

Geophysics Technology and Application in Lithologic Traps Exploration

【作者】 王焕弟

【导师】 牛滨华; 李明;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地球探测与信息技术, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 我国石油工业的发展已有半个多世纪的历史,但已经探明石油地质储量仅占预测石油资源总量的20%,天然气探明储量仅为预测资源总量的7%,石油和天然气勘探仍然具有很大潜力。然而,容易找到的构造型油气藏大多数已基本被发现。最近几年已发现的油气藏中,岩性油气藏所占比例越来越大。2003年中国石油天然气股份有限公司探明石油储量中,岩性油气藏中所占比例超过50%。三级储量中岩性油气藏比重超过了70%。与常规构造油气藏相比,岩性油气藏具有更大的隐蔽性,成藏规律更复杂,勘探难度更大,对勘探技术的要求也更高。到目前为止,对岩性油气藏勘探尚未形成有效配套的技术。 当前,针对岩性油气藏的勘探正在三大油公司如火如荼地进行,急需实用有效的方法和配套技术支持。十多年来,我国石油勘探者在岩性油气藏预测和评价研究中做了大量工作,积累了丰富的经验,尤其在东、西部地区岩性油气藏描述与目标评价中取得了丰硕的成果,收到了良好的效果,对提高岩性油气藏勘探的成功率和推动储量发现都发挥了重要作用。 本论文是在岩性油气藏勘探方法与技术研究及应用基础上,通过对松辽盆地南部英台油田岩性油气藏成功勘探实例的解剖,提出的一套针对松辽盆地南部岩性油气藏勘探实用的地球物理方法与技术。从应用角度,对岩性油气藏勘探中的主要地球物理方法和技术原理、应用步骤及关键问题、注意事项等方面进行了较为系统的讨论,对目前岩性油气藏勘探中涉及到的主要软件的使用范围及优缺点进行了解剖性评价。通过对松辽盆地南部大面积、低丰度构造—岩性油气藏勘探实例的详细介绍,探索了一套针对松辽盆地南部岩性油气藏识别的地球物理勘探方法和技术。 本论文从我国岩性油气藏勘探的技术需求出发,结合松辽盆地南部勘探实际,紧紧围绕岩性油气藏勘探中层序地层学应用和储层预测两大核心内容,提出了适合于松辽盆地南部的岩性油气藏勘探的配套技术。本论文对岩性油气藏的勘探有重要的指导意义。

【Abstract】 Although the development of the petroleum industry in our country have been over moiety secular history, but only accounts for 20% of total forecasting petroleum resources amount. Natural gas positive reserves were restricted to 7 % of forecast total resources. Petroleum and gas prospecting still has great potential. However, the structure oil-gas reservoir liable to discover have essentially came to light. In oil and gas traps which have been found last few years the proportion of lithologic oil reservoir section were increasing. The proportion of lithologic oil reservoir in petroleum-in-place demonstrated in Petrochina were over 50% during 2003. The proportion of lithologic oil reservoirs is over 70% in third class reserves. Compared with conventionality structural reservoir, lithologic oil reservoirs are in possession of more stealthiness ,more complex orderliness of forming traps, more difficulties for exploration, and more higher requirements of prospecting technology. Up to now , there are not yet valid allied techniques for lithologic oil reservoir exploration.Currently , the exploration aimed at lithologic oil reservoir are running like a raging fire in the track of the three petroleum corporation. It exact pragmatic powerful measures and complete technology to support. Over a decade, our petroleum explorer in lithologic oil reservoir forecasting and evaluation studies have performed a great deal works, accumulated abundant experiments. Especially in the lithologic oil reservoir description and target evaluation in the western and eastern region, They have achieved plentiful harvest and effect. It exerts vital role to improve explorative rate of success and to urge reserves discovery.This paper put forward a set of practical geophysical method and technique aimed at the Songliao southern basin lithologic oil reservoirs based on lithologic oil reservoir exploration method, technique research and application by means of dissecting successful exploration examples of the Yintai oilfield lithologic oil reservoirs. From apply point of view , it relatively carry out systematical discussion aimed at chiefly geophysical methods and technique principles,applied steps, key problems, caution notes in lithologic oil reservoir exploration. It also dissects usable range and relative merits of main soft ware that are concerned in lithologic oil reservoir at presence. By presentation with detail to large area, low abundance lithologic oil reservoir exploration examples in Songliao southern basin, this paper quests for a set of geophysical method and techniques discriminating lithologic oil reservoir in This paper raises a complete technology suitable for Songliao southern basin lithologic oil reservoir exploration by combining Songliao southern basin exploration practice, our lithologic oil reservoir

  • 【分类号】P618.130.8
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1693
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