

The Theory, Algorithm and Application Research of System Simulation of Radars

【作者】 张伟

【导师】 向敬成; 汪学刚;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 雷达系统的设计、开发和测试越来越成为一项耗费大量财力和时间的工作,雷达系统仿真技术被广泛应用,为系统的研究、设计和验证节省了大量的费用。雷达系仿真技术所具有的经济、灵活和实用的特点,使其逐渐成为雷达系统和电子对抗系统研究中的一项关键技术。目前,通用雷达模拟器、雷达目标模拟器与电子对抗模拟器构成了雷达对抗闭环仿真系统,攻防双方相互验证和评估,极大的推进了电子战技术的发展。 本文以与29所合作项目“频相扫三坐标雷达软件仿真系统”以及“九五”预研项目“机载高分辨率PD雷达信号模拟器”为背景,对雷达系统模拟的理论、方法和实现应用作了较为深入的研究。 本文完成的主要工作和创新之处有: 经过深入分析频相扫三坐标雷达的工作原理及其回波产生机理,本文在三坐标雷达系统仿真研究中得到如下成果: 1.提出了一种三坐标雷达目标中频回波模型及其模拟方法,通过对和、差及辅助通道的目标三联波束回波统一建模,可以全面逼真地模拟频相扫三坐标雷达的目标回波。 2.提出了一种三坐标雷达的杂波中频回波模型及其模拟方法,利用前面提出了三坐标雷达目标中频回波模型,采用空间叠加的方法,实现了三坐标雷达三联波束中频杂波的模拟,模拟方法简单有效;对参差周期杂波的模拟进行了讨论,有效的解决了复杂雷达体制下的杂波模拟问题。 3.提出了一种通用全面的三坐标雷达系统仿真模型,采用中视频相干模拟和变采样率处理的方法,可以准确有效地模拟三坐标雷达中频接收的非线性失真和抗干扰措施的效果,对于评估宽带干扰信号对雷达接收机的干扰效果十分必要。对于三坐标雷达所特有的多波束点迹凝聚及测角技术以及其他先进的信号处理技术都进行了较为深入的分析,建立了全面合理的信号处理模型。在三坐标雷达的数据处理模型中,对于航迹互连的仿真也有独到之处。针对各个模块特点,进行算法分析和优化,采用多种快速算法,在中频仿真数据量大的情况下,有效地提高了仿真速度 4.采用面向对象设计方法在Microsoft Visual C++环境下设计实现了三坐标雷达软件仿真系统。可以设置雷达的系统工作参数,包括波形、波束和扫描参数,并对雷达系统模块进行配置和组建,以实现不同的雷达工

【Abstract】 Design, development and commissioning of modern radar systems have traditionally been expensive and time consuming tasks, radar system simulation technology is used widely to delivered significant saving in the research, development and verification of radar systems. Radar system simulation features economy, flexibility, practicality, etc., it becomes key technique of the research of radar systems and ECM (Electronic Counter measures) systems. Now, GRS(General Radar Simulator), RTS(Radar Target Simulator) and ECM simulator construct EW(Electronic Warfare) closed-loop simulation system. Because of this capability of simulating interactivity among them, they could evaluate and verify each other, accordingly promote the development of EW.Based on the development of TDRSS (Three-Dimensional Radar Simulation System) and the airborne high-resolution PD (Pulse-Doppler) signal simulator, this dissertation discusses mainly the theory, algorithm and application of the radar system simulation technology.TLe main content and creative work in this dissertation are as follow: Based on the analysis of the principles of frequency-phase scanning 3-D ( Three-Dimensional ) radar and the scattering mechanism of 3-D radar, the research results include:1) A target IF signals model of frequency-phase scanning 3-D radar is brought forward in this dissertation. By this model, the target IF return of sum, difference and SLB/SLC antenna channel of the trilobe of frequency-phase scanning 3-D radar could be represented in one uniform expression accurately.2) An effective solution of simulating clutter IF return of 3-D radar is described in this dissertation. By using the target IF signals model above to multiply the general pulse clutter data of each range gate and add them together, the clutter IF return could be simulated easily. The simulation method of clutter with stagger-PRF (Pulse Repetition Frequency) nature is also discussed here. At the end, the clutter simulation of complex modern radar is discussed completely in this dissertation.3) A general system model of 3-D radar is proposed in this dissertation. By using the coherent IF/video signal simulation and multi-sampling rate processing, this model could represent the nonlinear feature of the receiver and the ECCM process of 3-D radar accurately and effectively. It is necessary for evaluating the interference effects of the wide-band jamming signals on 3-D radar. As parts of an advantage signal processing model, the plots correlation of trilobe of 3-D radar and mono-pulse angle measurements are discussed thoroughly. The data processing model of 3-D radar gives some new idea too. Some fast algorithms also have been adopted to improve the simulation speed when enormous data is generated at IF sampling.4) To study the detailed effects of airborne ECM against air-defense 3-D radar,


