

Study on the Change of Land Use/Land Cover of Bashang District

【作者】 李志祥

【导师】 田明中;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 第四纪地质学, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 早在20 世纪90 年代以前,各国从生产经营活动的需要出发,进行的有关土地利用类型以及植被覆盖类型的调查、分类及制图等,对于土地利用的现状进行较为全面的认识,其成果对各国的经济建设、资源开发等起到了很大的促进作用,土地利用/覆盖变化的研究已成为全球变化研究的重要部分和核心内容。河北坝上地区具有“环京津”的独特地理区位,是北京的天然生态保护屏障和水源保护地。多年来,国家一直把该区域作为“防沙治沙”和“京津风沙源”的重点治理区,也是河北省落实“退耕还林还草”政策的主要区域之一。坝上地区位于我国北方农牧交错带中段,是生态环境脆弱带中最脆弱的地段。沽源县位于坝上高原东南缘,其独特的自然环境和人文环境集中体现了坝上地区的基本特征,因而,以沽源县为例进行土地利用/土地覆被变化及其驱动机制研究,为坝上地区的可持续发展提供经验和模式,对本区生态环境的改善、提高土地的利用效益、促进区域经济可持续发展以及北京市的防沙降尘等无疑具有重要的现实意义和战略意义。经过三年的研究和探索,以沽源县为例总结和发展了LUCC研究方法和模型,主要利用陆地卫星TM 影像对研究区的LUCC 及其驱动力进行了分析,得出的主要结论如下: (1)通过对沽源县1987年和1999 年的遥感图象解译分析,研究了耕地、草地、林地、未利用地、建设用地和水域的变化趋势,基于单一土地利用类型动态度模型和综合土地利用动态度模型的分析结果,探讨了各种土地类型变化的驱动机制和影响因素。(2)对土地利用程度变化的模型分析结果可知,研究区在1987-1999年的13年间,土地利用程度总体上处于发展期,引起土地利用变化的原因主要是经济利益驱动和政策的引导。(3)利用景观生态学的土地利用空间格局演变的研究方法,分析研究区的土地

【Abstract】 Since 1990s, most countries started to study issues on land use and land cover in accordance with their development so as to know the current situations of land use. The research of land use/land cover has been a most important part in the global-change research, and its achievements have a good effect on the economic development and resource exploitation of each country. Bashing district in Hebei province has a characteristic geographic area condition around Beijing and Tianjing city, which is a natural ecologic and water-source protection barrier. The nation have regarded it as a key region to prevent and control sand-dust; moreover, it is a major region for “returning the land for forest and grass”in Hebei province. The Bashang district locates in the mid-zone agricultural-animal region and the most fragile ecological zone of northern China. Guyuan County is on the southeast margin of Bashang highland. The special nature and culture environment is characteristic in Bashang region. So we take it as research area and conduct a study on the driving mechanism of land use/land cover that will provide experience and pattern for sustainable development in Bashang region; and such research is very important to the improvement of ecologic environment and the increasing of land use efficiency in this area, even more important to the sustainable development of regional economy and ecologic environment in Beijing. After three years’research and study, we develop and summarize the methods and models, driving forces of land use/land cover change and get some primary conclusions: (1)By interpreting and analyzing the two TM satellite data taken in 1987 and 1999, we make a study on the trend of agricultural land, grass, forest, non-cultivated land, construction land and waters area etc., and get some research result about dynamic model of land use based on both single land use type and complicated land use type. A discussion


