

Study on Quantitative Assessment of Undiscovered Mineral Resources

【作者】 王银宏

【导师】 翟裕生; 严光生;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 矿产资源潜力定量评价对象是潜在的(未发现的)矿产资源,主要内容是以远景区或靶区的形式确定未发现的矿产资源的空间分布,并对相应的未发现的矿产资源量进行估算,目的是为了提高研究区的矿产资源综合分析研究程度,建立统一的、规范化的找矿信息平台,为勘查投资决策和勘查工作部署服务。文中首次应用三部式定量评价方法在长江中下游典型成矿区带开展斑岩铜矿资源潜力定量评价研究,并指出三部式矿产资源潜力定量评价是涉及多层次、多因素的综合决策问题,它包括地质、矿产、地球物理、地球化学、遥感和科研资料的汇集,空间数据库、矿床模型、品位和吨位模型的建立,成矿信息的提取,成矿理论的应用,远景区的圈定和优化,以及资源量的估算等诸多方面。首次将成矿系统理论引入三部式定量评价体系。以成矿系统理论为指导,深入认识长江中下游斑岩铜矿成矿规律,建立斑岩铜矿描述模型、成因模型、品位和吨位模型,使用主观概率法估算长江中下游斑岩铜矿各个远景区内潜在矿床的数目,依靠蒙特卡罗方法模拟计算得出深度为1000 米范围内90%概率研究区内斑岩铜矿潜在资源量560 万吨,50%概率为2860 万吨,有较大的资源潜力。运用地球化学块体理论,以丰度为33×10-6的块体下限在长江中下游地区圈出4 个地球化学块体,总面积为14259Km2。假设成矿率为2.75%,计算出深度为1000 米岩块中Cu 的总金属量为193810 万吨,斑岩铜矿潜在资源量4300 万吨。通过三部式定量评价方法与地球化学块体评价方法在长江中下游地区斑岩铜矿定量评价对比研究得出研究区内斑岩铜矿资源潜力大,预测矿床主要位于地表以下500~1000 米范围内,尤其是鄂城-九瑞远景区和贵池-铜陵远景区。同时,综合利用多种方法圈定成矿远景区并估算潜在矿床数目,提高预测精度,扩大适用范围,是今后三部式定量评价方法的重要发展方向。

【Abstract】 The quantitative assessment of mineral resource potential take the undiscovered mineral resources as target by means of prospects or tracts, and their main contents include how to confirm the space distribution of undiscovered mineral resources and to estimate their amount for improving integrated analysis extent in work district, establishing unified and standardized orefinding information platform, and serving for the prospecting investment decision and work arrangements. In this paper, adopt the three-part quantitative assessment method to develop the quantitative assessment of porphyry copper mineral resource potential in the typical metallogenic belt such as the middle–lower reaches of the Yangtze River for the first time, and point out that the three-part quantitative assessment of mineral resource potential make up a comprehensive decision-making problem which involves multi-levels and multi-factors such as collecting data of geology, minerals, geophysics, geochemistry, remote sensing, and scientific research, setting up space database, deposit models, and grade-tonnage models, educing mineralized information, application of mineralization theories, delineating and optimizing tracts, and estimating amount of mineral resources. The metallogenic system theory has been applied into three-part method for the first time. It was concluded that the undiscovered porphyry copper reserves in study district respectively would be 5,600,000 tons for 90% probability, 28,600,000 tons for 50% probability, so there would exist a good resource potential at the depth of 1000m depending on the theory of metallogenic system as guidance to know deeply porphyry copper mineralized laws in the Yangtze River, to set up porphyry copper deposit models and grade-tonnage models, to estimate number of undiscovered deposits in tracts by means of the subjective probability method, to simulate amount on Monte Carlo method. Baded on the geochemical block theory, author has delineated 4 geochemical blocks with the block lower limit 33×10-6, total area 14,259km2, and calculated respectively at the depth of 1000m rock blocks in study area that the Cu metal endowment 1,938,100,000 tons, undiscovered assessed resources 43,000,000 tons supposing mineralization coefficients 2.75%. Compared the three-part method with geochemical block method applied in quantitative assessment of porphyry copper deposits, it was predicted that there would exist a good potential especially in Echeng-Jiurui tract and Guichi-Tongling tract at the depth of 500-1000m, and also proposed that the developing direction of three part quantitative assessment in the future should be how to adopt different methods to delineate tracts and estimate number of undiscovered deposit, to improve the predicting precision and expand the scope of application.

  • 【分类号】P624.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1072

