

Reservoir Characterization and Reservoir Engineering Study of Fula Field and Moga Field in Sudan

【作者】 聂昌谋

【导师】 陈发景;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿产普查与勘探, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 2003 年11 月8 由CNPC100%投资和作业的苏丹6 区勘探开发项目历经8 年勘探开发终于投产。苏丹Muglad 盆地Fula 凹陷的Fula 和Moga 油田是项目一期开发生产60 万吨和即将建成200 万吨产能的主力油田。该文以三维地震精细解释为基础、以综合地质研究为手段,对Fula 凹陷Fula 油田和Moga 油田的构造、地层、储层、流体势和成藏条件进行了细致的研究,详细描述了Fula 和Moga 油田的油藏地质特征,总结成藏规律,开展了滚动勘探开发研究。在综合地质研究基础上和国内外类似油田开发技术调研的基础上开展油藏工程研究,总结稠油油藏的油水运动规律,提出了开发Fula 和Moga 油田稠油的排砂采油方式。Fula 油田和Moga 油田的油藏主要为白垩系的Aradeiba 组(A)、Bentiu 组(B)的普通稠油油藏和Abu Gabra 组(AG)的稀油和天然气藏。Aradeiba 油藏为层状油藏,位于浅湖相薄砂层中;Bentiu 油藏为块状油藏,位于辫状河厚砂层中;Aradeiba 和Bentiu储层砂岩胶结疏松,高出砂量和低地层压力,物性好;原油密度大,粘度大,高酸值。下部的Abu Gabra 组的层状油气藏位于三角洲前缘相的具中等孔渗的薄层砂岩中,具有断块小,储层相变快,油气高度低等特点。形成油藏的基本因素是圈闭是否具备有效的生、储、盖组合,其次泥岩的侧向封堵是形成Darfur 群、Bentiu 组和Abu Gabra组油藏最主要控制因素,主要油藏圈闭类型为断鼻、断背斜等。主体区块Fula North断块和Moga20 断块的Bentiu 油藏为的断背斜块状油藏,Fula North 断块Bentiu 油藏具有倾斜油水界面特征,用地震层速度计算的地层流体势表明低流体势与原油聚集分布区吻合,原油聚集在油势低值区。滚动勘探开发的成功表明Fula 油田和Moga 油田之间是原油储量增长的潜力区。Fula 油田采用排砂冷采方式开发其实际生产效果好于预期,Bentiu 油藏由于厚度大且具有强底水支持因而产能高,Aradeiba 油藏由于油层薄,边水能力弱因而产能低。

【Abstract】 The production commenced in Fula field on Nov. 18, 2003, after 8 years exploration and development of Block 6 operated by CNPCIS with 100% working interest from 1995. The Fula and Moga Fields are main development area for the current 12000BOPD of Phase I and 40000BOPD of PhaseII by the end of 2005. On the base of detailed 3D seismic interpretation and comprehensive geological study, the structure, formation, reservoir feature, fluid potential and reservoir engineering are studied. The reservoir features are drscribed in detail and the rules of hydrocarbon accumulation are summarized. The progressive exploration and development were proposed and implemented. The cold heavy oil production with sand (CHOPS) were recommended and employed in the field production by the widely investigation in the world and result of reservoir engineering study for Fula and Moga fields. Fula and Moga Fields are mainly consisted of shallow ordinary heavy oil reservoirs in Cretaceous Aradeiba and Bentiu Formations and light oil and gas reservoirs in Cretaceous Abu Gabra Formation. Aradeiba layered reservoirs are located in thin sandstones of shallow lacustrine facies. The massive reservoirs distributed in thick sandstones braided river facies thick bedded are developed in the Bentiu Formation. The Aradeiba and Bentiu reservoirs are characterized by shallow burial depth, loose consolidation, good porosity and permeability, high sand production and low formation pressure, and the crude oils are characterized by high density, high viscosity, and high acid value. The layered Abu Gabra reservoirs are located in thin sandstone reservoirs with medium porosity and medium permeability of delta front facies, being characterized by small fault block, rapid facies change and low hydrocarbon column. Effective combination of source, reservoir and cap rock, lateral sealing of mudstones are the main control factors of oil and gas accumulations in Darfur Group and Bentiu Formation. The main trap types are fault nose and fault anticline. The main blocks are Block Fula North and Block Mog20. The reservoir in Bentiu Formation in Block Fula North is a faulted anticline in a horst block with a tilt oil water contact. The oil potential estimated by the seismic interval velocity indicates that there is the good match between the low fluid potential and oil accumulation. The success of the proposed satellite wells indicates the reserve potential area is in between Moga and Fula oil fields. The production performance is better than expected, the high production rate of Bentiu are supported by the thick pay zones and strong bottom water and the lower production rate of Aradeiba are caused by the thin pay zones and weak edge water.

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】760

