

Studies on the Systematics of Lycoris and Genetic Diversity of Lycoris Longituba

【作者】 邓传良

【导师】 周坚;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 植物学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 石蒜属植物是优良的观赏植物和重要的药用植物,全世界有20 余种,其中我国具有丰富的野生资源,有15 种之多。国内外学者对其研究颇多,本文从繁殖与栽培技术、生长发育、育种、染色体、开发及经济价值方面对石蒜属植物的研究进展进行了综述。同时,回顾了石蒜属植物系统学研究进展,探讨了石蒜属分类系统存在的问题。在石蒜属分类系统方面存在的主要问题有:(1)细胞学与分子系统学上的证据较为一致,而与形态学上的证据存在差异,因此,能否以花冠整齐与否将石蒜属划分为两大亚属值得商榷;(2)石蒜属植物的杂合体较多,这些种的系统位置仍存在分歧;(3)微形态证据探讨石蒜属分类系统方面研究较为缺少。此外,对于应用前景较好的长筒石蒜,其种质资源没有进行研究。本文通过叶部的石蜡切片、叶表皮的光镜观察和电镜扫描对中国石蒜属11 种植物叶部微形态特征进行研究,以期能对探讨石蒜属植物种间关系提供依据。研究结果表明:栅栏组织排列方式、远轴面表皮细胞形状、气孔密度、气孔指数、气孔外拱盖蜡质纹饰等特征种间差异较大。因此,这些性状可以作为区分种的依据,又是研究石蒜属系统演化的性状指标。利用这些性状指标,结合形态学、孢粉学及细胞学特征,本文对石蒜属植物进行了分支系统学研究。结合分子聚类分析图,本文对石蒜属植物的分类系统进行了探讨,建议将雄蕊与花被片的位置关系作为石蒜属植物亚属的分类依据。同时,本文借助RAPD 及ISSR 分子标记,对长筒石蒜居群遗传多样性和不同花色变异类型进行了研究。研究结果表明:①长筒石蒜具有比较高的遗传多样性,各居群间遗传分化程度较低,大部分遗传变异存在于居群内部,表明其具有较强的进化潜力,自然情况下不会处于濒危状态,野生种质资源的破坏,主要来自于人为干扰;②依据花色区分的三种长筒石蒜不同类型,基本上得到分子证据的支持,即白色、粉红色及黄色类型的花,基本上分别聚为一类。因此,在未来的长筒石蒜种质资源利用中,其可以作为品系进行开发。进而,在不同的品系中,开发出不同的花型变异类型。

【Abstract】 Species included in the genus Lycoris Herb. are important ornamental and medical plants. There are about 20 species around the world. Our country is rich in wild resources of the genus, of which 15 species are native to China. In the first, the research development of Lycoris was summarized in the article, including the research of propagation and artificial cultivation, growth, breeding, chromosome, exploitation and economic value. The studies on the taxonomical systematics of Lycoris were also reviewed, and the problems in which were discussed. The problems in the taxonomical systematics are as follows: (1) the results of cytology are different from that of morphology, but results of karyotype analysis and that of RAPD are same. So it is seem too hard to divide Lycoris two subgenus according to corolla regularity; (2) the views on systematical tree of those species of Lycoris which have fairly more hybrid body are different; (3) the research of Lycoris on the systematical relationship of micro-morphology and anatomy is absent. Furthermore, the studies on the germplasmic resources of Lycoris longituba Y. Hsu et Q. J. Fan was not done, which has goodish economic value. Based on the researching of Lycoris leaf micro-morphology characters by SEM scanning, light microscope viewing and using paraffin method in the article, we try to provide the proofs of experiment to discuss the inter-species relationships on Lycoris. The useful microscope characters were as follows: the arrangement type of palisade tissue; the shape of adaxial epidermis cells; the stomata density; the stomata index; the wax ornamentation of outer stomata ledge. These characters were different among species of Lycoris. So these characters could be used as the characters indexes for differentiating species and studying systematic evolution of Lycoris. According to thirty-six morphological, anatomical, pollen morphological and cytological characters, the cladistic analysis of Lycoris was studied. Combining the results and the fingerprints of Lycoris on RAPD, the classification of Lycoris subgenus was discussed. It was suggestion that the position relation of the stamen and perianth slice could be used as the character for subgenus division. Using RAPD and ISSR, population genetic diversity and flower variation types of Lycoris longituba were also studied. The results were as follows: ① Lycoris longituba had a high level of genetic diversity, but the differentiation among populations of which was low. And the great mass of genetic variance was found within populations, which indicated that Lycoris longituba had strong evolution potential. Therefore, under natural circumstance, Lycoris longituba would not to be in imminent danger. Thus, the breakage of the Lycoris longituba wild germplasm genetic resources mainly came from artificial interference. ②From UPGMA dendrogram using RAPD or ISSR method, three Lycoris longituba types were supported with molecular evidence, which were originally distinguished by flower color. Therefore, in the future use of Lycoris longituba germplasmic resources, different varieties of which could be cultivated.

【关键词】 石蒜属系统学遗传多样性RAPDISSR
【Key words】 LycorisSystematicsGenetic diversityRAPDISSR
  • 【分类号】Q941;Q943
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】650

