

Change Detection of Coastal Soil Rescource Use in Zhejiang Province and Establishment of It’s System

【作者】 丁丽霞

【导师】 王人潮;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 土壤学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 浙江海涂资源十分丰富,海涂资源的开发利用历史悠久,并取得了巨大社会经济效益。建国以后,浙江省曾对海涂土壤资源进行了三次全面调查,最后一次为80年代。近十多年来,浙江省海涂土壤资源已发生了巨大变化,过去的调查成果难以满足当前海涂土壤资源开发利用管理与规划的需要,有必要对其进行一次全面的监测,并运用信息技术实现海涂土壤资源的现代化管理。 海涂土壤资源具有显著的时空动态性,因而实时定量获取海涂土壤资源的状态及其变化信息,对认识与理解海涂生态过程有重要作用,也是科学、生态地综合管理与开发利用海涂土壤资源的第一手基础信息。遥感以其多波段、多时相、多空间分辨率、多层次的卫星观测系统,能够动态、准确、快速、大面积、多尺度获取丰富的地球资源与环境信息。它已成为动态监测海涂土壤资源利用最先进的技术手段。地理信息系统具有高效的空间数据储存、管理、分析功能,可完成海涂土壤资源信息的修改、更新、快速查询、检索、复杂的空间分析与预测等多种任务,并能与自然地理、社会经济等其它信息相结合,提供综合信息与复杂的决策服务。与传统方法相比,利用遥感技术进行长期的海涂土壤资源动态监测,运用GIS对所获信息进行管理与应用,可节省大量经费,提高动态监测效率,保障信息的时效性。 本文以多时相遥感图像、土壤普查、地形地貌等资料为数据源,建立浙江省海涂土壤资源利用动态监测系统,其主要目标是为海涂土壤资源类型的划分、清查统计、质量评价、利用规划和经营管理等提供科学资料与决策依据,开展全面的技术服务实现海涂土壤资源的动态监测和管理;利用WebGIS技术,实现上述数据在Internet上的共享,方便各相关部门或者个人获取信息,利于部门间的信息交流和宏观问题的研究,为有效管理、保护、开发海涂土壤资源提供科学的决策依据。该系统的研制与应用不但能极大推动浙江省海涂土壤开发利

【Abstract】 Tidal flat resources was very rich at zhejiang province, it was developed and utilized for a long time. Great social and economic benefit were gained. But because of lack of scientific direction, irrational development and utilization had contributed to a series of resource environmental problems for many years. At present, integrated management of the tidal flat resources need instantly be strengthen, so that the sustainable development at the coastal zone would be realized.After 1949, soil resources of tidal mud flat were surveyed for three times at Zhejiang Province, the latest at the 1980s. For recent more than 10 years, the soil resources of tidal mud flat had changed greatly, the result from the past investigation couldn’t satisfy the management and layout of the soil resources of tidal mud flat. Now the total monitoring was needed for the new time. The IT was applied to realize the modern management of soil resources. The mode of management and utilization of the soil resources were discussed in the present economic situation, the rule and the trend of development of the coastal soil resources would be made clear, the important direction of development should be made clear.Soil resources of tidal mud flat appeared differently as the time and spatial, quantificational information about state of soil resources of tidal mud flat and its change were acquired at actual time, it was important to understand the ecological process of the tidal mud flat, it was the basic information applied to scientific, ecological, integrated management and utilization of the soil resources of tidal mud flat. With the multi-spectral, multi-date, multi-spatial resolution, multi-grade system for earth resources satellite, remote sensing was applied to acquire dynamically and rapidly the multi-scale information of earth resources and environment at large area region, so it came into being thenonreplaceable and important technique applied to change detection of the soil resources of tidal mud flat. GIS can provide the many efficient functions for spatial data, such as deposit, analysis, management etc., it can complete many mission relating to soil resources information of tidal mud flat such as modification, update, rapid querying, search, complex spatial analysis and predication. Additionally, it can integrate soil resources information with the geographical and social information in order to provide the synthetic information and complex decision services. Comparing by the traditional technique, soil resources of tidal mud flat and its change were monitored by remote sensing for long-term, the acquired information was managed and applied by GIS, the outlay would be saved largely, efficiency of change detection was improved, time property of information was insured.Depending on many kinds of data source such as remote sensing images, soil survey, relief and terrain, the coastal soil resource use change detection system in Zhejiang Province was set up, so that it served to classification of the coastal soil resource, survey and statistic, quality assessment, scientific data and decision basis for utilization planning an management. It provide all-round technical service in order to change detection and dynamic management of the coastal soil resource; by the use of the WebGIS techniques, all the data were shared on the Internet; all involve departments and individuals would acquire information conveniently; it was instrumental in communication and macro-problem study, so that the scientific decision-making basis for the effective management, protection development of the coastal soil resources. The research and application of the system promote not only the enterprise of the development and utilization of the coastal soil resource at Zhejiang Province, but also the High and new technology such as GIS of application in utilization and integrated management of the coastal soil resources, it was most important to the sustainable development of the community, economy and ecology at coastal area.Some problems about the coastal soil resource use change detection system were researched , some conclusions were obtained as follows.(1 )Study and application in improving classification precision of the land use change detection by remote sensingThree respects of improving the classification precision were studied, including image radiation correction, classification by zoning, improves the classification method.Five methods of RRN, i.e. image regression(IR), pseudo-invariant features(PIF), dark set-bright set normalization(DB), no-change set radiometric normalization(NC), and histogram matching(HM), were applied to 1993 and 2001 Landsat TM/ETM+ image of experimental area for evaluating their performance in relation to land cover detection. The results showed that DB worked best among the five methods at the study area.The spectral character information of remote sensing image was taken as the zoned element, the landscape was zoned with system clustering method in the coastal region of Zhejiang province. The result reflected comprehensively the regional difference of the natural environment and the human influence. In conclusion, the method was effective, objective, exercisable and fast.The result from comparing SVM with the traditional methods of classification, show that the optimum method of classification didn’t not exist. Therefore the method of multi-classification was introduced, area were classified with the method, high accuracy results were obtained, the minimum kappa is 80%, the maximum kappa is 97.5%.(2) Coastline change monitoring with remote sensing at Zhejiang ProvinceA kind of method for visual interpretation was introduced, that is, coast historical mark of natural, humane, geography were excavated from remote sensing data, develop law knowledge of coast changes were combined with historical materials, can position coastline of different historical periods effectively. The technology was used to finish investigation of coastline by remote sensing at five main segments of polder in Zhejiang Province. The position of ancient shoreline of different historical period, had reflected more completely the historical appearance over the past 1600 years of Zhejiang Province. In more than 1,000 years, coastline changed greatly, and still in developing constantly. From the angle of time, the changes of the coastline in Zhejiang in ancient times were greater than in modern times. According to geographical position, the range and speed of coastline changes presented the trend diminishing gradually from the north to the south. After the 1990s, the high of polder dropped to location nearby low tide of neap tide location already, therefore reclamation area was suitable for developing aquatic products, not suitable for developing the plantation and industry, cause the reserved agricultural land to reduce gradually. It was obvious that area enclosed was limited, the fundamental state policies to control the land use should be carried out strictly at the reclamation area, such as economical and rational land use, control population, etc..(3) Spatial and temporal change and landscape change of the coastal soil resource at enclosed and reclaimed area in Zhejiang ProvinceAt the enclosed and reclaimed area in Zhejiang Province, the basic developingmode of several type soil were main as follows: intertidal beach muddy soif------aquicmuddy saline soil------desalting sandy polder-----paddy field on desalting sandy polder.The coastal soil of development and utilization especially changed great in early 40 years With utilized from short time to long time, distance to coastline from close to far, there four soil resources of utilization modes as follows: ? The utilization mode of intertidal beach muddy soil, in the initial stage, the area enclosed and cultivated for less than 10 years, intertidal beach muddy soil was the main soil type in the reclamation area,it was used mainly as the cultivating pool, reservoir and dry farmland, percentage of area of the cultivating pool was the largest among them. From 1993 to 2001, part of the unused land changed into the cultivating pool, part of the cultivating pool changed into dry farmland. ?The utilization mode of aquic muddy saline soil, aquic muddy saline soil distributed mainly at the area enclosed and cultivated for 10~20 years, it was used mainly as the cultivating pool and dry farmland, the area of the dry farmland was larger between them. From 1993 to 2001, part of the dry farmland changed into the cultivating pool. ? The utilization mode of desalting sandy polder, desalting sandy polder distributed mainly at the area enclosed and cultivated for more than 20 years, it was used mainly as the dry farmland, secondly as building land. From 1993 to 2001, part of the dry farmland changed into the building land, part of the dry farmland at the segment of Hangzhou changed into the garden plot. ?The utilization mode ofpaddy field on desalting sandy polder, paddy field on desalting sandy polder distributed mainly at the area enclosed and cultivated for more than 50 years, it was used mainly as the paddy field, secondly as building land. From 1993 to 2001, part of the paddy field changed into the building land.According to landscape change at every segment from 1993 to 2001, the landscape, especially the cultivated landscape at the area enclosed reclaimed, with urbanization and aggravating industrialization, the trend of the cultivated landscapes would be broken heavily, it is unfavorable to the scale and intensive land management, unfavorable to agricultural modernization technology to be used, high-efficient agriculture would be restricted to develop seriously at present. Therefore, the planning of the soil resources use should be strengthened in order to strengthen the scale and intensive land management.(4) Coastal soil resource use change detection system was designed and set up On the basis of meeting the data demand in resources of coastal soil monitored dynamically, combining the characteristic and demand of the spe database, regarding SQL Server 2000 as the database management system platform, regarding ArcSDE for SQL Server as special data engine , the database of the coastal soil resource use change detection system of Zhejiang Province was designed and set up. On this basis , using WebGIS technology, data statistical report form technology of the network, flash dynamic website’s designing technique synthetically, regarding ArclMS4.0 as WebGIS platform, regarding Microsoft Reporting Services as network data statistical report form platform , coastal soil resource use change detection system was set up at Zhejiang Province, it realized the coastal soil resources monitoring dynamically and management at provincial scale.coastal soil resource use change detection system at Zhejiang Province were studied, the innovation or new development were made as follows:

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 06期
  • 【分类号】F301.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】595

