

Aesthetic Study of Jingdezhen Greenish White Porcelain of the Song Dynasty

【作者】 陈雨前

【导师】 金维诺;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 美术学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以政治、历史、文化、艺术为背景,结合传世器物、出土文物与历史文献以及现代科技测试资料,从史与论相结合的角度,论述了宋代景德镇青白瓷历史分期及其各发展过程的胎、釉情况、装烧工艺与器物风格:考察与分析了宋代景德镇青白瓷在元代的流变的情况。在此基础上,对宋代景德镇青白瓷进行了审美研究与探讨:探讨宋代政治、哲学、宗教等对景德镇青白瓷审美风格的影响,论述了文人、书画与青白瓷审美趣味的趋同性,论述了宋代景德镇青白瓷的“如玉”意蕴,研究了宋代景德镇青白瓷“雅”与“俗”的审美两极等问题。 论文共分四部分。 第一部分,通过文献的考察,梳理与青白瓷相关的几个名称——影青、映青、隐青、罩青等,确定以“青白”瓷为宋代景德镇这类瓷器的名称。 通过胎、釉原料的科技测试结果、器物形制、呈色及其装饰风格和装烧工艺等的考察,结合出土文物的考证,考察与探讨了五代青瓷、白瓷向宋代青白瓷过渡这一合乎陶瓷自身发展逻辑和历史发展逻辑的问题。 第二部分,通过诸多文献的考证,探讨“景德镇”地名的来源与青白瓷的关系。 通过胎、釉情况、装烧工艺、器物形制、装饰技法及风格等的考察,探讨了宋代景德镇青白瓷的历史分期及其特征,得出结论为:宋代景德镇青白瓷分北宋、南宋两个历史时期,经历了北宋前期草创与初兴、北宋中期至南宋初期为发展高峰及南宋后期演变及趋于衰落这样三个过程。 第三部分,以考古发掘实物为依据,辅之以科技测试资料和文献,分析元代景德镇青白瓷的流变情况。结果显示:它们都共同呈现青白瓷的风格,但各自有自己的创造和时代特色。 第四部分,宋代景德镇青白瓷的审美研究,这是本论文的重点和中心部分 本部分把宋代景德镇青白瓷放在宋代社会、历史、文化的大背景下进行考察,紧扣青白瓷本身作为工艺美术的材质、工艺、装饰、造型与装烧情况及呈现的特点,从文献、器物、科技测试综合考察的角度,以史与论相结合的方法,对宋代景德镇青白瓷进行了审美探讨与研究。探讨了宋代政治、理学、宗教思想影响下的景德镇青白瓷的风格特征、审美情趣与文人书画审美情趣的趋同性,“尚玉”意蕴及所呈现的“雅”、“俗”审美两极等问题。

【Abstract】 This thesis explores from the angle of history and aesthetic theory Jingdezhen greenish white porcelain of the Song Dynasty at different historical stages in terms of its body, glaze, firing technology and decoration in the context of politics, history, culture and art by observing the remaining antiques, unearthed cultural relics, historical literature and the research results with modern technical instruments. It also discusses the evolution of the greenish white porcelain in the Yuan Dynasty. It is an effort to study the aesthetics of Jingdezhen greenish white porcelain in the Song Dynasty: the influence of politics, philosophy and religion of the Song Dynasty on the aesthetic taste of the period for Jingdezhen greenish white porcelain, the consistency between the tastes for literati paintings and those for greenish white porcelain, the jadelike effect of the greenish white porcelain and its needs to compromise between the two extremes of refinement and popularity.The thesis is divided into four parts:Part I examines a handful of names with reference to greenish white porcelain and decides that "greenish white" is the right term for Jingdezhen porcelain of this kind in the Song Dynasty.The testing results with modern instruments of the body and glaze, observations of shapes, colors, and decorations of antique articles and the archeological findings through unearthed cultural relics manifest the evolution process of the greenish white porcelain in Song Dynasty from the celadon porcelain of the Five Dynasties and then the white porcelain.Part II describes the origin of the place name "Jingdezhen" and its relation with greenish white porclain through the study of the historical records.The evolution stages of Jingdezhen greenish white porcelain in the Song Dynasty are divided and characterized on the basis of the analysis of its body, glaze, firing technology, shapes, decorative techniques and art styles. It is concluded: Jingdezhen greenish white porcelain in the Song Dynasty underwent two historical periods—the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty, and experienced three evolution phases-emergence in the early Northern Song Dynasty, prosperity from the mid Northern Song Dynasty to the early Southern Song Dynasty and decline in the late Song Dynasty.Part III investigates the evolution of Jingdezhen greenish white porcelain in the Yuan Dynasty by examining the unearthed objects of this period with the help of scientific test and research reports and it’s pointed out that they share the same green white effect but have their distinctive characteristics of times and artistry.

【关键词】 宋代景德镇青白瓷审美
【Key words】 song dynastyJingdezhengreenish whiteaesthetics
  • 【分类号】J527
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2015

