

A Study on the Target and the Approaches to Accomplishing the Target of Building a Well-off Society in an All-round Way in Rural Areas of Guizhou Province

【作者】 王永平

【导师】 王钊;

【作者基本信息】 西南农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 贵州农村经济发展水平低,社会发展尤其是人的发展严重滞后,农村全面小康建设面临一系列的突出矛盾和问题,是我国建设全面小康社会的重点难点地区之一,因此,对贵州农村全面建设小康社会目标与实现途径进行研究,具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。本文从研究全面小康社会的科学内涵和总结国内外实现小康目标的一般经验入手,借鉴相关经济学、社会学理论和相关学科研究方法,分析研究了贵州农村经济社会发展现状以及农村建设全面小康社会的特殊性、评价标准、目标差距、影响因素、重点难点等问题,从而明确了贵州农村全面小康进程的突破口与实现途径,提出了加快贵州农村全面小康建设的动力机制以及相关政策建议。全文分为四个部分共12章:第一部分(第1章)主要是阐述研究背景与目的意义,明确研究的技术路线与思路;第二部分(2、3章)主要是借鉴有关理论,规范全面小康社会的相关范畴,总结国内外一般经验,为研究奠定理论基础;第三部分(4—10章)主要是在分析贵州农村小康建设问题及特殊性的基础上,确立贵州全面小康的个性标准和目标,分析其现实和远期差距影响因素,明确重点难点,进而提出贵州农村全面小康建设的突破口与实现途径;第四部分(11、12章)主要是在前述研究的基础上提出加速贵州农村全面小康建设的基本对策以及相关政策建议。 1 主要研究结论 (1) 世界各国实现小康社会目标的过程存在差别,同时存在共同的一般规律 不论是发达国家、发展中国家,还是我国东部发达地区,人民生活从贫困到温饱再到小康的演变过程,其阶段性、各阶段存在的问题及重心等都是千差万别的。但是分析表明,任何一个国家和地区实现小康社会都离不开一个基础,这个基础就是经济发展。各国的经验进一步表明,推动经济发展乃至经济和社会协调运行的一个重要的推动力量是工业化。因此,加速推进工业化进程并坚持与城镇化同步推进的战略,是加快我国建设全面小康社会进程的必然选择。 (2) 贵州农村全面小康建设存在特殊性,决定了评价指标及标准应该有差异 分析认

【Abstract】 The level of the development of rural economy in Guizhou province is low and social development, especially the development of human being lags behind severely. Besides, Guizhou is one of the key and hard areas in China in establishing a well-off society in an all-round way since there are a series of outstanding conflicts and problems existing there. Therefore, it is of greatly theoretical significance and practical value to research into the target and the approaches to Accomplishing the Target of building a well-off society in an all-round way in Guizhou’s rural areas. This thesis starts with studying the scientific connotation of the establishment of a well-off society in an all-round way and summarizing the average experiences of achieving the target of establishing a well-off society in an all-round way at home and abroad. Then on the basis of making use of for reference the relevant theory of economy and sociology and the research methods of relevant disciplines, it analyzes the status quo of social and economical development in Guizhou’s rural areas and some problems existing there in constructing a well-off society in an all-round way, such as particularity, evaluation standard, objective gaps, affecting factors, difficult points, focus and so on, which makes it clear how to implement the project of building a well-off society in an all-round way. Finally, it puts forward some driving mechanisms and relevant suggestions on policy about quickening the building of a well-off society in an all-round way in Guizhou’s rural areas.This thesis falls into four parts, consisting of twelve chapters. Part One (chapter one) is an introduction to this thesis. It briefly introduces the background, purpose and significance of this research and makes clear the technical methods and the structure of the whole thesis. Part Two, including chapter two and chapter three, aims to establish a theoretical basis for this thesis by illustrating some relevant theory and categories of regulating a well-off society in an all-round way and summarizing the widespread experiences inside and outside the country. Part Three, including chapter four to chapter ten, based on exploring some problems and the particularity of building a well-off society in an all-round way in Guizhou’s rural areas, establishes the individual criteria and objective of building a well-off society in an all-round way in Guizhou’s rural areas,and meanwhile analyzes the present situations, long-term gaps and affecting factors and makes clear the difficult points and focus, and then brings forward the starting point and the means of achieving a well-off society in an all-round way in Guizhou’s rural areas. Part four, including the last two chapters, chiefly puts forward some basic countermeasures and relevant suggestions on the policy about accelerating the establishment of a well-off society in an all-round way in Guizhou’s rural areas.1 Main conclusions of this thesisFirst, there exist some similarities as well as differences during the course of accomplishing the target of building a well-off society in an all-round way in different parts of the whole world. Whether in the developed country, the developing country or in the developed areas in Eastern China, the courses of people’s lives converting from poverty to adequate food and clothing to being well-off are quite distinct from each other in the stages, and the problems and the focus existing in these stages. However, the research reveals that no country or area in building a well-off society in an all-round way can depart from a base called economic development. The experiences of different countries further indicate that industrialization is one of the driving forces in promoting the economic development and the coordinated economic and social development. Therefore, speeding up the promotion of the process of industrialization and insisting on the strategy of encouraging urbanization are the inevitable choices in quickening the course of building a well-off society in an all-round way in the whole country.Second, there is particularity existing in the establishment of a well-off society in an all-round way in Guizhou’s rural areas, which decides on the different evaluation system and criteria there. Through the analysis, it is assumed that the term being well-off is a relative concept. Since people from different cultures and different levels of economic development hold different ideas about what being well-off is, the criteria in Guizhou should be special. In view of this, the thesis, combined with the actuality of economic and social development in Guizhou’s rural areas and the particularity of building a well-off society, constructs the guideline system of building a well-off society in an all-round way in Guizhou’s rural areas, puts forward some relevant evaluation criteria and establishes the developmental objectives of stages in 2010 and 2015 in building a well-off society in an all-round way in Guizhou’s rural areas according to the total requirements of basically accomplishing the target of building a well-off society in an all-round way in rural areas in 2020.Third, it is an inevitable choice to take the road of advancing by leaps and bounds if the target of building a well-off society in an all-round way in rural areas wants to be accomplished as scheduled. The research shows that in 2003 the whole level of being well-off in Guizhou’s rural areas was less than 60%. The results of further prediction indicate that if Guizhou’s rural economy and society develops naturally without controlling, till 2020 the overall level of accomplishing awell-off society in an all-round way in rural areas will be 77.39%, which is lower by 22.61 % than the required target. In terms of different stages, in 2015, it will reach only 39.99%; in 2010, 2.23%. Therefore, there exist outstanding gaps in Guizhou’s rural areas. The level of achieving some main guidelines such as the average life expectancy of rural population, the average age of rural population for receiving education and the level of urbanization still will be lower than 50% in 2020. All these gaps reveal that it is of great necessity for Guizhou’s rural areas to take the road of developing by leaps and bounds in order to achieve the target of building a well-off society in an all-round way as planned and keep pace with the whole country.Fourth, there are many factors affecting and restricting the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way in Guizhou’s rural areas, but the affecting levels are different from each other. Among these factors, this thesis, based on the availability of the materials and the conditions of the analysis, chooses some chief factors to make the qualitative and quantitative analyses. The result of the quantitative analysis shows that the five factors which influence the process mostly are population quality in rural areas, the conditions of infrastructure, the level of non-agricultural industrialization in rural areas, the potential of the development inside the agriculture and the trend in the increase of population. However, the result of qualitative analysis demonstrates that such factors as institutional barriers and systematic barriers have great influences on the building of a well-off society in an all-round way in Guizhou’s rural areas. Accordingly, this thesis puts forward a strategic breakthrough in promoting the advance by leaps and bounds in Guizhou’s rural areas and speeding up the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way, that is, to perfect the infrastructure development such as the traffic information network, to reinforce the development of rural human resources, to implement the strategic restructuring of the structure, to push technological innovation and systematic innovation, and so on.Fifth, the ultimate approach to realizing the target of building a well-off society in an all-round way in Guizhou’s rural areas is to develop the economy, the focus of which is to increase the speed of rural industrialization. The foundation of Guizhou’s rural economy is instable and the social development lags far behind. Therefore, forcing the rural economy to advance by leaps and bounds is the basic way to accelerate the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way in rural areas. Meanwhile, the persistence in taking the road of late-model industrialization, quickening the developmental process of rural industrialization and promoting the interactive development of rural industrialization and urbanization is the key point of the strategy in promoting the advance of Guizhou’s rural economy by leaps and bounds in the new situations.Sixth, constructing effective driving mechanisms is the key to implementing the development by leaps and bounds in Guizhou’s rural areas. Building a well-off society in an all-round way in rural areas involves different behavioral subjects. Owing to the differences of target function of different behavioral subjects, there are some differences about the means and mechanisms of serving the course of building a well-off society in an all-round way in rural areas. Even somephenomena contrary to the total target occur. Thus, it is of great necessity to strengthen the systematic innovation, to construct relevant driving mechanisms and to effectively incorporate the forces in all aspects in order to make the behavioral subjects in seeking their own maximum profits conform to the target, form the resultant forces and promote the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way in rural areas together.2 Important viewpointsFirstly, the term a well-off society in an all-round way is a historical, dynamic, relative and developmental concept. As time passes, its connotation will gradually become enriched and developed. Besides, to some degree, in different places and periods and among different people, the evaluation criteria concerning what a well-off society in an all-round way is are also different from each other.Secondly, the connotation of the development is rather abundant. However, as regards those backward areas, economic growth is still the core of the connotation of the development, which is of great significance in promoting the establishment of a well-off society in an all-round way in those areas. Therefore, accelerating the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way in Guizhou’s rural areas must center on the development of the economy, and push the all-round development of rural economy and society based on the requirements of "five plans as a whole".Thirdly, the key to building a well-off society in an all-round way is to well coordinate the relationship between being fair and efficient. It is proved that the transitional period when per capita GDP (gross domestic product) is between $1000 and $3000 is the one when various conflicts occur intensely. Thus, in the course of building a well-off society in an all-round way, bridging the income gaps, improving the social degree of being fair and fulfilling the all-round development of human beings should be placed in the outstanding place in order to promote coordinated economic and social development.Fourthly, the level of the development of rural economy in Guizhou province is low. If developed naturally without controlling, it is certain that it will hinder the whole country in building a well-off society in an all-round way. Therefore, making key breakthroughs and promoting the advance by leaps and bounds in rural areas are the inevitable choices in quickening the process of building a well-off society in Guizhou’s rural areas.Fifthly, quickening the pace of developing the rural economy and forcing the realization of the target of building a well-off society in an all-round way in rural areas as soon as possible must be based on the idea talented first, firmly establish and carry out the idea of all-round, coordinated and sustainable development, and endeavor to promote the coordinated development between urban and rural areas, of industrialization and urbanization in rural areas, of regional economy and sustainable development of rural economy and society.3 Novel points of this thesisFirst, this thesis, based on analyzing the researches made by other scholars, gives a clear definition about what the term a well-off society in an all-round’way is. That is, the term a well-off society in an all-round way refers to a social state during the development of China’s modernization in which the productive power has been relatively developed, the industrial goal basically realized, people’s living standard noticeably improved, the trend of widening various gaps gradually reversed, the social structure apparently reasonable, the material civilization, spiritual civilization, biological civilization and political civilization developed all around and people are highly satisfied with all aspects in social and economic life. Therefore, the term a well-off society in an all-round way is a dynamic, relative and developmental concept, which deepens our understanding about it. Besides, thanks to the existence of such proposition, on the premise of objectively reflecting the scientific implication of the concept a well-off society in an all-round way, different regions have different individual criteria in evaluating what a well-off society in an all-round way is.Second, through the analysis of the process of achieving the target of a building a well-off society in an all-round way at home and abroad, this thesis makes an attempt to summarize during the conversion from the poverty to adequate food and clothing to being well-off the average regular problems, such as developmental stages, basic conditions, the distinctiveness, and so on. It undoubtedly points out that there exist some similarities as well as differences in the course of accomplishing the goal of being well-off in different parts of the whole world. Therefore, one the one hand, the promotion of the development must conform to the same requirements of the rules; but on the other hand, more importantly, each country must clearly understand his or her own requirements of realizing the goal and find his or her own way out.Third, through going deep into examining the particularity of building a well-off society in an all-round way in Guizhou’s rural areas and taking full advantage of the evaluation system and criteria suggested by some relevant departments and scholars about a well-off society in an all-round way in rural areas, this thesis constructs the guideline system about building a well-off society in an all-round way in Guizhou’s rural areas, puts forward the corresponding criteria and specifies the objectives of the development.Fourth, through the qualitative and quantitative analyses of the factors affecting the establishment of a well-off society in an all-round way in Guizhou’s rural areas, this thesis finds out the sequences of these factors and further manifests that quickening the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way in Guizhou’s rural areas should be started with the establishment of infrastructure, the development of human resources, the regulation of the structure and the promotion of innovation.Fifth, from some research materials about Guizhou province and some backward areas, this


