

The Organizations of the So-called "Southern Sung Painting Academy" and Its Imaginations after 1279

【作者】 彭慧萍

【导师】 薛永年;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 美术学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 北宋翰林圖畫院係一省舍獨立、職制完整之機構實體,這是作為“機構”的畫院。作為一個實質機構,北宋畫院於官制體系中於法有據:有明確固定的畫院院址,有機構存廢的歷史紀錄,有職制鮮明的上下層機構,有詔書敕令之調整軌跡,所有畫師編制畫院,有房舍讓畫師集中住宿,有階秩分明之層級制度,凡此七項作為機構之規格條件,南渡後無任一條件能夠成立。 沒有任何蛛絲馬跡,顯示南宋官制體系中“畫院”究竟復置於何處,古臨安地圖亦未見蹤影。萬曆、清代至晚近畫史生成的「中瓦子」、「武林園前」、「萬松嶺」三種南宋“畫院院址”其實均非畫院院址。翰林四藝局入南宋後,「御書院」、「天文局」、「醫官局」三藝局均载錄詳備,唯獨「畫院」卻未見復置。南宋史籍多次載錄翰林三藝局之歷史沿革,無論復置、罷廢均有紀錄。北宋畫院承擔之五項職事(繪畫、裝畫、製造神御、合香、捏塑)南渡後各自肢解崩離,後四項南渡後變換跑道,“繪畫”則解體為“畫家十三科”。當所有南宋畫史、歷史等史籍文獻繳回的均是一張無地理位置、無歷史文獻、無跡可循的空白履歷;當所謂的畫院無法尋覓賴以隸屬、賴以繫掛的上、下層機構;當所謂“宣和南渡、紹興間復官”畫師之復職地點均非畫院,所有證據率均指涉唯一的解答:南渡後沒有實體畫院。 有形的畫院省舍既然不存在,那麼必須進一步追問畫師如何供職於宫廷。作為此宋至元的過渡時期,南宋畫師打破了北宋集中、單一卻封閉的供職模式,但不是全然混亂無章;他們以「御前畫師」、「非御前畫師」兩大系統服務於宮廷。 編制於官府衙曹之畫師畫匠各自隸籍於官僚機構,構成龐大的非御前畫師。非御前畫師或供職「工部」,或隸籍工部下轄之「將作監」、「修內司」、「文思院」等工藝匠作諸子局,或權發「甲庫」、「車辂院」祇應、提轄官或提舉官。由於提舉官、侍郎、祇應均有實際的職務差遣,可知非御前畫師於各自註册的崗位上提供實用性的繪畫服務,並受上屬機構的科派控制。 然而並非每位畫師都受三省百司的指揮干預。畫藝精湛的宮廷畫師雀屏中選冠“御

【Abstract】 The general view held by most Chinese art critics think the "Southern Sung Painting Academy" was a replica of the Northern Sung Hsuan-ho Painting Academy. This essay proposes to research the organizations on the so-called "Southern Sung Painting Academy" and try to point out how the Yuan, Ming and Ch’ing art critics imagined it after the Southern Sung Dynasty was collapsed in 1279.The Northern Sung Painting Academy was one of the four bureaus of the Han-lin Academy under the supervision of the Palace Domestic Service (Nei-ssu Sheng), together with the bureaus of Calligraphy, Astronomy, and Medicine in the Han-lin Academy. However, while Southern Sung Dynasty renaissance in Hang-chou, the three other bureaus were reconstructed in the Han-lin Academy, only Painting Academy was eliminated and disappeared. No evidence could be proved the existence of Painting Academy in this Dynasty. When did it establish was not founded. Where its geographic location was not recorded in early historical documents. The three kinds of so-called "address" were not exactly academic vestige. Moreover, we can’t figure out what’s the upper institution that dominated and managed this "Painting Academy".In Northern Sung Dynasty, the Han-lin Painting Academic was supervised by two palace eunuchs (kou-tang 勾当). Under two kou-tangs were classified by four ranking titles: Tai-chao, l-hsueh, Chih-hou, Hsueh-sheng and other carpenters. But in Southern Sung, it seems that no legitimate entrance examination and recruiting agency. The staff just only conferred Tai-chao and Chih-hou, both of which are not formal official title. All evidences mentioned above indicate that the so-called "Southern Sung Painting Academy" was not an actually entity institution. Since it was

  • 【分类号】J209.2
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】1071

