

A Study on Seismic Scattered Wave Characteristics by Numerical Simulating

【作者】 尹军杰

【导师】 刘学伟;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地球探测与信息技术, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 任何由地球三维非均匀性引起的地震波的变化都称为地震波散射。散射波地震勘探技术是隐伏金属矿床勘探、构造或岩性复杂区能源勘探和工程地质勘探领域中的一项前沿课题。国内外对散射波地震勘探技术的研究仍然处于探索阶段,要真正应用于生产还有很长的路要走。实际的地质问题往往很复杂,如金属矿勘探、山地石油勘探、岩性复杂区工程勘察等,不同尺度的非均匀地质体共生,会形成极为复杂的、多种波相互干涉的地震波场,单一波场(如反射波、折射波等)不能正确描述复杂地震波场,这就要求用广义的地震波散射理论去解决复杂地质问题。因此,研究散射波地震勘探技术,在复杂地质构造或非均匀地质体的勘探中具有广泛的实用价值。论文主要研究内容: ①通过对大量地震地质模型(单点、多点、层状、单体、多体)的散射波数值模拟正反演研究,系统总结散射波的波场特征; ②系统分析散射波与反射波的差异,讨论基于反射波处理软件进行散射成像的利弊; ③结合实例分析,进行基于地震地质模型散射成像数值模拟的采集参数论证与观测系统设计技术研究。论文主要创新点: ①利用数值模拟正反演的方法,首次对大量由简到繁的地震地质模型(单点、多点、层状、单体、多体、实际矿体)的散射波场特征进行系统研究,总结了散射波的波场特征,为散射波的识别解释和采集处理技术研究奠定了基础; ②建立了一套地震地质模型与炮记录和叠加、偏移剖面相对应的模板,可以为实际散射波地震勘探资料解释和复杂波场的识别提供参考; ③首次系统分析了散射波与反射波的差异及采用反射处理软件进行散射成像的利弊; ④针对复杂区金属矿和石油勘探问题,首次进行了基于地震地质模型散射成像数值模拟的采集参数论证和优化观测系统设计技术的研究与应用。

【Abstract】 Any seismic waves change in which caused by 3-D heterogeneity in earth all can be called seismic wave scattering. Seismic exploration technique on scattered wave is one of the leading edge problems in the field of the mining seismic prospecting, energy sources prospecting in complex structure area and engineering geology prospecting. Now the seismic exploration technique on scattered wave is being researched, and there are many works to do before it is applied to production. In fact many geology problems are complex. For example mining prospecting, petroleum prospecting in mountain area, engineering prospecting in complex area etc.. when different scale heterogeneity geological bodies are together,a very complicated seismic wave field can be formed by many types wave interference each other. The complicated seismic wave field cannot be described exactly in simplex wave (for example the reflection wave, the refraction wave etc.). It is demand to solve the complex geology problems in widely seismic scattered wave theory. Thus, to study seismic exploration technique on scattered wave is widely and practicably valuable in prospecting complicated geologic structure or heterogeneity bodies. Main research contents in the article: ①Summing-up scattered wave characteristics systemically by study a lot of seismic and geologic models (single point, more points, layers, single body, more bodies) scattered wave numerical simulating forward and inverse results. ②Analyzing the difference of seismic scattered wave and reflect wave systemically. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of scattered wave imaging base on the reflect wave processing software. ③Combined with examples analysis, studying the technique to demonstrate seismic acquisition parameters and geometry design based on the scattered wave imaging numerical simulating of seismic and geologic model. Main improvements and innovations in the article: ①For the first time aim at a lot of seismic and geologic models (single point, more points, layers, single body, more bodies), the scattered wave characteristics is studied and summed up systemically by numerical simulating forward and inverse method. It is based to study how to recognize and interpret scattered wave, and its acquisition and processing technique.


