

Study on the Theory and Method of Biodiversity and Associated with the Application in Xinjiang

【作者】 陈梦

【导师】 佘光辉;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 生态学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 生物多样性作为生命资源对整个地球人类的作用功不可没。研究生物多样性理论与方法,为有效开展生物多样性的保护、进行生态恢复和重建及制定持续利用措施提供可靠的依据,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本研究将自组织理论、耗散结构理论、熵理论引入生物多样性与生态系统关系研究之中,对生物多样性评价、新种的形成机制、生物多样性与生态系统稳定性的关系及生物多样性理论与方法在新疆林业生态建设实践运用等方面进行了分析研究。 一、熵值可以作为生物多样性的评价指标。 1.信息熵值、概率测度熵值可以作为物种多样性的评价指标,也可以作为物种均匀度的评价指标。熵值大,其多样性程度大,均匀度高;熵值小,其多样性程度低,均匀度低。 2.统计力学熵值可以作为物种丰富度的评价指标。熵值大,物种丰富度高;熵值小,物种丰富度低。 二、随着系统的控制参量数变化,当达到某一阈值时,在涨落力驱动下,原来的稳定态开始失稳,系统被推向一种新的结构。 分子序列的进化模型中,在遗传差异性因子作用下,序列会进化到一定的稳态,究竟取什么样的稳态,依赖于选择力(相当于控制参数)。随着选择力的变化,物种的变化也会跟着变化,当选择力变化超过某一阈值,旧物种失稳,新物种在遺传差异性因子驱动下开始产生。由于竞争排斥原理,使亲缘关系本来密切或其他方面相似的物种之间产生越来越明显的生态分离,最后在不同的生态条件下,固定为不同的物种。 新种的产生源于环境的变化和生物的自适应。在变化的环境中生物逐渐变化,最终基因产生突变,使生物体发生改变,发生突变的个体将突变后的特点、性质通过基因复制保存下来并逐渐发展,形成新的物种。同样,环境的变化会影响种群,使种群随环境的变化而发生变化,形成新的种群。生物体就是这样在遺传、渐变、突变过程中,种群在适应环境的改变过程中,既使物种得以保持,又使物种不断发展变化。 新物种的出现总是伴随着旧物种的消亡。正是由于新物种的不断产生,而且新物种产生的速度远大于旧物种灭绝的速度,造就了地球生物的多样性,使得地球上的生物物种丰富多彩。 三、系统的稳定与不稳定是由综合因素造成的。系统的稳定与不稳定即与组成系统的各组分及各组分间相互关系有关,也与系统的环境有关。因此,系统的组成成分、结构以及系统的环境因子都会对系统的稳定与否产生影响。 对于一个生态系统而言,物种丰富,系统的熵就大,则系统的不确定性就大,这使得系统越混乱,系统可能稳定,也可能不稳定。 因此,生物多样性与生态系统的稳定性没有必然的联系,生物多样性增加,系统的稳定性可能增加,也可能降低,也可能保持不变。 四、通过生物多样性理论的探讨及对新疆森林生物多样性的评价,提出了新疆森林生态保护和发展对策。

【Abstract】 The global natural ecosystem mainly consists of the biosystem (including animal, plant, and microbe systems), the environmental system (including the natural environmental system composed with light, heat, water, soil, geology and landform, the artificial environmental system, and also the social environmental system), and the social system (the human society). At the beginning of human on the earth, while the population, active capacity, impacktivity, and creativity of human being had not been developed to strongly interrupt the state, structure and fuction of the natural ecosystem, the global natural ecosystem had ever kept a spiral homeostatic development (known as evolution) via exchange of mass, energy, and information, and by self organization and self harmonization following the evolutionary law. Only as human, not only act as natural but also social, began to govem the earth following the needs of human society for its self survival and development in restructure the natural ecosystem, have it been changing in more and more substaintial way. However, due to the constrains of cognitive domain and ability of human itself to the nature, and also the increasing demand for survuval and development, during the process of obtaining and converting natural resources, and restructuring the natural ecosystem for socioeconomic development according to the requirement of human society itself, the natural ecosystem in some regions decreased in inorder and increased in outorder, and gradually reduced the performance of function in such ecosystems, thus brought in the disharmonic situation between human and nature that gave a warning alarm to the sustained development of human society. The people began to review and rhetorical think for searching the right development way of human society. In 1992, sustainable development strategy was proposed on the World Environment and Development Conference. The essential of sustainable development is how human can coexist harmonically with the nature. Sustainable development is in pursuit of the sustained economic development on the conservation of natural ecosystem as basis, the unification of economic development with ecological protection, and the unification of socioeconomic benefit with ecological benefit The agelong utilization of resources and the benign circulation of ecsystem are the important indicators for sustainable development.For many years, our county has paid highly attention on ecological costruction and environmental protectioa Forestry as the mainbody in ecological construction has made great contribution. In recent years, the state has launched, one after the other, 6 key forestry ecological projects for restoration and reconstruction of the degraded ecosystems in order to improve their productivity and rational management of the remaining natural ecosystems in ultimate realization of sustainable development of the ecosystems and harmonization of the loading capacity in natural resources with socioeconomic development Fro all these practices in ecological construction, without a concrete theoretical foundationfor guidance, it will be unreasoning and get half the result with twice the effort The practice of ecological construction requires the application of biosystem theory, environmental system theory, ecosystem theory, and other related theories for guidance, for realizing the target of promoting harmonization and unification between human and nature, and for providing service to sustainable of socioeconomic development of human society.Today, the solution to all the crises of population, resources, environment, food, and energy, faced to the world, is closely correlated with biodiversity on the earth. Biodiversity, as life resources, plays an extremely important role in the entire human society. The survival and development of human being need various biological resources, raw materials for industry, agriculture, and Pharmaceuticals, maintenance of homeostatic development of ecosystem, etc., all depanding on biodiversity.To study the theory and methodology of biodiversity for effective implementation of biodiversity conservation, for practice in restoration and reconstruction of ecosystem, and for formulation of sustained utilization measures, it is very significant theoretically and realistically. This thesis, by introducing self-organizing theory, dissipative structure theory, and entropy theory into the research of biodiversity and ecosystem, discussed the evaluation of biodiversity, the mechanism of new species formation, the relationship between biodiversity and stability of a ecosystem, and additionally analyzed the application of biodiversity theory and methodology in the practice of forestry ecological construction in Xinjiang.A. Ecosystem is an open arid typical thermodynamic system, and also a typical dissipative selforganizing system. An ecosystem depends on continuously providing with mass and energy for maintenance, and internally conducts within the system a kind of irreversible non-equilibrium process, constantly produces positive entropy, absorbs negetive entropy, and discharges high entropy.Ecosystem is a non-equilibrium and non-linear system with no additivity, with a function of enlargement As the open system, ecosystem may exist in the ways of near equilibrium condition (linear) and outer equilibrium condition (nonlinear). Non-equilibrium homeostatic is the state we pursue, which is a positive and only possibly sustained development and no new inorder structure (new species) can be produced in itNon-equilibrium state is one of the fundamental conditions for dissipative structure, self-organizing, and self-life sustaining behavior. Non-equilibrium state spontaneously evolves in the direction into equilibrium state. Only when at the state of outer equilibrium, inorder structure can be possibly produced And only at the state of outer equilibrium biodiversity can be generated. Non-equilibrium state is the origin of inorder.In terms of the consisted components, special biological component, that is the biota community, is the core in ecosystem. Ecosystem exhibits certain regional characteristics and spatial structure, and obvious temporal features, following the rule of from simple to complex and from low to high. Its metabolic activity is complished by the process of mass circulation and energy flow participated withthree big functional groups of producers, large consumers, and small consumers. Inside the ecosystem, among the population and between all the species and environment, there is feature of complex dynamic balance in terms of structure and function.B. Entropy Value Can be Use as Indicator for the Evaluation of Biodiversity.Entropy is an important concept in thermodynamics. It is the energy measurement during the process of thermoenergy transfer. The increase of entropy results in depreciation of energy. So it is the measurement of useless energy in a system.One of the rnicrostate of thermodynamic system is the distribution and collocation of molecules. In each state an entropy value can be estimated, and different state has varied value. For the macrostate of the system, the more the number of microstate included, the higher the entropy value in such syetem, showing higher level in chaos; the less the number of microstate included, the lower the entropy value in such syetem, showing lower level in chaos. If one macrostate consists of only one microstate, it entropy value is zero, then the system state is complete no chaos. So that biodervisity can also be evaluated by entropy.For ecosystem, it definitely exchanges mass, energy, and information with outside to increase its entropy value, showing that the system is developing toward the direction of increasing contribution from subsystem to the system in uniformity of quality, that is high species "uniformity, then abundance in species diversity; if entropy value decreased, then the system is developing toward the direction of increasing contribution mainly from single individual to the system, that is low species uniformity, then poor in species diversity.Based on the analysis of biodiversity indicators from 15 sampling sites in Kelamayi desert of Xinjiang, the results is as follows:1. Information entropy value and probability measurement entropy value can be used as indicators for evaluation of biodiversity, and also for uniformity of species. The more the entropy value the more the diversity and higher uniformity, or versus versa the less the entropy value the less the diversity and lower uniformity.2. Statistical dynamic entropy value can be used as an indicator for evaluation of species abundance. The more the entropy values the more abundance of species; the less the entropy values the less abundance of species.C. Self-organizing theory is the theory for research the production and evolvement of setf-organizing phenomenon in the external world. Self-organizing is a process making a system functional and structural in a certain conditions through interaction of subsystem within the system. Self-organizing theory considers that along with the change in control parameters of a system, when it reach to a certain threshold, the original stable state begin to lost driven by the force of fluctuation, the system is pushed toward to a new structure. Under the thermodynamic near equilibrium state (linearnon-equilibrium) new conformation cannot be produced. Only under the state of outer equilibrium (nonlinear non-equilibrium), can new conformation be produced.Open system under non-equilibrium and during irreversible process, can possibly results in stable inorder structure—dissipative structure, while existence of negetive entropy value. This dissipativestructure is dynamic, and maintained by "metabolism".In the model of molecule sequence evalution, under the effect of genetically differential factors, sequence can be evoluted into a stable state. What kind of stable state on earth it will take depends on selection force (similar to control parameter). Along with change in selection force, species will change accordingly. When the selection force beyond a certain threshold, old species will lose stable, and new species generate driven by the genetically differential factors. Because of the principle of exclusive competition, more and more significant ecological segregation appear among the species with close homology or similarity in other aspects, and finally get steady as different species under different ecological conditions.The generation of new species is always accompanied with disappear of old species. Right because of the continuous generation of new species, and the rate of generation is far more than that of disappear, the diversity of biota on the earth is created, so make rich and colorful in species on the earth.D. Ecosystem is a complete entity consisted by the all its components, with holistic structure, feature, state, behavor, and functioa Each subsystem of the component is interrelated and interacted each other. Species diversity is one of the characteristic factors of the subsystem in ecosystem.The stable and unstable of a system is caused by the integrative factors. The stability of a system is related with not only the interrelationship of each component which consist the system but also the environment of the system. Thus, the component, structure, and environment of a system are all contribute to the impact on stability of the system.For an ecosystem, the more abundance in species the more entropy values, so as to more uncertainty and more chaos in the system. Such a system may be stable, may also be notThus, there is no necessary correlation between the biodiversity and stability of ecosystem. The increase of biodiversity may increase, also may decrease the stability of the system, or may be unchanged.The introduction of foreign species into a regional ecosystem (that increase the species number in the system), while the foreign species do not become invasive species no threatening occurred to the ecosystem and no impact on the system stability; while as they become invasive species impact on the system stability will occur that cause the ecosystem lose stability. That also explains why there is no necessary correlation between the biodiversity and stability of ecosystem.E. The Strategy for Forest Ecological Conservation and Development in XinjiangThe strategy for natural forest ecological conservation and development in the mountain areaof Xinjiang is proposed as follows:l.The natural forest is scatterly distributed as blocks in the mountain areas of Xinjiang, with poor natural regeneration, and in additionally the interleaved forest and pastoral lands and frequent activities of human and animals. So to protect and restore the natural forest resources in the mountain areas of Xinjiang, the goal can be reached shortly only by closure bill for regeneration and artificially aided reforestatioa Typically for Tianshan forest one tree species as the main community establishing species, consecutive expansion of population size must be undertaken for reduce the risk of species extinction, because it is, relatively speaking, not easy to be extincted for a species with large population size and also growth rate higher than mortality unless special geological disaster confronted.2. Start from 2005, Xinjiang will initiate in fullscale the mountain reforestation project on Tianshan Mountain and low mountain area of Altai Mountain. In the course of the project implementation, the maintenance of sustainability in the structure and function of the forest ecosystem, understanding of the temporal and spatial dynamics in the ecosystem, scientifical selection of tree species, reasonable combination, doing right tree for the right place, the selection of adapted species polulation, the selection of indigenous shrubs, hardwoods and coniferous trees as best, the maintenance of forest soil productivity, genetic characteristics, biodiversity, landscape pattern, and ecological process, shall be fully considered.3. The wild fruits forest located on west Tianshan is precious species resource. They are solitary plants remaining from tertiary, is also rare tree species in our country, a genetic treasury waiting for exploitatioa So, onsite protection measures shall be taken and West Tianshan Wild Fruit Forest Conservation Area shall be established for proper protection of the inhabit of these precious wild fruits resources providing service for the sustainable socioeconomic development in the future in Xinjiang.4. In implementation of Natural Forest Protection Project and Close Hill for Regeneration and Afforestation Project, attention shall be paid on increase of plant species diversity. For increase the population of beneficial insects, it is helpful in increase of control capacity of forest to pests.5. Altai Forest-Pastoral Ecosystem, located on the transitional zone of Eurasian species and ecosystem, is a special area extended southward from European Taiga Forest Ecoregjon. Ergiz River, the international river, is originated there running to Arctic Ocean. Eight indigenous poplar species are originated there too. It is the globally very important genetic resources bank in the genus. The mountainous ecosystem of Tianshan Mountain is also one of the most important regions for biodiversity in china, and the source of several big rivers. It is globally significant region for protection of biodiversity. The mountain areas are the wet isoland in the deserts in Xinjiang, and also the richest place with plant resources. So in the ecological constructive practice of protection and restoration of natural forest, high attention must be paid on the protection of forest biodiversity.The ecological protection and development measures of plain natural forest:1. By the force of natural rehabilitation, take the measures of fullscale closure on the desertdiversifolia poplar forest, river valley secondary forest, and desert shrub woodland, to reduce unnecessary interruptioa It is the most effective and most economic shotcuts for restoration and expansion of forest coverage in Xinjiang oases, and for the protection of inhabitat in the arid desert region.2. Strengthen the protection of biodiversity in Tarim Basin and Juggar Basin for the security ofprecious germplasm in Xinjiang. Different types of natural conservation zone shall be established as soon as possible on the typical natural landscapes in the two basins and the major ecological zone in which rare animals and plants are distributed in relatively high concentration, for examples, the wild plum conservation zone in Tachen-Erming Basin, die halophilic plant conservation zone in Jugaar Basin, the small leaved birch conservation zone in the marsh (a peculiar marsh birch forest in Asia, with a area of 300 hectare remained and being severely threatened at the moment), Aibi Lake Wetland Natural Conservation Zone, Tarim River diversifolia poplar conservation zone, etc., and other artificial wetland natural reserves in some important regions.For those rare and endangered species, they are protected in the original place or other places. Betida hcdopMla is a special species in China. Limonium sujfruticoswn is an ancient species with limited ecological distribution and small population size, only distributed in the northern part of Juggar Basin where soil is highly salinized. For these two endangered species, effective protection shall be undertaken in the site or move to other place for prevention from extinctioa3. Reinforce the legal prtection and utilization of wild animals and plants. Strengthen the popularization and education on protection of biodiversity. Popularize the knowledge on the protection of biodiversity to improve the awareness of natural protection and natural devotion, and harmonization with nature, so make the protection of biodiversity to be the self-conscious behavor of the people.The ecological protection and development measures of plain artificial forest in oases: 1. The development of plain artificial forestry shall ultimately aim on the construction of sustainable oasis ecosystem for providing ecological security to the sustained development of socioeconomic system in Xinjiang. Meanwhile, make bigger and stronger forestry industry, strengthen sustained development capacity in forestry itself, establish sustained development mechanism for integrative harmonization between! forestry and social system.The plain ecological forestry construction shall focus on the establishment of an oasis sustainable ecosystem with organized affiliation among the internal elements of all the components in the system, with coevolution, and selfinaintenance, in the planning of forestry construction. Make most use of plain natural forest in wind break, sand control, and sand fixation as the effect of "first" natural green barrier, at the same time, convert artificial afforestation as the main into closure hill (desert, river) for for forest (pastoral) regeneration as the main. This is a both effective and economic way to speedup the process of making green of territory and improvement of ecological environment in Xinjiang. Focus will be paid on the vegetation protection in the surrounding area of Takelamakan Desert and Kuerbantonggute DesertTake Hie restoration and protection of forest and grass vegetation as the main, and combined with engineered measures for integrated management In the desert and outskirt of oases, construct windbreak and sand fixation system with combination of arbor, shrub, and grass for control of expansion of sandificatioaThe development of forest fruit industry shall be market oriented for selection of variety and size. Take science and technology as forerunner in development of varieties with advantage and speciality for improvement of competition and market share. Actively push forward the pace of industralization of forest fruit industry.Oasis artificial forestry shall combine with agriculture, animal husbandry, and fishery in a reasonable combination for construction of multiple agroforest ecosystems. On one side this can increase biodiversity for strengthening the selfadjustment ability in the system, on the other hand, the full use of materials inside the system can be improved. The industries of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery can be developed in harmonization for improving the function of ecosystem. Make use of interrelationship among species for setup a certain extent biological adjustment mechanism, combined with proper land tillage procedure and release of organic fertilizer and reduce of pesticides and fertilizer, for a truly established oasis agroecosystem, and also benefit to the establishment of a healthy ecosystem more suitable for human to live in.2. Underlaid by science and technology, fullscale improve the quality and benefit in forestry construction. Make use of science and technology as effect of the first productivity, truly shift the emphasis of forestry work to the track of depending on the progress of science and technology and improving the quality of laborers.3. The size of forestry ecological construction in Xinjiang shall adapt to the ecological requirements in the national great west development strategy and the socioeconomic development in Xinjiang, for secure forestry construction size expanding gradually along with the development of national and local economy. A mechanism for fund in ecological forestry construction linking with the national and autonomous regional disbursable fiscal revenue shall be buildup. Further improvement of forestry policy supporting system to strengthen the internal motivity in sustained forestry development Increase investment in forestry via policy and legislation, finance, taxation, credit, etc., in taking support policy on forestry.4. During the ecological forestry construction, mixture afforetation is strongly advocated to recorrect the single species problem for more afforestation on different aged mixture of coniferious and broadleaf trees, mixture of arbor and shrub trees, to improve stability and resistance to disasters of the ecosystem. In species combination, mostly prefer intergrowth species in selection for most use of them in the effect of harmonization among species in the restoration and reconstruction of ecosystem to reach internal harmonizatioaThe mix of different plants in forest ecosystem create food barrier spatially for different insects so limit the expansion of pests in space. Thus the diversity of cultivated trees shall be enriched. The cultivation and management measures shall be strengthened for increase tree potential and selfdefence. Meanwhile, the protection and introduction of natural enemy resources shall be conducted for enhancement of natural control effect of natural enemy to the pests. Try hard to buildup a situation of sustained development with high benefit and integrative harmonization among forest plant system, animal system, microbe system, and between natural environment and social environment5. In the afforestation on plains, the introduction of heterogeneous animal and plant species shall takefully consideration of the aboriginal ecological conditions and the interaction between the speicies and their environment. Special attention shall be paid on the natural enemies, while introduce new species, proper amount of natural enemies shall be introduced also to create as similar habitat as the origin. Monitoring shall be conducted for avoiding biological invasion brought in new ecological problem. Meanwhile, the protection of indigenous germplasm resources in Xinjiang is to be strengthened, to establish Xinjiang Tree Germplasm Bank for protection of the valued and rare germplasm resources, and for providing concrete foundation to sustainable forestry development in Xinjiang.

  • 【分类号】S718
  • 【被引频次】29
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