

On Dunhuang Telling and Singing Literature

【作者】 钟海波

【导师】 张学忠;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 敦煌讲唱文学是敦煌文学的重要组成部分,它也是敦煌文学研究的重心。从上世纪至今,敦煌讲唱文学研究取得丰硕的成果。这些成果主要表现在:大量相关文献资料的整理刊刻;对敦煌讲唱文学的文体类型辨析越来越清晰;另外,还能运用新方法、新理论从不同角度对其进行深入系统的分析研究等方面。20世纪敦煌讲唱文学研究的成就极高,但也存在一些薄弱环节。比如属于叙事类型的敦煌讲唱文学,在中国通俗叙事文学发展史上有着重要的作用和影响,是有信史可证的通俗叙事文学的主要源头,但从这一方面的系统研究尚嫌不够。本人不揣谫陋,试图从这个角度入手,探讨敦煌讲唱文学的文学史意义和价值。论文共分四章。 第一章:敦煌讲唱文学的产生。本章分为五节,第一节分析敦煌讲唱文学兴起的文化生态大环境,即时代条件,敦煌讲唱文学兴盛的时代主要在中唐—五代以及宋初,敦煌讲唱文学之所以兴盛于这个时代,这与初唐上百年的开拓发展,以及各方面的积累有极大关系。初唐在贞观之后又出现开元盛世,当时社会经济空前繁荣,这为文化艺术发展提供了物质保障。唐统治者实行开明的文化政策而且又有以诗文取士的科举,刺激了文化教育的发展。随着城市的发展,市民阶层壮大,以往的抒情类文学不能满足人们的审美娱乐需要。这一时代需要以叙述故事为特点的叙事文学,而且,各方面条件已准备成熟。第二节分析敦煌讲唱文学兴起的文化生态小环境,即地域条件,敦煌讲唱文学之所以兴起于河西地区的敦煌,也与这里得天独厚的地理条件有密切关系。河西地区文化一向十分发达,“安史之乱”时,中原经历了长达八年的战乱,这里社会秩序基本安定,唐以来形成的文化生态环境持续保存直至宋初。第三节分析敦煌讲唱文学发展经过。第四节分析了敦煌讲唱文学的几个特征:(1) 地域性(2) 通俗性(3) 叙事性。第五节分析敦煌讲唱文学的文体类型及特点。 第二章:敦煌讲唱文学的文化内涵。该章分四节。第一节分析敦煌讲唱文学中的儒家文化,敦煌虽为宗教圣地,但这里的传统文化渗透很深。敦煌儒学十分发达,从汉代至唐代这里鸿儒辈出,全国知名的学者和书法家张芝,索靖就是突出代表。儒家文化在敦煌讲唱文学中主要表现为对忠孝节义思想的宣扬。第二节分

【Abstract】 Dunhuang telling and singing literature is an important part of Dunhuang literature, and it’s a research centre of dunhuang literature also. In the past century, Dun huang telling and singing literature’s research had got a plenty of results, these results include: first, arranging and printing of mang material; second, realizing about Dunbuang telling and singing’ style types more and more clear; third, new methodes and new theories for the research of dunhuang telling and singing literature can use. Also there are some results on the research of Dunhuang telling and singing literature, there are some weak points still. For example, no one had research on Dun huang telling and Singing literature from the narrating literature angle, and 1 try to research it from this angle. My article falls into four pavts.Chapter one: The emergence of Dunhuang telling and singing literature. This chapter falls into five sections. The section one research the times condition of the emergence of Dunhuang telling and singing literature. In the Tang Dynasty, the economy and the narrating literature instead of the lgrical literature. The section two research the local condition of Dun huang telling and singing literature’s emergence. the section three research the development course of Dunhuang telling and singing literature. The section four research Dun-huang telling and singing literature’s features, they are local and folk and narrating. The section five analyses the style types and features of dunhuang telling and singing literature.Chapter two: the thinking and the culture of Dunhuang telling and singing literature. There are four sections in this chapter. The section one research the Confucian culture of dun hang telling and singing literature. The section two research the Buddist calture of Dunhuang telling and singing literature. The section three research the Taoist culture of Dunhuang telling and singing literature. The section four research the folk culture of dunhuang telling and singing literature.Chapter three: the narrating features of Dunhuang telling and singing literature. This chapter falls into four sections. The section one analyses the "story" and "suzject" of Dun huang telling and singing literature. The section two analyses the character of Dunhuang telling and singing literature. The section three analgses the people who narrat story and narrating angles of view. The narrating angles of view include "from


