

Study on History of Forestry Policy of China Since Qing Dynasty

【作者】 樊宝敏

【导师】 董源;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 植物学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 在21 世纪中国,发展林业加强生态环境建设是一项重要而艰巨的任务。完成此项任务关键在于制定切实可行的林业政策。因此,认真研究和借鉴历史上的林业政策就成为一项很有意义的课题。本论文运用历史研究的方法,分别清前期、晚清、民国和共和国四个历史时期,从社会经济、森林生态、林业思想、科技教育、林业经济、法律法规、机构设置等方面及其相互结合上,对林业政策进行了系统的研究。分析了各历史时期林业政策的特点,并用现代科学的观点对其进行了评价,总结了历史的经验教训,得出了今后制定林业政策的几个原则。在清代前期的封建时代,林业深受农本思想和风水观念的影响。满族统治者为保护祖宗的发祥地,把东北划为“四禁”地区,森林得到较好的保护。而在其他地区,为了解决因人口暴长所需的粮食问题,鼓励毁林开荒,长江流域棚民大量出现。为了治理日益严重的河患,当时皇帝多提倡河堤植树,虽然不能从根本上解决问题。清政府颁布过少量护林植树诏令。各地护林碑的大量出现,说明民间毁林的严重和护林意识的觉醒。清政府设官负责采伐、收税和皇家园林,但缺少造林的官职。晚清时期,国家沦为半殖民地半封建社会,森林资源遭受帝国主义的大肆掠夺。向西方学习、兴办林业教育、振兴林政的呼声日益高涨。清政府为了解决财政、挽救危局,对东北林区逐渐实行开禁,成立农工商局,始创农林学术团体和农林学堂,派遣学林留学生,并从国外进口木材,被迫采取一些发展林业的政策。民国时期,孙中山的林业思想达到了新的高度,同时留学归来的一批林学家也提出了发展林业的理论。林业教育和科学技术在艰苦的环境中缓慢发展。先后培养出林业专门人才千余名。中国第一部《森林法》诞生,其后又经重新颁布。创立植树节和植树运动。由于国家政权不统一,在国民党、解放区和殖民地三种区域实行三种林业政策。各区域的林业管理机构和林业政策都有一定发展,但由于社会制度、战争等原因,林业政策难于实施。在中华人民共和国成立后的五十多年间,森林资源的所有制实现了从私有到国有和集体所有的转变。前三十年“大木头主义”占主导地位,森林资源受到严重破坏;后二十年开始重视森林的生态效益。国家重视林业生态工程建设,人工造林和自然保

【Abstract】 In the 21st century, it is an important and arduous task to develop forestry and construct ecological environment in China. To accomplishment the task a key point is at making feasible forestry policies. Therefore it becomes a valuable issue to study and use for reference the historic forestry policies of China. The history study methods were used in this thesis. It contains four historic periods: Early Qing Dynasty, Later Qing Dynasty, The Republic of China, the People’s Republic of China. The general situation of social economy and forest ecology, forestry theories, policies on forest science and education, forestry economy, law and rule, and institution were studied systematically. The characteristics of forestry policies in four Dynasties were analyses and evaluated in modern scientific view. The historic experiences and lessons were summarized. Ten basic principles for constituting forest policies in future were educed at last. In the feudalism time of early Qing Dynasty, forestry was impacted by idea of agriculture being as the nation’s root and conception of geomantic omen. In order to protect the birthplace of ancestors, Manchu governor named the Northeast China area as ‘four ban’districts. So the forests there gained well protection. But in other areas of China, being to resolve the foodstuff problem as fast increase of population, to ruin forest for agriculture were aroused highly. So ‘peasants under sheds’appeared in large amount scattered in Yangtse River basin. In order to govern the worse river disasters, the emperors always ordered planting trees along banks of rivers, although this could not solve the problem radically. The government also issued a few of orders of forest protection and afforestation. Many steles of protecting forest were established everywhere, which showed the severity of forest damage and the awakening of ecological idea in civilian. The offices for cutting, taxes, garden were set up but without for forest management. In later Qing Dynasty, the nation became to a semi-colony and semi-feudalism society. Forest resources were robbed in large amount by imperialists. The voices to learn from the West, to set up forest education, to raise forestry were getting much higher. The government was forced to adopt policies of forestry development by situations for solving economy and saving dangerous politics. Forest areas in the Northeast of China were


