

Research on the Testing System of the Synchronizer’s Capability and Life Span

【作者】 陈福恩

【导师】 吴博达;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 2002 年6 月,一汽与日本三菱公司合作开发MAE 变速箱。为验证开发样本能否投入生产,样本是否先进,必须对该样本进行大量的操作性能(以后简称为性能)试验和寿命试验。该项试验可以在日本做,也可以在国内做。如果在日本试验,试验的每个样本都须被拿到日本去,日方提出的费用昂贵,无法接受。如果在国内做,目前国内还没有能够完成此功能的试验台。为此,我们承担了此项课题。本文对同步器性能与寿命测试系统进行了深入分析和研究后,提出了同步器性能及寿命试验台的设计方案。在经过大量的理论推导,建立了数学模型,并创造性地提出了试验台的机械手设计方案:采用液压驱动完成X 方向与Y方向上的运动,利用套筒及直线轴承完成Z 方向的运动,经过以上运动过程完成换档过程。解决了曲线换档、三维变二维控制、快速档位标定等几大难题,有效地简化了系统结构。根据转动惯量平衡原理,本文创造性地建立了同步器主动及从动部分微分方程,推导出同步时间与其他因素之间的关系。通过分析同步器结合过程,全面正确的确定了解各种参数对同步器性能与寿命的影响。同步器性能与寿命测试系统利用微机及液压伺服系统作为机械手驱动变速箱上的操纵杆运动,替代人工换档过程。本文通过对机械手的运动学及动力学分析,创造性地建立了运动学模型和动力学模型,推导出换档位移、换档力、换档时间以及加速度之间的关系方程。利用MATLAB 仿真进一步在理论上验证了理论模型的正确性。液压动力机构是液压控制元件和执行元件组合而成的液压装置,根据阀的线性流量方程、液压缸的流量连续方程、液压缸与负载的力平衡方程,推导出电液伺服系统的传递函数。本文通过PID 控制系统设计及调试,使系统具有良好的稳定性和频率响应特性。在进行性能试验和寿命试验的过程中,通过采集输入、输出轴转速,选档、换档位移,选档、换档力,输入轴转矩,液压站、变速箱油温,噪声等多项试验参数,对系统运行状况进行实时监控,若有异常事件发生,系统能够自动报警并自动关闭试验系统,保证系统运的安全可靠。

【Abstract】 1、Introduction If the auto has a synchronizer, it will ride smoothly, handle easily and decrease the driver’s exhaustion. In order to test the synchronizer’s capability and the life span, we should have a testing system. This task had developed the testing system that testing the synchronizer’s capability and the life span. The system drive the manipulator with the hydraulic pressure for simulate the process of changing shaft. And it collect signals from all kinds of sensors, how to analyze them for evaluate the ability and reliability of the testing synchronizer. This system is a typical example that simulate the robot with the machine、electrons and hydraulic pressure. According to the demand, this system should test some parameters including the force for choose shaft、the shaft’s locomotive route、the synchronizer’s torsion、the synchronizer’s rotational speed、the lubricant temperature、the synchronizer’s life-span and the capability etc. 2、The structure of the system Chart1 thesystem principle chart This system include the testing machine、the synchronizer、the changeable electromotor、the system that driving the hydraulic pressure、the force pump、the box for controlling temperature、the manipulator、some sensors、the converter and the industrial computer etc. 三、The controlling principle of the system The controlling principle of the mechanism: The system include the manual form and the automatic form. When the system test the parameters for the synchronizer’s capability, it usually uses the manual form. When testing the parameters for the synchronizer’s life span, it usually uses the automatic form. At the same time, the manipulator that having the location controlling capability simulate the people’s hand. The controlling principle of the hydraulic pressure: this system uses the servo-system. When the microcomputer is send out a voltage, this voltage is transformed electricity through D/A transducer and driver the manipulator with the hydraulic pressure. The process of testing system include some steps. At first, the electromotor rotated according to the demand. Secondly, the hydraulic pressure drive the manipulator to change shaft. Meanwhile, the microcomputer record the experiment’s number and the signal that the sensors send out. The signal export through the chart form or the digital form. When finishing all demanding circulation, electromotor will stop, the manipulator regain original location and the test finish. 四、The software of the system The system use C++ Builder as the computer language and the program is consisted of some units. The system require some functions which can control the signal directly, but C++ Builder hasn’t this function, it use the Windriver to compile the driver’s program. The hardware has a unit for controlling the manipulator’s change. The manipulator make the shaft move randomly. From the flow chart, we can easily see it. For making the manipulator resemble the people’s hands, the controlling part of the hydraulic pressure is of great importance to the program. This part consists of two steps. One is an analog’s PID of the hydraulic pressure. From changing the voltage, the hydraulic pressure change so adjusting the whole system’s press. The other is a digital PID of the computer. From changing the PID’S parameter, the computer can control the manipulator’s speed. The hardware has a unit for the system’s communication. This system require RS-485’s protocol which control the converter and RS-232’s protocol which control the noise processor. This function is achieved by the MSCOMM32 of the Activex. The hardware has a unit for the digital initialization and record. The system require a database that administer the manipulator situation, the parameter and the collection data. We use the ACCESS database to fulfill this function. First, the executive parameter initializations and record to the ACCESS database. Then, the system executive the program and the data are read from the database. According to the data, the manipulator begin to move. Meanwhile, the database will collect the new data automatically which can be analyzed in future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 06期

