

Integration and Interpretation of Geophysical Data in Central Southern Block of Yemen

【作者】 飞萨撒易德艾欧-胡仔木

【导师】 杨宝俊;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本文叙述了也门Al-Bayda-Mukeyras 和Al-Fadahah 地区复杂地质、地球物理和遥感调查研究的结果和计算;同时对调查的结果和过程给出一个定性的解释。研究区域是位于也门中部高原东南边缘,其周边是1000米到2000 米以上的高地。也门国家矿资源是本国经济增长和人民福利的基石,鉴于此,建立和快速发展它的需要日益提升。因为也门矿床接近贸易路线,或者贸易线路邻近可能已经成为黄金开发的产物,所以它可能已经被发现。和埃及金矿开采技术的相似性表明这些地区具有潜在的国际贸易。由花岗岩侵入形成的下部地壳带(Al-Sawadia)和上部地壳带(Al-Bayda)这两个主要地带代表了也门东南块体前寒武纪基底的复杂性。根据不同来源岩石类型的分布以及构造,这个前寒武纪基底可以细分。研究的构造区被Al-Jawf 断层限定在东南块体的北部。勘探区岩石的基本走向主要是东北/西南向,这些岩石包括原生代不同变质级别的变质沉积物/变质火山岩、前寒武纪花岗岩和一些辉长岩类侵入体相间产物。在该区域西北部许多NNE-SSW 向的岩体是我们的兴趣所在。蔓延在Al-Bayda 以南的东西向断层是一个主要的不连续特征,被称为Al-Bayda断层。本着定位和圈定边界的目的,本文说明了已知地表的矿床产状在深度上是否连续;定义了矿床最可能的地下演化;以及阐明遥感数据如何应用于获取基本的地质构造知识,因为当研究两个机载地球物理(磁法—电磁)、地面地球物理勘探和遥感数据时需要这种支撑信息。选择这个区域是因为已知本地区发生硫化物矿化作用,并且该地区的地质情况适合于铁、有色金属和贵重金属勘探。特别重要的是,这是也门共和国之前未勘探的中部地区。在过去二十年左右中,已经证实,应用高精度的航空地球物理数据集来寻找经济矿藏具有很高的价值。航空地球物理的逐步使用主要是勘探仪器的改善和不断提高的处理和解释技术共同结合的结果,这些已经导致了更好的信噪比和微弱异常检测的产生。航空测量的速度和成本效率使得它成为勘查工作的理想选择,它能够在相对较短的时间内覆盖大的区域。测量中通常是多参数的,运用两种或多种技术,如通常是磁法和电磁勘探(EM)。磁法和电技术的成功依靠对比周围岩石和目标特征(例如断层、地质单元和矿体)之间的磁性和导电性。电磁技术是矿物勘探中最常使用的方法之一。一个导电矿体和高阻围岩之间存在的导电性大差异使得直接检测导电有色金属储层成为可能。

【Abstract】 Geophysical Studies in Central Southern Block of Yemen (Al-Bayda, Mukeyras and Al-Fadahah areas), provides a description of the survey results and describes the equipment, procedures and logistics of the survey. The digital data included with this thesis display the magnetic and conductive properties of the survey area. The Area has defined several promising exploration targets in the Al-Bayda -Mukayras area. All are bedrock conductors and therefore possible massive metallic sulfides. The most attractive targets are concentrated in the Wadi Annah area; it is of low to intermediate grade metavolcanics and metasediments. A variety of other interesting targets are scattered over the rest of the survey area some have been interpreted as pyrrhotite, others may be formational conducts i.e. graphites or graphitic schists Many bedrock conductors have been interpreted from the survey data many are situated within extensive highly conductive zones which consist of closely-spaced bedrock sources. These conductors are most likely due to graphite rocks. There are several zones, however, in which anomalies seem to reflect discrete bedrock sources which display direct magnetic correlation and therefore indicate massive sulphides. The total field magnetic data have successfully mapped the structure and lithology of the survey area Interpretation sketch maps included with this thesis identify numerous faults and contacts which have been inferred from the magnetic data They also outline magnetic trends which may form a distinct geological unit. The resistivity products provide valuable information for general geological mapping purposes. Contacts, faults and conductive stratigraphic units are all apparent on the resistivity maps. Remote sensing imagery, which are the expression of faults and fractures affecting the Precambrian basement and have been corroborated by breaks in the airborne geophysics anomalies patterns.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 06期

