

If-Conditionals and Stereotype

【作者】 李淑静

【导师】 徐盛桓;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 英语语言文学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本文在认知的框架内,从逻辑-语用的视角探讨英语 if 条件句。本研究旨在:(1)考察 If 条件句结构式(if-conditional construction)(简称“条件结构式”)所表现出的多种语义关系,并对这一多义现象进行解释,探讨条件结构式形成的理据。(2)将语用学关于常规关系的运用嫁接到逻辑学充分条件的运用上来,提出了一个条件句解读的推理机制。 在本文中,If 条件句指由一个主句和一个 if 引导的从句构成的复合句,表示为 if p,then q。“条件结构式”所体现出的意义关系,是逻辑、句法、语义、语用研究中的一个热门话题。不少学者已对其做过研究,并取得了很多重要成果。但是,由于出发点和侧重点不一,对于各种不同的语义关系何以能进入统一的 if p, then q 条件结构式的研究还不多见。这个问题,本质上是条件句形成的理据问题。本文试图在这方面作一些研究。 从认知语言学的角度说,语言结构主要是现实世界的关系和结构通过人的认知投影到语言的结果。在认识世界的过程中,人们通过识解将各种关系转化为常规关系;而常规关系的运用不仅渗入到对于事态的描述和解释当中,而且在一定程度上影响对于事态的描述和解释。条件结构式 if p, then q 的形成是现实世界事件间的条件关系通过人们的感知和识解映射到语言中的结果。这些条件关系为相同或不同语言群体的人们所共识,从而成为一种社会潜意识或无意识。所以,常规关系是条件结构式形成的理据。 本文在认知语言学的框架内,从逻辑-常规的视角对英语if条件句所表现出的多义性进行深入探讨,试图找到其形成的理据和解读的机制。 本研究要解决的基本问题是:为什么多种不同的语义关系可以进入条件结构式。这个问题的实质就是探讨 if 条件结构式的语法化的理据。这个问题又可以分解成为以下几个问题: (1) 不同的语义关系是如何进入这个结构式的? (2) 对具体条件句进行解读的依据是怎样的? (3) 条件结构式固化过程是怎样的? ix条件句 if p, then q 是充分条件假言判断的语言载体。句中所包含的常规关系会引起充分条件的嬗变,在某种程度上改变原来的充分条件假言判断。因此,我们说逻辑规则和常规关系在条件句的推理中共现。本研究在借鉴和发展前人研究成果的基础上,从逻辑-语用的角度,根据条件句表现出的逻辑属性和常规关系来考察英语条件结构式,将条件句的逻辑关系运用在自然语言的判断、推理中。其基本观点是:(1) if 条件结构式是充分条件假言推理的语言表达形式。典型的 if 条件句的语义内容表现为充分条件和结果关系,符合逻辑上的充分条件的特征。充分条件假言推理的真值表,对解读具有阐释功能。对于这样的条件句的解读依赖逻辑推理。(2) 若 if 条件结构式的显性表述(explicit expression)的语义内容不存在通常的充分条件和结果的关系时,就成为所谓“非标准”条件句,我们称之为“推理条件句”(inferential conditionals),它实际上是一种不完备表述。只有找到相关的隐性表述(implicit expression)的具体内容对显性表述作出补足,才可以使表达变得相对完备,并从中显现出充分条件假言推理的特征,从而也符合充分条件的推理。找到相关的隐性表述主要依赖常规关系。常规关系的运用是语言使用者达到对条件句的至为特定理解的关键,也为这些“非标准”条件句进入条件结构式提供了的理据。这一观点基于常规关系是一种认知工具的假说。作为认知工具,常规关系参与语用推理,容易照顾到推理过程中真实存在的各种复杂局面。对于“非标准”条件句的理解过程首先是语用推理过程。(3) 条件结构式的形成,是客观外部世界自身的条件关系,通过人们的认知作为媒介,投影为语言规则的结果;是人们在言语交际中,以人与人之间、人与事物之间以及事物与事物之间的相互关系来把握世界的一种表达方式。x为了更好地研究以上所提出的问题,本论文发展了一个逻辑-语用理论框架,作为解决条件句语用推理的分析模型,表述如下:if条件句结构显性表述充分条件测试 是 否 ︱ ︱ 形成 真值表显性表述1 显性表述2 部分解读 完备解读 ︱ ︱ 阐释解码 常规关系完备表述 隐性表述 补足以上的流程图表示:对于 if 条件句的理解本质上是对不完备表述的理解问题,而其“不完备”可能表现为不同的程度。条件句内容所体现的常规关系帮助补足显性表述中的语义空缺,达到较为完备的表达。真值表则对特定的条件关系进行阐释,达到至为特定的理解。关于方法论问题,本文语用了归纳演绎法和溯因推理法,并以以下五个步骤对 if 条件句的推理过程进行说明:1 确认状况2 分析可能存在的各种常规关系3 推导暗含的特定关系4 得出结论5 预测可能存在的变化以上步骤可以形式化为: n n n(∨xi∩∨yi) →∨zii=1 i=1 i=1 本文的理论框架由逻辑规则、人们的交际原则和常规关系理论等要素构成,因为条件句的使用就是基于这些要素的。本文的结构是:xi第一章是对写本文初衷的说明,及对本文研究范围的界定。主要概述了 if所包含的不同意义及它的意义同句义的关系,提出了“ if 条件结构式”的概念,同时概述“标准”和“非

【Abstract】 This dissertation is a study of English if-conditionals within a cognitive framework integrated with a logical-pragmatic perspective. The objectives of this research are twofold: (1) to explore the motivation of the fossilization of English if-conditional construction on the basis of the survey of its polysemy; and (2) to put forward an inferential mechanism with regard to the interpretation of English if-conditionals in terms of the graft of the application of stereotype onto that of logical sufficient conditionality. If-conditional in this study refers to a complex sentence whose typical surface structure is a bi-clause consisting of a subordinate clause and a main clause in the form of if p, then q. The conditional has long been extensively studied from different perspectives such as logic, syntax, semantics and pragmatics, with the result of a rich literature to show that significant insights have been gained in different aspects through various approaches. However, less investigation has been made on the motivation of the formation of the construction than its significant merits; to put it plainly, less attention has been directed to the investigation of the grammaticalizational aspect of the construction in which diversified semantic contents might be accepted during the process of its fossilization. This thesis is an attempt made toward this investigation. From the point of view of cognitive linguistics, language structure is mainly the result of the mapping of the constructs and relations of the real world onto the use of language through the medium of human cognition. In the course of perceiving the world, people tend to turn relations into stereotypes through their construal, and the use of stereotypes will be unavoidably permeated into or will, to some extent, affect the process and product of the description and interpretation of the states of affairs. This should finally be reflected in the organization of linguistic structure. The construction if p, then q is no exception in that this construction reflects the mapping of the human perception and consideration of the conditional relations between events of the real world. These as the common knowledge shared by the community of the language, even by communities across cultures, reflect people’s general understanding of the world in terms of causes and effects between events, thus forming a kind of social sub-consciousness and unconsciousness of the community or even over communities. In this sense, it is the stereotype that motivates the formation, or put in another way, the grammaticalization, of conditional construction. Nurtured by the perspective of cognitive linguistics and enlightened by the research on stereotype, this dissertation makes a wide-scale investigation into the question of what makes it possible for everyday conditionals to transmit the chameleon-like meanings and what inferences they license. The investigation may be boiled down into the following key question together with the several sub-questions: The key question is: why can the contents without conditional relations fall into the conditional construction if p, then q? This question is actually a question concerning the grammaticalization of the construction. The sub-questions are: (1) How does if p, then q construction accept the various contents and how might the various contents be described? (2) How do we account for the trigger of the most specific interpretation of a specific conditional? (3) How do we account for the process of the fossilization of the construction? The conditional is logically the linguistic form of hypothetical judgment of sufficient condition. The stereotype embedded in the contents may cause a change of transmutation in the sufficient condition expressed, changing the original hypothetical judgment of sufficient condition to some extent. Accordingly, both logical rule and stereotype conspire to make contribution to the transmuted inference. The polysemy of if-conditional construction, or its diversified interpretations, is in the final analysis a res

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 05期
  • 【分类号】H314
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】601

