The geological events group is main thread and by means of isotopic geo-chronology and other knowledge. The metamorphic terranes of pre-Devonian in Dulan have been subdivided into three units from north to south, it is according to geological survey and integrating study, which the scale is 1:250,000 and 1:50,000, and based on sedimentary construction, magma movement, metamorphism and structure deformation, Analysis to the information about geophysics and faults boundary. The units include Olongbluck block, Shaliuhe UHP collision belt and Qaidam block, so the regional tectonic framework has been found. Olongbluck block was composed of Delingha Gneiss, Mehe Gneiss, Dakaidaban Group in the Paleoproterozoic, Wandonggou Group in the Mesoproterozoic and Quanji Group in the Nanhua-Sinian. The Shaliuhe UHP collision belt was constituted by Shaliuhe Group, granodioritic gneiss, tonalitic gneiss, moyitic gneiss in the Meso-and Neoproterzoic, eclogite, Tanjianshan Group and ophiolite in early Paleozoic. Qaidam block include Jinshuikou Grorp and sillimanite-cordierite granitic gneiss. The former Dakaidaban Group has been disassembled and confirmed. It has been considered that one part is metamorphic volcanic-sedimetary rock series in the Paleoproterozoic, the othe part is metamorphic clasolite in the Mesoproterozoic, which is Shaliuhe Group(or Yuqia Group) found by us in this geological survey. It provide new data for establishing tectonic framework of northern magin of Qaidam basin. At the same time, abundant granitic gneiss of the Paleoproterozoic have been found in former Dakaidaban Group, they underwent metamorphism and deformation together in the Paleoproterozoic, especially anatexis in 1900Ma. Quanji Group was unconformity above Dakaidaban Group, which is a strata in magnesoiu-carbonate rock and glacial conglomerate predominatingly. Their main rock type are glutenite, quatzite, sandshale, dolostone and tillite which have not undetwent metamorphism. The formed age is 760Ma from volcanic rocks in the bottom by isotopic geochronology. The age is approximately correspond with Rodinia break-up in Yangtze block, South Australia and America et al.. this is most persuasion Rodinia break-up evidence found in northern magin of Qaidam basin. Based up on geological, lithological, geochemical and geochronological characteristics of granitic gneiss in the proterozoic, we found out that the granitic gneiss in Paleoproterozoic including Delingha Gneiss and Mehe Gneiss, the granitic gneiss in the Mesoproperozoic consist of Luliangshan Gneiss, Caishigou Gneiss and Xitieshan Gneiss. Delingha Gneiss is biotite-adamellitic gneiss, belong to ultra-aluminium rock series, and the tectonic setting is intracontinent, the forming age is 2366±10Ma from single zircon U-Pb data. Mehe Gneiss consist of dark-gray, banding, fine grain-size, biotite-hornblende-plagioclase gneiss and meta-tonalite, the forming age is 2348±43Ma. It indicated that northern of Dulan region had underwent a large scale magma movement at 2300-2400Ma in Olongbluck block. The gneisses in Meso-and Neoproterzoic forming ages are 1190±39Ma、928±18Ma 和842Ma by TIMS and SHRIMP zircon U-Pb isotopic dating method. The petrochemistry and geochemisitry indicated that their origin environmental is magma-arc and collision orogenics type. It showed a large scale continent assembly in 1200-800Ma in this area. The early magma movement (1200-1000Ma) was consistent with Rodinia in the world, but the later period magma movement (1000-800Ma) was lagged the other block in the whole world. It has very vivid character of China block and important actual significance for studying the position of China block in the globe tectonics. Eclogites were distribute in the granitic gneisses and Shaliuhe Group with lenticle or banding like. They could be subdivided into five kinds, representative eclogite, hornblende eclogite, coesite-bearing muscovite-hornblende eclogite, kyanite eclogite and degrading eclogite. The petrochemical and geochemical characteristics were indicated that the eclogites could be subdivided into three types which were high-Ti, middle-Ti and low-Ti. Studying metamorphic minerals and metamorphism, the eclogite metamorphism underwent three stages: epidote amphibolite facies, HP eclogite facies and high-amphibolite facies. The peak temperature of eclogite facies was 650±20℃, the pressure could reached 24-28kbar. The eclogites have been determined using high precise SHRIMP and TIMS zircon U-Pb isotopic dating method, giving four group ages of 763Ma, 550-560Ma, 465-500Ma and 434Ma, the age of 465-500Ma was reflected to main collision period, so we think that the forming age of eclogites was early Paleozoic. Studying by rock paragenesis assemblage and geochemistry, the protolith of eclogites were confirmed that could be basic volcanic rocks or basic dykes,a part of eclogites belong to Shaliuhe Group, the other part of eclogites had the characteristics of island arc to ocean ridge which could be the remnant of oceanic crust or volcanic arc in early Paleozoic. Accordingly, the forming tectonic setting and mechanism of eclogites have been further discussed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 06期

