

The Study of Occupational Psychology of Undergraduates in Common Universities

【作者】 王浩

【导师】 苗丹民;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 航空航天与航海医学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 面对世界新军事变革的挑战,世界各国都更加注重科技强军。虽然在建国50多年以来,我军依靠军事院校培养军队干部取得了巨大的成就,积累了丰富的经验,使得我国的国防实力有了长足的发展,社会主义现代化建设有了充分的国防保证,但是从最近世界军事发展趋势来看,特别是科索沃战争、伊拉克战争,逼迫我们不得不正视我们的不足。在当今军事现代化对抗中,我军与发达国家相比,无论是在武器装备的科技含量上还是军官的科学文化素质上都有待提高。为了满足现代化军队建设的需要,应对世界新军事革命的挑战,进一步的实现科技强军,完成从数量规模大、人力密集向高质量、高效能、科技密集型的转变,建造中国特色的军事变革,我军提出军队培养干部要走军队自己培养和依托国民教育培养并举的路子。军队利用地方高校在人才培养上的优势,既可以节省国防经费的开支,又能较好地解决军事院校自身培养人才的不足。近年来,我军已从地方大学毕业生中选拔了一些人才。地方大学毕业生进入部队,使我军组成成份发生了变化,为国防建设注入了新的生机与活力,他们的素质将直接影响军队现代化的建设和战斗力的提高。 本文旨在探讨地方大学生军事择业心理的内涵及现状,解析大学生军

【Abstract】 Facing the challenges brought about by the military transform, a lot of countries began to pay more attention on the notion of reinforcing the army with technology. During the 50 years since the establishment of our country, our army has made progress in cultivating the military officers and has gained some valuable experience. This greatly contributes to the development of our national defense and provides a solid defense basis for our modernized construction. However, the developing trend of military worldwide, especially the war in Kosovo and Iraq force us to examine our deficiency. In modern conflict, we need to develop high-tech weapons and improve the education level of our military officers compared with the developed countries. In order to meet the demand of modernized construction of the army, to wrestle with the challenge of new military revolution worldwide, to reinforce the army with technology, and to realize the transformation from large scale and people-centered mode to high-quality, high-efficiency, and technology-centered mode, our army put forward a notion that military officers should be cultivated not only in the army but also in civil education. If the army depends on the common civil universities for the cultivation of military officers, it will save the fund of national defense and make up for the deficiency of military universities. In recent years, our army has already selected some talents from the graduates of common universities, whose entrance have brought about some changes in the composition of the army and have breathed into new liveliness and energy to the construction of national defense. Their quality will directly influence the military modernizedconstruction and the enhancement of battle effectiveness.The aim of this study is to explore the connotation and current situation of the occupational psychology of the common university students, to analyze the influential factors in students’ choice of military occupations, and to provide theoretical and practical evidence for cultivating military officers in civil education and selecting talents. As this is a brand new issue, no one has ever done some research on it. Theoretically, this study meets the demand of worldwide military revolution, the demand to gain the strategic initiative of 21st century, the demand to win the high-tech local warfare, and the demand to enhance the sustainable development of modernized construction of the army. Exploration of this issue will help the establishment of military occupational psychology model of university students; will make meaningful experiments in the further research of military occupational psychology; will fill up the blank of theory and practice in this field. Practically, this study reveals the occupational psychology of the common umversity students, and puts forward approaches, ways and countermeasures for cultivating military officers in civil education. This study provides references for the modernization of our national defense, and the improvement of the standardization, signification and modernization of the defense education in common universities. It will help our army’ dependence on civil education in selection and cultivation of talents, will provide data for the mobilization and management system of national defense in their decision-making, will contribute to the technological reinforcement of the army, will improve the employment guidance of universities.This thesis includes two parts: preface and literature review, and full text. The first part, the preface and the putting forward of questions, reports the origin of the issue being discussed. We reviewed the relevant researches and explained the reason why we chose this issue to study. The second part, the full text, includes overall design, sample, methods, experiments, conclusions and suggestions. In this study, four different groups—common university students, national defense students, recruited common university graduates and military university students were investigated, the occupational psychology of common university students in their choice of military occupations were explored, and the feasibility of selecting talents from common university graduates were analyzed. A large-scale investigation was done employing the self-designed questionnaires (Occupational Psychology Questionnaire of University Students and Military Occupational Psychology Questionnaire), Vocational Values Inventory, Holland Occupational InterestInventory, and Fifteen Factor Questionnaire. The data were processed by the SPSS 10.0 software, using factor analysis, ANOVA, regression analysis, Path Analysis, etc. The results are as follows:1. 36.4% of the common university graduates are willing to choose military occupations. Among the occupations that they are most willing to choose military occupation is in the fourth place. When they choose occupations, the most important factor that they consider is development, with salary, employment area follows; the factors that they don’t consider much are reputation and power.2. Whether university students are willing to choose military occupations is correlated with number of children in the family, source of students, whether or not pass the Band Four Examination, family income, occupations of parents and educational level of parents, and it has significant correlation with number of children, whether or not pass the Band Four Examination, family income, father’s occupation and father’s educational level.3. Common university students, national defense students and the recruited university graduates hold an impression of army man that is firm, integrity, precise, independent, with strong sense of guarding our motherland, easy to tell right from wrong, active and upward, longing for power, interested in politics and military. The impression of the army is characterized as serious, strict in discipline, too many limitations, little space for self-development and remote locations.4. The media by which common university students, national defense students and recruited graduates can acquaint themselves with the army are movie and television, newspaper, magazines, books, relatives, schoolmates and friends.5. There are 4 factors that influence the university students in their choice of military occupations. They are individual, family, social influence, mass media and schooling. Among the four, individual plays the most important role. Among the outside influences, family, society and schooling have a combined effect.6. The interest type of common university students is investigative-social-realistic. The interest type of those who are willing to choose military occupations is social-investigative-realistic, while the type of those who are not willing to choose military occupations is social-investigatiye-enterprising. The interest types of national defense students and recruited graduates are both social-investigative-enterprising.7. The four groups of students all rank the vocational values in a sequenceof self-development, health care and reputation. The sequences of the three factors of those who are willing to choose military occupations and those who are not willing are the same. Significant differences exit in reputation and development. There is no significant difference in health care.8. 8.5% of common university graduates are not willing to choose military occupations. 62.5% of recruited graduates are relatively satisfied with the army, 30.7% are unsatisfied, and 4.9% are extremely unsatisfied. 33% of recruited graduates regret for their choice of military occupations. If given another chance of choice, 47.3% of recruited graduates will not choose military occupations. The reasons for their regretfulness are poor salary, little space for development, complicated interpersonal relations, too many limitations and strict management.9. Significant differences exist in the personality of those who are willing and those who are not willing in sensitivity, vigilance, apprehension, openness to change, self-reliance and perfectionism. The personality of recruited graduates and military university students has significant difference in reasoning.10. The main factors that influence common university students in their choice of military occupations are reputation in vocational values, artistic and realistic in interest, and liveliness, openness to change, vigilance, apprehension, perfectionism in personality.11. Multi regression analysis indicates that common university graduates who are most suitable to work in the army have some characteristics. Their characteristics are: they think a lot of heath care in vocational values, belong to investigative type and realistic type in interest, their school grades are medium, their family incomes and their mothers’ educational levels are low, their mothers’ occupations are mainly workers and farmers. It is feasible to select talents from common university graduates.According to the results, the following suggestions are put forward:1. We should enhance the national defense education.2. We should attach more importance to propaganda, and reinforce the communication between the army and the common people.3. The social status of military talents should be redefined.4. Corresponding laws and rules should be established and consummated.5. The selection and cultivation of national defense students should be improved, consummated and standardized.6. The attraction of the army should be enhanced; the satisfied environment that can help to maintain talents should be created.


