

Study of Petrological Characteristics and Thermodynamic Mechanism of Secondary Pores in Deep Reservoirs, Songliao Basin

【作者】 赵国泉

【导师】 赵海玲;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 随地层深度的增加,火山岩的孔渗不受深度的影响,显示了火山岩岩性较为致密而压实作用并不能发挥很大作用的特性,而碎屑岩则比较明显地随深度降低物性变差。在松辽盆地的2500m、3000m 和3500m 和南部的2000m 和2500m 左右,出现五个渗透率和孔隙度的高值区。初步分析上述几个高值区应该是次生孔隙及火山气孔发育带。松辽盆地深部储层岩石学特征表明:松辽盆地碎屑岩类型主要为岩屑长石砂岩和长石岩屑砂岩。火山岩在北部主要分布在营城组和火石岭组。松辽盆地南部火山岩主要在营城组和火石岭组中发育,岩性以玄武岩为主,其次为安山岩和流纹岩。次生孔隙主要发育于岩屑长石砂岩和长石岩屑砂岩中,为研究次生孔隙的热力学形成机制提供了岩石学证据。油田水特征:作为深层主要储层的泉头组、登娄库组和营城组,在水型和平均矿化度上存在差异。泉二段在北部的平均矿化度较低,反应了一种破坏的沉积环境,而在南部的平均矿化度较高,显示了较好的封闭条件。泉一段、登娄库组、营城组,作为深层的主力储层,平均矿化度较高,呈较好的封闭性,水型也是以反映较为封闭条件的NaHCO3型为主。我们推测应当是水岩反应形成次生孔隙,从而使得这些地层可作为良好的储集体。松辽盆地北部的登娄库组和营城组,随着深度的变化,矿化度的高值、ph 的低值与碎屑岩、火山岩的孔、渗高峰区对应较好,这里的孔渗高峰区是指的3000m 和3500m 的次生孔隙发育带。对油田水的资料进行了分析,对油田水进行了离子活度的计算,利用热力学方法对长石、浊沸石、碳酸盐和高岭石的溶蚀热力学计算结果表明:长石中主要是钙长石和钾长石的溶蚀形成次生孔隙,而钠长石的溶蚀贡献不大。浊沸石的溶蚀在松辽盆地非常重要,特别是在松辽盆地北部深层储层中较为发育,是松辽盆地北部的3000m 左右次生孔隙形成的主要成因。方解石溶蚀只发生在温度较低的地层中,即多发生于成岩阶段的早期,在松辽盆地较为发育,呈现多期次形成、溶蚀的特性。通过计算可知高岭石的溶蚀对于次生孔隙形成也具有一定的贡献。结合镜下观察、前人资料以及本次所做的热力学分析,绘制了松辽盆地溶蚀模式图。其中,次生孔隙的形成主要是由于长石和浊沸石的溶蚀所形成。

【Abstract】 With the increase of depth, the porosity and permeability of volcanic is not influenced by depth. Evidently, clastic rock’s porosity and permeability become worse with the depth. Sandstone and rhyolite have better character. Yingzheng group and Quantou group are the main reservoir. At the 2500m, 3000m, 3500m, there appears three sections with high porosity and permeability. At the south of Songliao basin, volcanic breccia has better character. At the 2000m, 2500m, there appears two sections with high porosity and permeability. We think these sections are all high secondary pores belt. The character of deep reservoir rock in Songliao Basin: In the north of Songliao Basin, the clastic rock are mainly lithic arkose and lithic sandstone. The volcanic rock mainly located at Yincheng group and Huoshiling group. And the main reservoir is volcanic rock in Yingcheng group. In the south of Songliao Basin, the sandstone mainly covers lithic arkose and lithic sandstone. And the volcanic rock include basalt, andesite and rhyolite. Like north of Songliao Basin, the volcanic rock mainly distributed at Yingcheng group and Huoshiling group. Through studying on detailed oil water data, we found there are difference between north pf Songliao basin and south of Songliao basin. Quan 1 section and Denglouku group and Yingcheng group, as main reservoir, all have high degree of mineralization. And the type of water is NaHCO3. We inferred that it is the reaction between water and rock which form secondary pores. The area of high degree of mineralization value, low ph value is corresponds to high porosity and permeability. Through analyzing the data of oilfield water, and combing thermal means, we calculated the ion activity. And calculated the formula of feldspar, zeolite, carbonate, kaolinite’s solution by thermal means, and got the balance line. Drawing the map by spot the LogK of oilfield water. We think: it is mainly the anorthite and potassium feldspar which form the secondary pores. The albite offer little contribution. The solution of zeolite is the main cause of formation of 3000m secondary pores belt in north of Songliao basin. Besides, we calculated the solution of carbonate, kaolinite. The solution of calcite occurred in stratum with low temperature, in another word, belong to the early stage of diagenesis. In the kaolinite, there can also form secondary pores.

【关键词】 岩石学地层水次生孔隙长石浊沸石
【Key words】 PetrologyOilfield waterSecondary poresFeldsparZeolite
  • 【分类号】P618.130.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】977

